The Dissertation Journey 4/e

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781071891285

A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation

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By Laura Hyatt, Carol M. Roberts
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Laura Hyatt is a professor and chair at Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology. She is also the Executive Director of Academic Affairs for the Graduate School of Education where she encourages scholarly research. She is an Associate of a global think tank, participated as an advisor to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., and was appointed to a White House Policy Conference by the President of the United States. Prior to teaching, she was Vice President of Education for a production company and part of a collaborative effort that won several awards in the entertainment industry. She earned her doctorate degree from Pepperdine University. Dr. Hyatt has authored books, book chapters, and journal articles and serves on editorial boards for peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Hyatt has received recognition and grants for her research, which focuses on the intersections of learning, neuroscience, change, and the powerful climates created by our convergent stories as individuals, organizations, and communities. Carol Roberts is a professor emerita from the University of La Verne, where she taught Leadership in the Doctoral Program. She advised doctoral students, chaired dissertations, and taught a variety of leadership courses, primarily in personal leadership, communication, conflict, and coaching. She has served as a consultant and seminar leader specializing in organizational and team development, strategic planning, conflict resolution, coaching, and personal mastery. Dr. Roberts has been a consultant and trainer for the Administrator Trainer Center and Effective Schools Program, the California School Leadership Academy, and the California School Boards Association. She received her doctoral degree in planning, policy, and administration from the University of Southern California. Carol has also served on the executive board for the Southern Counties Women in Educational Management and was awarded its Woman of the Year award.

New to This Edition Preface Note to Doctoral Students Acknowledgments About the Authors Part I: Preparing for the Journey Chapter 1: Personal Considerations Chapter 2: The Dissertation Terrain Chapter 3: Ethical Considerations in Research Part II: Starting the Climb Chapter 4: Selecting a Dissertation Research Topic Chapter 5: Assembling Your Dissertation Team Chapter 6: Organizing and Planning for Success Chapter 7: Mastering the Academic Style Part III: Next Objective: Base Camp Chapter 8: Writing the Introduction Chapter 9: The Literature Review Chapter 10: Writing the Research Methods Chapter 11: The Proposal Meeting Part IV: Final Preparations for the Peak Chapter 12: Presenting the Findings Chapter 13: Conclusions and Recommendations Part V: View from the Summit and Beyond Chapter 14: The Final Defense Chapter 15: Future Peaks Parting Thoughts Appendix References

The Dissertation Journey s the quintessential dissertation text for doctoral students. Dr. Hyatt and Dr. Roberts have produced the consummate dissertation guidebook that assists the student throughout the rigorous, yet rewarding experience. The book contains sound academic research writing guidance in a format that is understandable and accessible. This essential book is thorough and offers benefits that extend beyond the dissertation to subsequent scholarly research that the reader undertakes. -- Dr. Farzin Madjidi This book is a best-seller and a must-read for doctoral students working on their dissertation. The Dissertation Journey by Dr. Hyatt and Dr. Roberts is a wonderful teaching tool for helping new researchers prepare for the complex process of developing and executing a formal research study. The clear and easy to follow style helps to demystify what can otherwise be a daunting process for completing a doctorate degree. I highly recommend the Dissertation Journey to all my students. -- Dr. Patrick Ainsworth

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