SEL From a Distance

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781071840016

Tools and Processes for Anytime, Anywhere

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By Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, John E. Hannigan
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Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at California State University, Fresno. She works with schools and districts throughout the nation on designing and implementing effective behavior systems. Dr. Hannigan has a background in special education and student support services as well as experience with district level administration and higher education research. Jessica has developed inclusive research based best practices around systematic implementation of behavior initiatives. Dr. Hannigan is the co-author of multiple educational books such as The PBIS Tier One Handbook, The PBIS Tier Two Handbook, The PBIS Tier Three Handbook, Don't Suspend Me! An Alternative Discipline Toolkit, Building Behavior, The MTSS Start-Up Guide, and Behavior Solutions. She has received multiple recognitions for her work, including being named California Outstanding School Psychologist of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Outstanding Faculty Publications and Service Award recipient. She was also recognized by the California Legislature Assembly for her work in social justice and equity. In 2017, Dr. Hannigan was awarded the inaugural Association of California School Administrators Exemplary Woman in Education Award for her persistent work around equity in schools. Dr. John Hannigan has served in education for over 20 years as a teacher, instructional coach, principal, and county office leadership coach. John is a sought-after consultant who works with schools and districts across North America on designing and implementing systematic multi-tiered systems of support for both academics and behavior. Dr. Hannigan holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from California State University, Fresno. As principal of Reagan Elementary in California's Sanger Unified School District, John played a key role in the school earning California State Distinguished School, California Title I Academic Achievement Award, Gold Ribbon School, California Honor Roll School, Bonner Award for Character Education, and Platinum Level Model School Recognition for positive behavior interventions and supports. John has written numerous articles and co-authored nine books. He is the co-founder of Hannigan Ed-Equity Group LLC. Connect with him on Twitter @JohnHannigan75

About the Authors PART I. THE WHAT AND WHY OF SEL CHAPTER 1. WHY SEL IS MORE IMPORTANT NOW THAN EVER CHAPTER 2. DIGGING INTO SEL What Is SEL? What SEL Common Language Will Be Utilized for This Book? Why Implement SEL? Why SEL Now More Than Ever? SEL Imagery Behaviors vs. Skills SEL Competency Implementation Framework Definition of SEL Planning Template Terms What Is the Systemic Behavior Gap? How Can We Avoid It? The Thinking Behind the Tools and Processes (Connecting SEL to Real Life) How Best to Utilize the Next Sections of This Book PART II. THE TOOLS AND PROCESSES CHAPTER 3. RELATIONSHIP SKILLS TOOLS AND PROCESSES SEL Competency: Relationship Skills Communication Social Engagement Relationship Building Teamwork CHAPTER 4. RESPONSIBLE DECISION MAKING TOOLS AND PROCESSES SEL Competency: Responsible Decision Making Identifying Problems Analyzing Situations Solving Problems Evaluating Reflecting Ethical Responsibility CHAPTER 5. SOCIAL AWARENESS TOOLS AND PROCESSES SEL Competency: Social Awareness Perspective Taking Empathy Appreciating Diversity Respect for Others CHAPTER 6. SELF-MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND PROCESSES SEL Competency: Self-Management Impulse Control Stress Management Self-Discipline Self-Motivation Goal Setting Organizational Skills CHAPTER 7. SELF-AWARENESS TOOLS AND PROCESSES SEL Competency: Self-Awareness Identifying Emotions Accurate Self-Perception Recognizing Strengths Self-Confidence Self-Efficacy PART III. SEL IN PRACTICE CHAPTER 8. BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: TEACHER TEAM CASE STUDY SAMPLE References

