Visual Research Methods


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Edited by Peter Hamilton
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
3040 g

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Introduction - Peter Hamilton Panopticon; Or the Inspection-House - Jeremy Bentham Containing the Idea of a New Principle Of Construction Personal Identification and Description - Francis Galton The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Walter Benjamin First Principles of Documentary - John Grierson Icon, Index and Symbol - C S Peirce Studies in Iconology - Erwin Panofsky Art as Evidence - Jules Prown The Objectivity of Artistic Values - Raymond Boudon Visual Sociology, Documentary Photography and Photojournalism - Howard S Becker It's (Almost) All a Matter of Context The Identification of the Criminal Classes by the Anthropometrical Method - A Bertillon On the Authority of the Image - Doug Harper Visual Sociology at the Crossroads Tracing the Criminal - Neil Davie EnCoding and Decoding - Stuart Hall The Family of Man - Roland Barthes The centrality of the Eye in Western Culture - Chris Jenks Regarding the Pain of Others - Susan Sontag The Burden of Representation - John Tagg Pour en Finir avec la Profondeur de Champ - Andre Bazin Reading an Archive - Allan Sekula Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema - Laura Mulvey Stored Virtue - Tony Bennett Memory, the Body and the Evolutionary Museum The Medium Is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan An Inventory of Effects The Decisive Moment - Henri Cartier-Bresson On the Museum's Ruins - Douglas Crimp Three-Dimensional Visual Data - Emmison and Smith Visualizing Ethnography - Sarah Pink Transforming the Anthropological Vision Visual Anthropology is Not Ethnographic Film - Marcus Banks The Visual as Material Culture Photography and Anthropology - Elizabeth Edwards Balinese Character - Bateson and Mead A Photographic Analysis Photography and Sociology - Howard Becker Visual Anthropology - John Collier The Self In the Other - Jay Ruby Ethnographic Film, Surrealism, Politics Working Knowledge - Douglas Harper A Seventh Man - John Berger and Jean Mohr Visual Anthropology - Jay Ruby Technologies of Realism? Ethnographic Uses of Photography and Film - G W H Smith and M S Ball `A Poetry of the Streets?' Documenting Frenchness in an Era of Reconstruction - Humanist Photography 1935-1960 - Peter Hamilton Photography and the Performance of Histories - Elizabeth Edwards Photographs in Social Research - Elizabeth Chaplin The Residents of Gordondale Road What Constitutes an Image-based Methodology? - Jon Prosser Visual Sociology and its Relationship to Meaning, Representation and Information - Jon Wagner Deceptive Images - Pierre Sorlin Social Science and the Puzzle of the Moving Picture The Uses of Documentary - Stuart Franklin Photography, Evidence and Research Photography - Nigel Warburton Evidence and Imagination The Evidentiary Problematic of Home Media - Richard Chalfen Text, Practice, Numinosity - Gillian Rose Methodologies for and against Visual Images Photographs within the Sociological Research Process - J Prosser with D Schwartz To Tell the Truth - Dona Schwartz Codes of Objectivity in Photojournalism Gender Advertisements - Erving Goffman Snapshots Sub-Species - Georg Simmel Snap-Shots of Live Theatre - Robin Riley and Elizabeth Manias The Use of Photography to Research Governance in Operating Room Nursing Picturing Labour - Eric Margolis A Visual Ethnography of the Coal Mine Labour Process Grounding Visual Sociology Research in Shooting Scripts - Chuck Suchar Telling Stories about Photography - Darren Newbury The Language and Imagery of Class in the Work of Humphrey Spender and Paul Reas Documentary and the Aesthetics of Reference - John Corner Cold Eye (Review of Pierre Bourdieu on Photography) - Julian Stallabras Review of `Photography: A Middle Brow Art' - E Neiva Documentary Expression and Thirties America - William Stott Representing Representations - Veronica Miriam Davidov The Ethics of Filming at Ground Zero

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