Sensation and Perception 3/e


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By Bennett L. Schwartz, John H. Krantz
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Bennett L. Schwartz received his PhD in 1993 from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Since then he has been at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida, where he is currently professor of psychology. He is author or editor of 10 published books as well as over 70 journal articles and chapters. His textbook Memory: Foundations and Applications, fourth edition (SAGE), was published in 2020. He has won several teaching awards at FIU and currently teaches courses in memory, cognition, and sensation and perception. His main research area is metacognition and memory, but he has also conducted research in diverse areas that range from visual perception to evolutionary psychology, to the language of thought, and to memory in nonhuman primates. Schwartz currently serves as the editor in chief of New Ideas in Psychology. John H. Krantz received his psychology PhD from the University of Florida. After graduate school, he worked in industry at Honeywell on visual factors related to cockpit displays. In 1990, he returned to academia, taking a position at Hanover College. John has done extensive research in vision, human factors, computers in psychology, and the use of the Web as a medium for psychological research. He has been program chair and president of the Society for Computers in Psychology and editor of the journal Behavior Research Methods. John was the first to develop Web experiments in psychological science and led the way on techniques for sending multimedia via the Web. He has served as a faculty associate for The Psychology Place, developing interactive learning activities, and created psychology's first global website for the Association for Psychological Science (APS). In addition, he is an author for both the Cognitive Toolkit and PsychSim 6. John is well known for his widely used online psychological experiments related to sensation, perception, and cognition. His current research is focused on using the Web for psychological research and modeling the visual system.

ISLE Activities Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Chapter 1: What Is Perception? Chapter 2: Research Methodology Chapter 3: Visual System: The Eye Chapter 4: Visual System: The Brain Chapter 5: Object Perception Chapter 6: Color Perception Chapter 7: Depth and Size Perception Chapter 8: Movement and Action Chapter 9: Visual Attention Chapter 10: The Auditory System Chapter 11: The Auditory Brain and Sound Localization Chapter 12: Speech Perception Chapter 13: Music Perception Chapter 14: Touch and Pain Chapter 15: Olfaction and Taste Glossary References Author Index Subject Index

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