Angela is a member of CERD's doctoral team, supervising students on CERD's EdD and PhD programs. She lectures and researches on research methods, educational leadership, andragogy and educational history. Since joining Lincoln University in 1996, she has seen 32 of her students successfully through to their doctorates. Her teaching skills have been recognized with the award of one of the rare Senior Fellowships of the Higher Education Academy and she has research publications in highly rated journals. She enjoys reviewing articles for various academic journals and has been awarded Reviewer of the Year 2011 for the International Journal of Education Management. 2010-11 found her externally examining three PhDs at Birmingham and London Universities and appointed as external examiner for London University's Master's degree in Inspection and Regulation. Recent invited keynotes at conferences have included one in the UK and one in Malta and other papers have been given at two USA conferences
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Conventions or Alternatives? Principles for Selecting Appropriate Writing and Presentation Styles Adapting to Audience Adjusting for Their Aims Adapting to Audience Adjusting for Your Purposes The Art and Craft of Writing Primary Data Literature and Methodology Quantified Data Qualitative Data Narrative Data Beginnings and Ends Citations Bibliographies, Referencing, Quotations, Notes Becoming a Presenter Getting into Print Copyright Epilogue Bibliography