Finally! A book that helps solve the problem of teaching problem-solving! Learning to be a problem solver is hard. Teaching students how to be problem solvers themselves can be even harder. Some students may learn to mimic procedures to come up with correct answers, but are they really learning to solve problems? To become independent problem solvers, students need to practice exploring, tinkering, and most importantly thinking!! The bite-size routines in this guide are perfect for teachers looking for the interesting, engaging, and doable practice students need to become problem-solving masters. These flexible, modifiable bursts of quality practice are designed to get students to look at problems in different ways, spark discussion, make connections, and boost mathematics achievement. This collection addresses the common challenges students and teachers face when learning to problem solve by Developing students' mathematical reasoning and conceptual understanding Building students' skills with various problem-solving strategies Nurturing mathematical confidence and improving identity and agency Fortified with standards for math practices and processes, the ideas in this guide develop the reasoning and critical-thinking skills for students to become independent problem-solvers for life!