The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education


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Edited by Christine Skelton, Becky Francis, Lisa Smulyan
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Christine Skelton is Professor of Gender Equality in Education. She is Director of Research and a Deputy Head of the School of Education. My early research focused on teacher professional development through classroom-based action research. In addition to that applied work, I also do qualitative research which examines the intersection of teachers' and administrators' personal and professional lives within particular institutional and social contexts. I am particularly interested in the role that gender plays as a part of the construction of self in students', teachers', and administrators' experiences. I also explore the advantages and dilemmas inherent in using qualitative research methods, in particular ethnography and life history interviews, as a way of bringing previously unheard voices and frameworks of meaning making into the field. I am currently moving into an exploration of some of these issues in international contexts. I have examined teacher education and staff development in Indonesia, South Africa, and China and worked directly with teachers in Indonesia to explorethe possibility of more student-centered learning. Most of my courses are interdisciplinary, drawing on work in the fields of Psychology, Sociology and History. In courses and seminars such as Comparative Education, Adolescence, Gender and Education, and Social and Cultural Perspectives in Education my goal is to help students examine the interactions among individuals, institutions, and social contexts. I am interested in exploring - and having students explore - the role of schools as social institutions that can both contribute to and simultaneously challenge existing social constructs and power relationships.

SECTION ONE: GENDER THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Introduction The 'Nature of Gender' - Becky Francis Understanding Men: Gender Sociology and the New International Research on Masulinities - R.W. Connell Femininities: Reclassifying Upward Mobility and the Neo-liberal Subject - Valerie Walkerdine & Jessica Ringrose Gender, Education and Social Thought - Jo-Anne Dillabough Gender and Methodology - Catherine Marshall & Michelle Young Feminist Pedagogy - Gaby Weiner Gender, Education and Development - Elaine Unterhalter Gender and Movements in Social Policy - Meg Maguire SECTION TWO: GENDER AND THE EDUCATIONAL SECTORS Introduction Constructing Gender in Early Years Education - Glenda MacNaughton Boys and Girls in the Elementary School - Christine Skelton Masculinities and Femininities and Secondary Schooling - Kevin G. Davison & Blye W. Frank Gender Equity in Post Secondary Education - Carol Leathwood Gender and Higher Education - Sara Delamont Single Sex Education - Diane Leonard SECTION THREE: GENDER AND SCHOOL SUBJECTS Introduction Gender and Mathematics - Jo Boaler & Tesha Sengupta-Irving Engaging Girls in Science - Angela Calabrese Barton & Nancy Brickhouse Gender and Literacy - Bronwyn Davies and Sue Saltmarsh 'Sex' Education - Bagele Chilisa Gender Issues in Testing and Assessment - Janette Elwood Gender and Citizenship - Tuula Gordon Gender and Modern Language Education - Linda von Hoene Gender and Technology: What the Research Tells Us - Jo Sanders SECTION FOUR: GENDER, IDENTITY AND EDUCATIONAL SITES Introduction Room at the Table: Racial and Gendered Realities in the Schooling of Black Children - Janie Ward & Tracy Robinson Wood Gender and Class in Education - Diane Reay The 'Right' Way to Educate Boys - Wayne Martino Femininities and Schooling - Carrie Paechter Sexualities, Schooling and Hetero-Gender - D James Mellor & Debbie Epstein Achieving Equity: Disability and Gender - Harilyn Rousso & Michael L. Wehmeyer Gender Voices in the Classroom - Madeleine Arnot SECTION FIVE: WORKING IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Introduction School Culture and Gender - Fengshu Lui Gendered Classroom Experiences - Emma Renold Women in Teaching - Jane Gaskell & Ann Mullen Constructing Teaching Identities - Lisa Smulyan Women Working in Academe: Approach with Care - Sandra Acker & Michelle Webber Gender and School Administration - Charol Shakeshaft

"This handbook gives a broad and informative overview of recent feminist scholarship about gender and education that will be helpful to both students and educators. The Sage Handbook of Gender and Education would be an important resource for academic libraries at colleges or universities that have programs or courses in education and/or women's and gender studies." -- Jennifer L. SMith

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