The Dependent Personality


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By Bornstein.
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1. Dependency in Context: Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks Theoretical Models of Dependency The Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Models of Dependency: A Comparison Domains of Dependency Research Defining Dependency 2. Assessing Dependency Objective and Projective Dependency Measures Interview and Rating Measures Psychometric Issues 3. The Development of Dependency The Epigenesis of Dependency Evaluating the Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Models with Respect to the Etiology of Dependency Dependency, Gender, and Sex Role 4. Interpersonal Correlates of Dependency Dependency, Suggestibility, Yielding, and Compliance Dependency, Help Seeking, Interpersonal Sensitivity, and Affiliation Dependency, Evaluation, and Performance Anxiety 5. Dependency as a Social Cue Dependency and Sociometric Status Dependency and Helping Dependency and Abusive Behavior 6. Dependency and Psychopathology Dependency and Depression Dependency and Phobias Dependency and Alcoholism Dependency and Smoking Dependency and Substance Use Disorders Dependency, Obesity, and Eating Disorders Disentangling the Dependency Psychopathology Relationship 7. Dependent Personality Disorder The Construct Validity of the DPD Symptom Criteria The Prevalence of DPD Sex Differences in DPD 8. Dependency and Physical Disorders The Dependency Disease Link: Historical Roots The Dependency Disease Link: Empirical Evidence Some Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Dependency Disease Relationship 9. Dependency and Parenthood Dependency and Help Seeking in Clinical Settings Dependency and Treatment Compliance Dependency, Perceptions of the Psychotherapist, and Psychotherapy Preference 10. The Dependent Personality: Toward an Integrated Theoretical Model Toward an Integrated Theoretical Model of Dependency The Future of Dependency Research A Final Comment References Author Index Subject Index

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