Everyone feels blue now and then. Most of these feelings are short-lived and disappear over time, but sometimes the depression is so severe that it interferes with our lives. At least 10% of us will experience a major depression during our lives and, at any given time, 5% of us could benefit from treatment. "Depression and Its Treatment" is for anyone who is being treated for depression, considering treatment, or just wondering whether or not he or she is depressed. It is also for family and friends of people with depression, and anyone interested in understanding what depression is and how it is treated. Is depression caused by a chemical imbalance? Is depression inherited? Do children get depressed? Are antidepressant medications safe? These are some of the questions addressed by Drs. Greist and Jefferson in the revised edition of this book. Written in an easy-to-follow question and answer format, this helpful guide walks the reader through the maze of new information available on this mental health problem. It shows how to identify symptoms of depression, what professional services are available, and where to find additional help. Drs. Geist and Jefferson share detailed information about the effectiveness of all available treatments - from psychotherapy to medication and exercise. This guide should prove valuable to all those interested in understanding this common disorder.