Volume One Economic Analysis and Strategic Management - D J Teece The Nature of the Firm - R Coase Rational Decision Making in Business Organizations - Herbert A. Simon Organizational Behavior - James G March and Herbert A Simon Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations - Oliver E. Williamson Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization - A Alchian and H Demsetz Four Formal(izable) Theories of the Firm? - Robert Gibbons Evolutionary Theorizing in Economics - Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter An Epilogue - Richard M Cyert and James G March Research on the Business Firm Limits to the Growth and Size of Firms - Edith Penrose A Legal Basis for the Firm Costly and Bounded Rationality in Individual and Team Decision-Making - Roy Radner Team Theory, Garbage Cans and Real Organizations: Some History and Prospects of Economic Research on Decision-Making in Organizations - Robert Gibbons Organizations and Markets - Herbert A. Simon The Great Opportunity - I - Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. The Beginnings of "Big Business" in American Industry - Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. Business Objectives and Survival Needs: Notes on a Discipline of Business Enterprise - Peter F. Drucker Volume Two The Enduring Logic of Industrial Success - Alfred D Chandler Jr The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism - David J Teece Strategy and Organizational Evolution - Herbert A Simon The Evolution of Evolution - James G March What Is Strategy? - Michael E Porter Perspectives on Alfred Chandler's Scale and Scope Organizations and Markets - Herbert A Simon Strategizing, Economizing and Economic Organization - Oliver E Williamson 'Introduction' and 'Fundamental Issues in Strategy' - Richard P Rumelt, Dan E Schendel and David J Teece Evolutionary Theorizing in Economics - R Nelson and S Winter Team Theory, Garbage Cans and Real Organizations - Robert Gibbons Some History and Prospects of Economic Research on Decision-Making in Organizations PART TWO: INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AND COMPETITIVE STRATEGY Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration - Joe S Bain American Manufacturing, 1936-1940 The Role of Investment in Entry Deterrence - Avinash Dixit Uncertain Imitability - S A Lippman and R P Rumelt An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition Volume Three Do Markets Differ Much? - Richard Schmalensee Sustainable Advantage - Pankaj Ghemawat Reputation and Strategy - Keith Weigelt and Colin Camerer A Review of Recent Theory and Implications Performance Differences among Strategic Groups - Karel Cool and Dan Schendel The Theory of Business Strategy - Carl Shapiro The Economics of Modern Manufacturing - Paul Milgrom and John Roberts Technology, Strategy and Organization Does Strategy Research Need Game Theory? - Colin F Camerer How Much Does Industry Matter? - Richard P Rumelt Game Theory and Strategic Management - Garth Saloner Applications, Contributions and Limitations The Right Game - Adam M Brandenburger and Barry J Nalebuf Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy The Meaning of Monopoly - David J Teece and Mary Coleman Antitrust Analysis in High-Technology Industries PART THREE: THE RESOURCE COMPETENCES-BASED APPROACH TO STRATEGY Towards an Economic Theory of the Multiproduct Firm - David J Teece A Resource-Based View of the Firm - Birger Wernerfelt Strategic Factor Markets - Jay B Barney Volume Four Determinants of Firm Performance - Gary S Hansen and Birger Wernerfelt The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage - Jay Barney Why Do Firms Differ and How Much Does It Matter? - Richard R Nelson Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent - Raphael Amit and Paul J H Schoemaker A Sociological Perspective on Why Firms Differ - Glenn R Carroll The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage - Margaret A Peteraf A Resource-Based Approach Sustainable Competitive Advantage - Christine Oliver Combining Institutional and Resource-Based Views Is the Resource-Based 'View' a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research? - Richard L Priem and John E Butler The Bargaining Perspective - Steven A Lippman and Richard P Rumelt The Payments Perspective - Steven A Lippman and Richard P Rumelt Micro-Foundations of Resource Analysis The Resource-Based Tangle - Nicolai J Foss and Thorbjorn Knudsen Towards a Sustainable Explanation of Competitive Advantage Dynamic Capabilities and the Multinational Enterprise - Mie Augier and David J Teece Competing on Resources - David J Collis and Cynthia Montgomory PART FOUR: DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES APPROACH Research Note - David J Collis How Valuable Are Organizational Capabilities? Volume Five Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management - David J Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen Introduction - Giovanni Dosi, Richard R Nelson and Sidney G Winter The Nature and Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities Structural Inertia and Organizational Change - Michael T Hannan and John Freeman Absorptive Capacity - Wesley M Cohen and Daniel A Levinthal A New Perspective in Learning and Innovation Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning - James G March The Myopia of Learning - Daniel A Levinthal and James G March The Red Queen in Organizational Evolution - William P Barnett and Morten T Hansen The Satisfying Principle in Capability Learning - Sidney G Winter Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities - Maurizio Zollo and Sidney G Winter Cognitive Simplification Processes in Strategic Decision-Making - Charles R Schwenk The Psychological Context of Strategic Decisions - Thomas S Bateman and Carl P Zeithaml A Model and Convergent Experimental Findings The Attention-Based View of the Firm - William Ocasio Getting to Know You - Margaret Peteraf and Mark Shanley A Theory of Strategic Group Identity Volume Six Timid Choice and Bold Forecasts - Daniel Kahneman and Dan Lovallo Integrating Evolution, Cognition and Design - Mie Augier and Saras D Sarasvarthy Extending Simonian Perspectives to Strategic Organization Transactions-Cost Economics in Real Time - Richard Langlois Measuring Competences? Exploring Firm Effects in Pharmaceutical Research - Rebecca Henderson and Iain Cockburn Strategy Research - Oliver E Williamson Governance and Competence Perspectives Dynamic Capabilities - Kathleen M Eisenhardt and Jeffrey A Martin What Are They? The Economics of Strategic Opportunity - Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Sidney G Winter The Dynamic Resource-Based View - Constance E Helfat and Margaret A Peterof Capability Lifecycles Understanding Dynamic Capabilities - Sidney G Winter Rationality, Foolishness and Intelligence - James G March The Co-Evolution of Capabilities and Transaction Costs - Michael G Jacobides and Sidney G Winter Explaining the Institutional Structure of Production Explicating Dynamic Capabilities - David J Teece Nature, Microfoundations and Long-Run Enterprise Performance