"If you can read only one book this summer, it should be "Capitol Reflections," the new thriller by Dr. Jonathan Javitt. Not only is this gripping novel almost impossible to put down, but it illustrates potentially vital problems with the safety of America's food supply." -- "New York Post" "Few people know both medicine and Washington like Jonathan Javitt. As a White House insider, consummate physician, and active participant in public health policy he knows what he's writing about and it shows in "Capitol Reflections," On a topic which may someday involve the lives of millions this is a novel that is both compelling and informative." -- Newt Gingrich Best selling author of "Pearl Harbor" and "Gettysburgh ""Javitt has melded his professional and political expertise to craft a chilling thriller that should alert every reader to the very real dangers we face in the 21st century. His characters are compelling and realistic, very much like the dedicated people who served with me during my tenure as Surgeon General. His plot, while (hopefully) fictional, could just as easily be a headline from tomorrow's newspapers." -- Dr. C. Everett Koop, Former U.S. Surgeon General "Javitt has written a grab you by the throat thriller that could easily be tomorrow's lead news story. Under the guise of a compelling read lurks a keep-you-guessing plot that should cause any intelligent reader to worry about the safety of us all. An intrepid female physician, a town full of bad guys, and the safety of the American people at stake. Seems like a surefire recipe for success." -- Janet Rehnquist, Former Inspector General, US Department of Health and Human Services. "A fast-moving, medicaltwist-and-turner, written with a knowledgeable pen and a creative wit." -- Fran Kritz," Washington Post,"" Los Angeles Times" columnist "Compelling and terrifying. This book is a must for mystery and adventure readers--and for everyone concerned about what he puts in his body." -- Ben Stein, bestselling author, Emmy-winning TV host, and national commentator ""Capitol Reflections" may read like fiction, but the truth should scare us more. Our food safety laws were written long before we ever imagined, much less created genetically-modified food. Within the guise of a great thriller, Jonathan Javitt has vividly illustrated the danger that confronts us all if we don't act soon." -- Wayne Pines, former Associate Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration "Authentic and sharply written, Capitol Reflections plunges us into a world which combines intrigue with cutting-edge science. Jonathan Javitt has given us a timely and compelling read!" -- Richard North Patterson, International bestseller "Have big corporations infiltrated top levels of government, blocking FDA controls on potentially harmful corporate practices? Is there a cadre of ruthless killers serving the whims of an unknown omnipotent, raspy-voiced dictator who controls the U.S. government? Author Javitt, a well-known epidemiologist, physician and health advisor to three presidents, presents this frighteningly believable first novel of a health crisis, political corruption and cover-ups; the work brings Robin Cook and David Baldacci to mind. When successful lawyer Marci Newman dies suddenly after horrific and unexplainable seizures, her friend and FDA captain, Dr. Gwen Maulder, can't shake suspicions oftreachery. Using her professional and personal connections, Gwen risks her career and her life to expose a multi-layered web of power throughout the regulatory entities, the Senate and the ubiquitous Pequod's coffee empire. This first novel suffers somewhat from the author's didacticism on the subjects of health policy and politics, and from an overabundance of underdeveloped supporting characters. Nonetheless, readers will flip through the pages of this addictive, action-packed thriller, hoping the story is fiction." --