Stephen Turner is Graduate Research Professor. His Ph.D. is from the University of Missouri. His dissertation, Sociological Explanation as Translation , was published in 1980 by Cambridge . He is the author of a number of books in the history and philosophy of social science and statistics, including books on Max Weber, on whom he also edited the Cambridge Companion volume. He is the co-author of the standard one-volume history of American Sociology, The Impossible Science. He has also written extensively in science studies, especially on patronage and the politics and economics of science, and on the concept of practices, including two books, The Social Theory of Practices and Brains//Practices/ Relativism . His Liberal Democracy 3.0: Civil Society in an Age of Experts, reflects his interest in the problem the political significance of science. Among his other current interests are problems of explaining normativity, especially the conflict between philosophical and social scientific accounts, and issues relating to the implications of cognitive neuroscience for social theory, especially related to the problem of tacit knowledge and mirror neurons. He is also engaged in a large project on the realism of Hans Kelsen and Max Weber and its relevance for contemporary discussions of political theory and law. His most recent book, Explaining the Normative (Polity 2010) is a critique and an alternative to the accounts of "normativity" one finds in philosophers like McDowell, Brandom, Korsgaard, Nagel, and the like. Among his other recent edited books are The SAGE Handbook of Social Science Methodology, with William Outhwaite, and The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, with Gerard Delanty. He has had fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences.
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PART ONE: OVERVIEWS Introduction - William Outhwaite The Social Sciences since World War II - Peter Manicas The Rise and Fall of Scientism Interdisciplinary Approaches in Social Science Research - Julie Thompson Klein PART TWO: CASES, COMPARISONS AND THEORY Introduction - William Outhwaite Ethnography - Jon Mitchell Comparative Methods - Charles C Ragin Historicity and Sociohistorical Research - John R Hall Case Study - Jennifer Platt PART THREE: QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIMENT Introduction - Stephen Turner Statistical Models for Causation - David Freedman Fighting to Understand the World Causally - Leslie Hayduk and Hannah Pazderka-Robinson Three Battles Connected to the Causal Implications of Structural Equation Models Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs in Behavioral Research - Sandra Schneider On Context, Crud and Convergence Theory and Experimentation in Social Sciences - Murray Webster Jr and Jane Sell The Treatment of Missing Data - David Howell Modeling Selection Effects - Thad Dunning and David Freedman Methods for Census 2000 and Statistical Adjustments - David Freedman and Ken Wachter Quantitative History - Margo Anderson PART FOUR: RATIONALITY, COMPLEXITY, COLLECTIVITY Introduction - William Outhwaite Rational Choice Theory - Donald P Green and Justin Fox Rationality and Rationalist Approaches in the Social Sciences - David Henderson Individual and Collective Agency - Thomas Schwinn Simulating Complexity - R Keith Sawyer Evolutionary Approaches in the Social Sciences - Maureen O'Malley PART FIVE: INTERPRETATION, CRITIQUE AND POSTMODERNITY Introduction - William Outhwaite Understanding and Interpretation - Hans-Herbert Koegler New Controversies in Phenomenology - Mark J Smith and Piya Pangsapa Between Ethnography and Discourse Liberal Humanism and the European Critical Tradition - Doug Kellner and Tyson Lewis Grounded Theory - Adele Clarke Critiques, Debates and Situational Analysis Does Postmodernism Make You Mad? Or, Did You Flunk Statistics? - Ben Agger PART SIX: DISCOURSE CONSTRUCTION Introduction - Stephen Turner Social Construction and Research Methodology - Ken Gergen and Mary Gergen Rhetorics of Social Science - Ricca Edmondson Sociality in Writing and Inquiry Discourse Analysis - Michael Lynch PART SEVEN: EVALUATION, ENGAGEMENT, AND COLLABRATIVE RESEARCH Introduction - Stephen Turner Evaluation Research - Michael Scriven Feminist Methodology - Susan Hekman Feminist Methodology and Its Discontents - Nancy Naples Community Based Research - Michael Root Qualitative Methodology (Including Focus Groups) - Norman Denzin and Kathryn E Ryan Making a Mess with Method - John Law
"This timely collection maps developments and explores new territories to meet the challenges and bring about possibilities for social science inquiries." -- CHOICE