Michael J Scott is a Consultant Psychologist specialising in the assessment and treatment of trauma and practising in Liverpool. This is his ninth text book and his books have included the Simply Effective CBT series and a self-help book for trauma victims and their friends and family, Moving On After Trauma. He taught CBT for 15 years at the University of Manchester and was External Examiner for the MSc in Cognitive and Behaviuoural Psychotherapies at the University of Chester. He is currently External Examiner at the Sheffield Hallam University. Professor Stephen Palmer PhD is an award winning psychologist. He is Founder Director of the Centre for Coaching and Centre for Stress Management, London. He is the UK's first Visiting Professor of Work Based Learning and Stress Management at the Institute for Work Based Learning, Middlesex University. He has authored over 225 articles and 40 books on counselling, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, coaching and coaching psychology, and stress management. He is UK Coordinating Editor of International Coaching Psychology Review, Executive Editor of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, and Consulting Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion of Health Promotion & Education. He is actively involved in a number of professional bodies. Currently he is Honorary President of the International Stress Management Association (UK); President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology; Founder Co-Chair of the London Branch of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies; a Founder Director and Vice President of the Society of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy; a Director and Deputy Chair of the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. He is a Former President and now Honorary Vice President of the Institute for Health Promotion & Education. He was the 1st Chair of the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology and was the 1st Honorary President of the Association for Coaching. His interests include jazz, art and coastal walking.
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PTSD Diagnosis and Treatment for Mental Health Clinicians - Matthew J Friedman Assessment and Conceptualization - Michael J Scott Guidelines for Crisis Counselling - Michael J Scott Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Michael J Scott A Cognitive-Contextual Approach Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from a Narrative Constructivist Perspective - Michael F Hoyt A Conversation with Donald Meichenbaum Brief Group Counselling and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Michael J Scott and Stephen G Stradling Letter Writing, Audiotaping and Videotaping as Therapeutic Tools - Donald Meichenbaum Use of `Healing' Metaphors What Can Be Done to Help Clients with PTSD and DES? - Donald Meichenbaum Expressive Art as a Form of Prevention and Treatment of PTSD with Children - Donald Meichenbaum Helping the Helpers - Donald Meichenbaum The Counting Method for Ameliorating Traumatic Memories - Frank M Ochberg Journeying with the Traumatized - Michael J Scott The Hillsborough Disaster Power Therapies, Miraculous Claims and the Cures That Fail - Gerald M Rosen et al