"Of all the topics I write about for my Finding Common Ground Blog (Education Week), social and emotional learning is the one where I get the most pushback from readers. Time, and the feeling that that SEL is the job of parents or school leaders, are often seen as the biggest roadblocks to focusing on it. Finally, due to COVID-19, people are seeing the importance of SEL, and Jessica Hannigan and John Hannigan have written a timely and responsive book that will help teachers and leaders create opportunities for students to become more independent and successful now, during distance learning, and in the future." -- Peter DeWitt, Ed.D., Author/Blogger/Consultant "Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a crucial component of student/child development and life functioning. John and Jessica Hannigan have created a resource that addresses the need for SEL instruction for all our students and provides relevant supports for immediate use and application. I will certainly keep this book at the edge of my bookshelf for frequent reference!" -- Dr. Sarah Marriott, Superintendent of Schools "For many years our district has provided professional development for our administrators, teachers, and classified staff on social and emotional learning (SEL). Even though our staff felt the need for this type of PD, I genuinely do not think they understood the urgency and the importance of SEL in our students' lives. COVID-19 has brought the critical need of SEL to the forefront of educators' thinking, because now many have experienced trauma in their own lives. SEL From a Distance is grounded in research yet so practical that all educators should have it in their hands." -- Andrea Morici, M.Ed., Director of Professional Development "This book on SEL in a digital world is exactly what site leaders, teachers, and support staff need right now. Many educators are struggling to find a way to build relationships with students and teach them the social and emotional skills they are lacking via distance learning, and this book solves that problem. It is structured so that the reader and school teams can implement the techniques and strategies to best meet the needs of their students. The rubrics and activities can be easily implemented into core curriculum content across all grade levels. I highly recommend this book for all school staff, support staff, and district office personnel to truly understand how to implement SEL in a concrete and appropriate way to ensure student success." -- Brooke Warkentin, M.P.A., M.A., Director of Special Services "The Hannigans have written an immensely valuable and timely resource for educators to help them better understand the social and emotional learning (SEL) needs of the students they serve. The global pandemic has exacerbated the need for quality SEL instruction in the US and across the world. This book is a 'call to action, not through compliance but compassion.' With its many practical and essential tools, I recommend it to all educators for supporting their students during this consequential time." -- Joseph I. Castro, Ph.D. and M.P.P., President and Professor of Educational Leadership "As we teach students, we look at the needs of the whole child, which means both their academic and their social and emotional needs. We then respond appropriately by using a similar type of support through explicit teaching, modeling, and practice of SEL that we would provide for academics. What is great about this book is that it provides a clear process to identify students' needs followed by effective and practical methods to teach these critical social and emotional skills. The learning and support students receive will help them at school, at home, and within their communities for the rest of their lives. The book does an excellent job of supporting educators in an area where we often struggle and need additional support." -- Eduardo Ochoa, Assistant Superintendent "With the rise in anxiety, depression, and suicide over the last few years, schools have faced the challenge of how to address the social and emotional needs of all students. Now, during the pandemic, the need is more acute and schools require more assistance. SEL From a Distance offers an easy to follow framework to build our students' skills in the key SEL Competencies. The Hannigans' straightforward, practical approach to program implementation will benefit any school or district that is struggling with SEL now or in the future. They have taken a complex topic and created an easy-to-use guide for school teams and leaders. Any school searching for what to do next should pick up this book." -- Brian Jaramillo, Executive Director of Education Services "Once again Jessica and John Hannigan have created a fantastic resource for educators! SEL From a Distance takes a complex concept, social and emotional distance learning, and makes it incredibly easy to understand and put into practice. The book is packed full of practical tools and processes that can be implemented either onsite or virtually. At a time when many educators are teaching from a distance and the need for social and emotional learning and support has escalated to previously unknown heights, this book will guide educators to overcome the challenges." -- Heath Peine, Executive Director "SEL From a Distance is a must-read guide that offers a message of hope during this unprecedented time in education, calling for the intentional teaching and designing of essential SEL skills necessary for success in school and real life. Educators will examine their own perceptions of student behavior and receive practical directions to naturally teach SEL core competency skills in distance or in-person learning environments. Drs. Jessica and John Hannigan also share practical applications for district and site leaders to address the gap between the implementation of behavior initiatives and the collective responsibility of all staff, reminding us that 'SEL is not a thing to do... it is the way of being...all day, every any setting.' I highly recommend this book for any educator looking to improve students' relationship, responsible decision-making, social awareness, self-management, or self-awareness skills." -- Karen DeOrian, Director of School Culture and Climate

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