Latinx Experiences


Interdisciplinary Perspectives

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Edited by Maria Joaquina Villasenor, Hortencia Jimenez
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Reading 1.1: Race and Latinxs in the United States - Maria Joaquina Villasenor Reading 1.2: The Racial Coding of Latinx Subjectivity in the Debate Surrounding Arizona's SB 1070 - Nick J. Sciullo Reading 1.3: Manhood in Context - Mrinal Sinha Reading 1.4: Latinx, Identities, and the Matter of Choice (Or More Simply, All Identities are Chosen...with Consequences) - Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo Reading 1.5: Are Brazilians Latinx? Historical and Sociological Considerations - Joao B. Chaves, Rodrigo Serrao Reading 1.6: "I always get deleted from the analysis": Multiracial Latinx students navigating racial/ethnic identity - Sylvia Martinez, Amy J. Nunez Reading 2.1: Intersectional Vulnerability: Fragmented, Racialized, and Criminalized Illegality Among Mexican Undocumented Women in the U.S. - Heidy Sarabia, Laura Zaragoza, Jannet Esparza Reading 2.2: The Latino Male Threat: An Intersectional Assessment of Racialized and Gendered US Migration Control Strategies. - Mercedes Valadez Reading 2.3: (Un)Documented Narratives: Immigration Policies, Trauma Porn, and Migration Stories - Roxana A. Curiel Readings 2.4: "Essential Workers" or Sacrificial Labor? Applying the Concept of Racial Capitalism to Mexican Immigrant Farm Workers' Disposability during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Mayra Puente Readings 2.5: Empacadoras: The Hidden Labor of Mexican Women in the Salinas Valley - Ruben Espinoza Reading 2.6: Guatemalan Islet in Koreatown - Halyna Lemekh Reading 2.7: Igniting Political Representation in Times of Threatening Rhetoric: Voices from Latinas of Immigrant Origin - Jessica Rodriguez-Montegna Reading 2.8: Latin Americans in Australia: Reconfiguring Community and the 'Visa' as a Constitutive Factor of Migrant Identity - Rafael Azeredo, Robert Mason Readings 2.9: The Afro-Colombian Experience on the Pacific Coast of Colombia: Intersections of Structural Processes - Ana M. Mina Hernandez Reading 3.1: Brains and Brawn in Latino Film: McFarland, USA and Spare Parts - Carolina Rocha Reading 3.2: From 'Good Immigrant' to 'Undesirable Refugee:' Controlling Metaphors and the role of race and racism in the shifting (un)desirability of Cuban refugees in U.S. media - Jamie L. Palmer-Asemota Reading 3.3: Spiderman in the Rhizome: Miles Morales as more-than-human - Daniel Morales Morales Reading 3.4: A Confluence of Gestures: Negotiating Queer Latinx Home Space on Vida - Tisha Marie Reichle-Aguilera Reading 4.1: Black and Latinx Communities in America: Building Coalitions and Alliances - Samina Hadi-Tabassum Reading 4.2: Language Matters: Experiences of Aggressions, Resistance, and Perseverance in Education - Melissa J. Cuba, Rachel F. Gomez, Luciana C. de Oliveira Reading 4.3: Carving Alternative Learning Sites as Resistance of Latinx Teachers in K-12 Settings - Izamar d. Ortiz-Gonzalez Reading 4.4: Oh, that's the Homie: A praxis of resiliency, accountability, kinship, and defiance - Robert G. Unzueta II, Rudy Medina Reading 4.5 Emotive Alchemies: Forging US Central American Student Activism, Curriculum and Community at CSU Fullerton and Beyond - Mario Alberto Obando Reading 5.1 Indigenous Spirituality: Rehumanizing Brown and Indigenous Men - Juvenal Caporale Reading 5.2 The MILPA Collective: A Pedagogy of Ganas - Juan Gomez, Veronica "Ronnie" Miramontes, Rosaura Figueroa Mendoza, Alexis Magdaleno Reading 5.3 Activating Ambiguity in Police Encounters: How Latinas/os/x Deploy Bodily Capital and What it Means for Cross-racial Solidarity - Cynthia Martinez, Sarah Trocchio Reading 6.1 Manos Que Ensenan [Hands That Teach]: Mexicana Campesina Mothers and Their Children Enacting the Pedagogies of Barbiar - Rosalinda Godinez Reading 6.2 Collective Survival, Love, and Resistance: The Spiritual Activism of Latina Undergraduate Daughters from Mixed Status Immigrant Families. - Brianna Ramirez Reading 6.3 (De)constructing the Latina Immigrant Mother Narrative and Challenging the Dichotomist Perspective of marianismo and "the unfit" Immigrant Mother - Ruby Osoria Reading 6.4: Together again: Challenges Encountered by Central American Mothers Upon Reunification with their Children - Sandra B. Castro Reading 6.5: Navigating Concealable Stigmatized Identities and Status Disclosure Among Members of Latinx Mixed-Status Families - Gabriela Munoz de Zubiria, Eric Chen Reading 6.6: The Lived Religion of Mexican Immigrant Women - Betsabeth Monica Lugo Reading 7.1: Radical Self-Love: A Spiritual and Visionary Everyday Practice of Resistance by Latina Women - Christine Elizabeth Rosales Reading 7.2: Demostracion de la Lucha, Resistencia y Esperanza: Puerto Rican Women Student Activists at Rutgers University-New Brunswick - Merylou Rodriguez Reading 7.3: The Latinx Experience: Breaking Through the Shadows of Oppression: A DACAmented Testimonio - Julia Guadalupe Cuevas Guerra Reading 7.4: Joteria Power: Transforming Language, Activism, and Knowledge - Xamuel Banales Reading 8.1: A History of Latinxs in Heritage Preservation - Barry L. Stiefel Reading 8.2: Nuancing Latinidad Through Visual Testimonios in a Women of Color Archive: Latina Girls and Matriarchs as Knowledge Producers - Wendy Barrales Reading 8.3: Poco a Poco Se Anda Lejos: Analyzing the Concept of Community Cultural Wealth through Dichos - Liliana V Rodriguez Reading 8.4: Latinx Food Cultures and Identities: Racialized Bodies and Culinary Borders - Hortencia Jimenez Reading 8.5: Beginning and Ending with Borders: Abolition and Latinx Futures - Omar Davila Jr.

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