The Early Childhood Education Playbook

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781071886526

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By Kateri Thunder, John T. Almarode, Alisha Demchak, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey
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Part 1: Who Before Do Module 1 Becoming Expert Educators Module 2 Partnerships with and for Learners Module 3 Intentional Interactions for Equity and Inclusion Module 4 Playful learning Part 2: Communicating Clarity Module 5 Standards and Integration Module 6 Learning Progressions Module 7 Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Module 8 The 4 Essentials of Communicating Clarity Part 3: Tasks, Learning Strategies & Scaffolds Module 9: High-Quality Tasks Module 10: Intentionally Inclusive Tasks Module 11: Phases of Learning Part 4: Formative Evaluation and Feedback Module 12: Formative Evaluation Module 13: Effective Feedback Module 14: Scaffolding Co-Evaluators Module 15: Know Thy Impact Module 16: By Design, Not By Chance

The Early Childhood Education Playbook is the epitome of mindfulness! My special education teacher's heart was thrilled to see a focus on the development of learning intentions and success criteria. By setting clear expectations to delineate and verbalize the rationale of a learning target and reinforcing the vital need to develop measurable goals, this playbook helps teachers zero in on the essence of their teaching: Who is this for? What are we going to accomplish today? How will I know that we have reached our goal? More importantly, The Early Childhood Education Playbook can help any teacher rethink their role within the classroom. When teachers stop to listen to what their students are saying, they create an environment where students of all ages can take a more active role in their education. These learning moments are vital, and we need to absorb the information. If you are looking for support or want to revitalize your early education classroom, this book is a must-read! You will feel empowered to define or rethink your teaching mindset while cultivating your visible learners. -- Anne Iverson Scott Just as "every child deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design" (Fisher, Frey, & Hattie 2016), so does every educator deserve the opportunity to become great. This playbook provides the scaffolds for teachers to build a practice of intentionality where children have agency in their learning and teachers understand the impact of decisions. -- Hollins Mills "Educators often ask me, 'what does teacher clarity look like for our youngest students?' or "how can I teach early learners how to have agency?' The Early Childhood Education Playbook answers these questions. With ample opportunities for self-assessment, reflection, and practice, this playbook is the perfect professional learning guide for individuals or teams wanting to develop deep learning of our youngest students. Through its practical examples across content areas and levels, the authors illuminate the process for incorporating the strongest research-based levers for intentional, deliberate lesson design that promote equity and foster agency in our youngest visible learners. While many books rely solely on content transmission, this one functions as a coach and mentor by strategically inviting readers to dive in deep and plan alongside the authors in order to strengthen our educational practice and the students we teach." -- Kierstan Barbee

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