I. Jealous and Envious Thoughts and Feelings 1. The Emotional Experiences of Envy and Jealousy, Parrott 2. The Organization of Jealousy Knowledge: Romantic Jealousy as a Blended Emotion, Sharpsteen 3. A Cognitive Theory of Jealousy, Mathes 4. Envy and the Sense of Injustice, Smith II. The Experience of Jealousy in Close Relationships 5. Psychosocial Aspects of Jealousy: A Transactional Model, Bringle 6. Developmental Correlates of Jealousy, Clanton & Kosins 7. Jealousy in Close Relationships: An Exchange Theoretical Perspective, Buunk 8. Modes of Response to Jealousy-Envoking Situations, Bryson III. Family, Systems, and Culture in Jealousy and Envy 9. Jealousy: Its Conceptualization, Measurement, and Integration with Family Stress Theory, Hansen 10. Self, Relationship, Friends, and Family: Some Applications of Systems Perspectives to Romantic Jealousy, White 11. The Motive for the Arousal of Romantic Jealousy: Its Cultural Origin, Hupka 12. Envy and Jealousy: Self and Society, Salovey & Rothman