Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Michael D. Giardina, and Gaile S. Cannella Part I: Locating the Field A History of Qualitative Inquiry in Social and Educational Research - Frederick Erickson Ethics, Research Regulations, and Critical Qualitative Science - Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences, Revisited - Yvonna S. Lincoln, Susan A. Lynham, and Egon G. Guba Part II: Philosophies of Inquiry Feminist Inquiry - Bronwyn Davies Critical Race Theory and the Postracial Imaginary - Jamel K. Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings Intersectionality Methodology: A Qualitative Research Imperative for Black Women's Lives - Chayla Haynes, Saran Stewart, and Lori D. Patton Queer/Quare Theory: Worldmaking and Methodologies (Revisited) - Bryant Keith Alexander Critical Disability Studies and Diverse Bodyminds in Qualitative Inquiry - Emily A. Nusbaum & Jessica Nina Lester Critical Post-Intentional Phenomenological Inquiry (crit-PIP): Why it Matters and What it Can Do - Mark D. Vagle, Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr, Jana LoBello Miller, Bisola Wald, & Hazen Fairbanks Why We Do Indigenous Methodologies: Contemplations On Indigenous Protocol, Theory and Method - Sweeney Windchief, Timothy San Pedro, and Margaret Kovach Postcolonial and Decolonized Knowing: Speaking "Nearby": A Letter to Rekha - Devika Chawla Poststructural Engagements - Aaron M. Kuntz Agential Realism, Intra-Action, and Diffractive Methodology - Serge F. Hein Part III: Practices of Inquiry Examining the 'inside lives' of research interviews - Kathryn Roulston Observation in a Surveilled World - Jack Bratich Ethnographic Futures: Embodied, Diffractive, and Decolonizing Approaches - Michael D. Giardina and Michele K. Donnelly Critical Situational Analysis after the Interpretive Turn - Adele E. Clarke, Carrie Friese & Rachel Washburn Thematic Analysis - Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke Qualitative Social Media Methods: Netnography in the Age of Technocultures - Robert V. Kozinets and Ulrike Gretzel Autoethnography as Becoming-with - Tony E. Adams and Stacy Holman Jones Performance Shapes for Qualitative Inquiry - Johnny Saldana The Arts as Research: Nomadic Materiality and Possible Futures - Richard Siegesmund Communicative Methodology: Working Together with the Roma Community for Improving Their Lives - Aitor Gomez Gonzalez Betweener Autoethnographies: Collaborative Inquiry from the Borderlands - Claudio Moreira and Marcelo Diversi Part IV: The Politics of Evidence, Science, and Knowledge Qualitative Inquiry and Public Health Science: Case Studies from the COVID-19 Pandemic - Trisha Greenhalgh and Ama de-Graft Aikins Science, evidence and the development of policy and practice: Can Qualitative Research Make a Different Contribution? - Harry Torrance Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities - Brett Smith and Kerry R. McGannon The Elephant in the Living Room, or, Extending the Conversation about the Politics of Evidence, Part 2 - Norman K. Denzin Backsliding Toward Illiberal Democracy & Authoritarianism: Qualitative Inquiry, Academic Freedom, and Technologies of Governance - Marc Spooner Part V: Into the Future Academic Survival: Qualitative Researchers in the Neoliberal Academy - Julianne Cheek Publishing and Reviewing Qualitative Research - Mitchell Allen Qualitative Inquiry and Posthuman Futures: Justice and Challenging the Human/Nonhuman Life Dichotomy - Mirka Koro and Gaile S. Cannella The Future of Qualitative Research - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Michael D. Giardina, and Gaile S. Cannella
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"This is a great book, and they have done a great job evolving the contents through all these years. We are deeply indebted to the authors, whose knowledge and experience has enriched the field of research." -- Masoud Ghaffari