'The Most Effective Juice Diet in the World' Hello! Magazine
Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan has been specifically designed for those who need to lose a lot of weight and/or who need to make considerable changes to their health.
Jason Vale challenges anyone suffering from overweight or a lifestyle disease, to try it on for size. His most comprehensive juice programme to date comes off the back of his ground-breaking and critically acclaimed film, Super Juice Me! The Big Juice Experiment. In the film eight people with twenty-two different diseases between them, lived on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28 days. Jason wanted to test what effect, if any, living on a juice only diet for 28-days would have on their diseases and overall health. At the end of the Super Juice Me! Big Juice Experiment every person experienced positive changes to their health conditions; one person even lost 38lbs in just those 28 days.
Jason says 'Give Me 28-Days and I'll Give You Back Your Life.'
The book contains: The Full Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan, the 28-Day Journal To Track Your Progress, The Right Psychology For Success, Why Medical Drugs Aren't Always The Answer, Exactly What To Do After You've Been Super Juiced!, a Full Q & A Section plus a Full Shopping List And Much More ...