DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY I: PERCEPTUAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT VOLUME ONE: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON PERCEPTION AND COGNITION PART ONE: INFANCY The First Year of Life of the Child - J Piaget Initial Knowledge - E Spelke Six Suggestions Exploratory Behavior in the Development of Perceiving and Acting, and the Acquisition of Knowledge - E J Gibson Rethinking Infant Knowledge - Y Munakata et al Toward an Adaptive Process Account of Success and Failures in Object Permanence Connectionism and Dynamic Systems - E Thelen and E Bates Are They Really Different? Functional Brain Development during Infancy - M H Johnson Dissociations in Infant Memory - Rovee-Collier Rethinking the Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory PART TWO: CHILDHOOD Piaget's Theory - J Piaget Tool and Symbol in Child Development / Internalization of Higher Mental Functions - L S Vygotsky On Cognitive Growth - J S Bruner Context, Modularity and the Cultural Constitution of Development - M Cole Connectionism and Developmental Psychology - K Plunkett et al Metamemory - J Flavell and H M Wellman Constructing an Understanding of Mind - J I M Carpendale and C Lewis The Development of Children's Social Understanding within Social Interaction Conceptual Differences between Children and Adults - S Carey VOLUME TWO: INFANT PERCEPTUAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT PART ONE: VISUAL PERCEPTION Form Perception at Birth - A M Slater et al Cohen and Younger (1984) Revisited Size Constancy at Birth - A M Slater, A Mattock and E Brown Newborn Infants' Responses to Retinal and Real Size Perception of Partly Occluded Objects in Infancy - P J Kellman and E R Spelke PART TWO: AUDITORY PERCEPTION Newborn Infants Orient to Sounds - D W Muir and J Field Pure-Tone Sensitivity of Human Infants - L W Olsho et al PART THREE: CROSS-MODAL PERCEPTION The Infant's Acquisition of Knowledge of Bimodally Specified Events - E S Spelke Cross-Modal Learning in Newborn Infants - B A Morrongiello, K D Fenwick and G Chance Inferences about Properties of Auditory-Visual Events Increasing Specificity in Perceptual Development - L E Bahrick Infants' Detection of Nested Levels of Multimodal Stimulation PART FOUR: MEMORY AND KNOWLEDGE Representing the Existence and the Location of Hidden Objects - R Baillargeon Object Permanence in 6- andd 8-Month-Old Infants Comparison of Human Infants and Rhesus Monkeys on Piaget's A Task - A Diamond and P S Goldman-Rakic Evidence for Dependence on Dorsolateral Pre-Frontal Cortex New Findings on Object Permanence - M K Moore and A N Meltzoff A Developmental Difference between Two Types of Occlusion PART FIVE: IMITATION Early Imitation within a Functional Framework - A N Meltzoff and M K Moore The Importance of Person Identity, Movement and Development Discrimination and Imitation of Facial Expressions by Term and Preterm Neonates - T Field et al PART SIX: CAUSALITY Do Six-Month-Old Infants Perceive Causality? - A M Leslie and S Keeble That's the Way the Ball Bounces - L M Oakes and K N Kannass Infants' and Adults' Perception of Spatial and Temporal Contiguity in Collisions Involving Bouncing Balls VOLUME THREE: PERCEPTUAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDHOOD PART ONE: SPATIAL COGNITION AND REPRESENTATION The Development of Inferences about Others - J H Flavell The Effect of Active versus Passive Exploration on Memory for Spatial Location in Children - A Feldman and L Acredolo Symbolic Functioning in Very Young Children - J S DeLoache Understanding of Pictures and Models PART TWO: COGNITION AND LOGIC The Potency of Context in Children's Cognition - S A Rose and M Blank An Illustration through Conservation How Does Change Occur - R Siegler A Microgenetic Study of Number Conservation Interpreting Inclusion - J McGarrigle, J Grieve and M Hughes A Contribution to the Study of the Child's Cognitive and Linguistic Development PART THREE: MEMORY Event Memory in Early Childhood - R Fivush Suggestibility and the Child Witness - S Ceci and M Bruck An Historical Review and Synthesis PART FOUR: THEORY OF MIND Beliefs about Beliefs - H Wimmer and J Perner Representation and Constraining Function of Wrong Beliefs in Young Children's Understanding of Deception Meta-Analysis of Theory of Mind Development - H M Wellman, D Cross and J Watson The Truth about False Belief PART FIVE: NUMBER Pre-Schoolers' Counting - R Gelman and E Meck Principles before Skill Limitations on Pre-School Children's Knowledge about Counting - C Sophian Using Counting to Compare Two Sets PART SIX: REASONING If You Want to Get Ahead, Get a Theory - A Karmiloff-Smith and B Inhelder Collaborative Problem-Solving and Children's Planning Skills - M Gauvain and B Rogoff

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