List of Videos Acknowledgments Introduction A Visible Learning Primer Visible Learning and Distance Learning A Question of Equity Module 1: Take Care of Yourself Learning Intentions A View From the Early Years Conclusion Success Criteria Module 2: The First Days of School Learning Intentions Develop a Classroom Management Plan for Distance Learning Establish Norms Link Norms to Class Agreements Identify Expectations for Synchronous Distance Learning Develop and Teach Organizational and Procedural Routines A View From the Early Years Design a Considerate Website Your First Distance Classes Learn Students' Interests Conclusion Success Criteria Module 3: Teacher-Student Relationships From a Distance Learning Intentions Characteristics of Teacher-Student Relationships Judgment and Will, Not Just Knowledge and Ability Peer-to-Peer Relationships Are Influenced, Too A "Chilly" Classroom A View From the Early Years Reaching the Hard to Teach Increase Your Touchpoints With All Students Conclusion Success Criteria Module 4: Teacher Credibility at a Distance Learning Intentions Teacher Credibility Defined A View From the Early Years Conclusion Success Criteria Module 5: Teacher Clarity at a Distance Learning Intentions Start With the Standards Create a Flow of Lessons: Unit Planning Create Learning Intentions Identify Success Criteria A View From the Early Years Find the Relevance Conclusion Success Criteria Module 6: Engaging Tasks Learning Intentions Think Functions of Engagement, Not Just Tools Set the Conditions for Engagement and Learning Select the Tools That Meet These Functions and Conditions Design Tasks With Engagement in Mind A View From the Early Years Design a Considerate Schedule to Promote Engagement Conclusion Success Criteria Module 7: Planning Instructional Units for Distance Learning Learning Intentions Demonstrating Collaborating A View From the Early Years Coaching and Facilitating Practicing Conclusion Success Criteria Module 8: Feedback, Assessment, and Grading Learning Intentions Feedback to Students The Socioemotional Links to Feedback A View From the Early Years Feedback at a Distance Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluations Competency-Based Grading Conclusion Success Criteria Module 9: Learning, Distance or Otherwise Learning Intentions Learning From Other Crises Use Crisis Learning to Make Schools Better Make Learning Better for Students Make Learning Better for Teachers Conclusion Success Criteria Appendix References Index
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I love this book! It provides practical information to support all our teachers as they shift all or some of their instruction to distance learning. It is the best of what Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey have to teach us about great instruction, all packaged up in a hands-on tool to guide teachers as they plan for the upcoming year. From teacher self-care to feedback, assessment and grading, it's all addressed here. It's right on time and it will be a foundational tool to help shape our instructional focus at my school this year. -- Jennifer Carr As we charter the unfamiliar territory of a blended learning platform, we turn to the experts who have gone before us. Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie remind us that the focus is not technology, learning management systems, or devices, but the focus remains student learning. This book serves as a safe haven, as it reminds us what effective teaching and learning entail, and it rewraps it around a digital learning framework. Whether districts are familiar with distance learning, or if they are starting from ground zero, The Distance Learning Playbook is the place to start. -- Melanie Spence Echoing through the pages of this timely book is the message: Effective teaching is effective teaching, no matter where it occurs. Teacher voices and classroom examples animate core principles of research-based teaching and learning, enabling the reader to visualize practices in both face-to-face and online learning environments. Multiple self-assessments and templates for reflection support reader interaction with the content. The authors connect Visible Learning and informed teacher decision-making to all facets of effective lesson design and delivery, and address the important issues of equity and inclusiveness; learner self-regulation and driving of their own learning; and use of formative evaluation and feedback to move learning forward. A must-read book! -- Jackie Acree Walsh We are in a place in history where we desperately need answers to questions that will determine the future of our nation's most precious possession -- our children. The Distance Learning Playbook is an incredible resource with a wealth of practical support for teachers and administrators, and it will fill a huge information gap that many schools are experiencing in educating students in a virtual setting. Very practical, easy-to-use samples about how to start and end a class, the social-emotional support needed, and setting up norms to develop a safe culture for students to learn at high levels. This is a must-have for educators at all levels -- district leaders, principals, coaches and teachers in the 21st century and beyond. This resource is ideal for schools that are looking for answers to a whole-child approach to virtual education. -- Dr. Charles Newman The year 2020 will be forever etched as the Era of Distance Learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused cascading changes that have shifted our educational institutions. This concerted seismic move has elevated the need for robust internet connections and meaningful virtual interactions. The Distance Learning Playbook is an invaluable resource to prepare our teachers to provide a powerful learning environment through technology, while promoting the most powerful tool available to educators -- a caring and challenging relationship with students. -- Dr. Francisco Escobedo Never has there been another time in history where the majority of educators around the world jumped into action to reinvent how schools and classrooms function. Using current research of what constitutes 'best practice,' The Distance Learning Playbook helps guide us all through 'pandemic teaching.' This book is filled with ideas and insight from real educators as they reflect on what they themselves need and what students will need to learn within a new teaching and learning environment. Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie continue to develop relational pedagogies that support cultural responsiveness and social emotional development in order to have a positive effect on student achievement, but this time, in a new setting. They help us understand new research-based approaches to engage every student, and in doing so, help us select the appropriate digital tools. I can't wait to use this book in our professional learning. -- Lisa Riggs