Initial Encounter; Face to Face with the Divine Dancer; Ancient Sage Meets Modern Pandit; From the God-Man's Treasury of Secrets; The Taste of Sugar; One Hemp-Smoker Recognises Another; The Sage Opens a Gap In the Net of Convention; The Bliss of Ramakrishna's Birthday; The New Dispensation; Cry with An Infinite Cry; Timeless Man Meets Contemporary Man; Ramakrishna Relates His Intimate Experiences; Radha and Krishna In Mystic Union; Meeting Mother Sarada; The Master Expounds Advaita Vedanta; The Mystery of Narendra and the Vow of Spiritual Completion; Two Great Souls; The Paramahamsa Transmits; The Ideal Op Feminine Love; Avatara Meets Wandering Sadhu; The Mood of the Divine Child; Upward-Flowing Energy of Kundalini; Secret Rhythm of the Wisdom Mother; Special Worship of Kali; Great Swan Meets Orthodox Pandit; Ramakrishna Sings the Tantric Transmission; The Master's Terminal Illness; My Play is Over; The Master Transforms Dr. Sarkar; Ramakrishna and Lord Buddha; The Mood of Formlessness; Universal Victory; Divine Communion.