Rachel Brooks is Professor of Sociology and Head of the Sociology Department at the University of Surrey in the UK and co-editor of Sociological Research Online. She has carried out a wide range of research projects on different aspects of education, with a particular focus on higher education and lifelong learning. Most recently, her research has focussed on: international student mobility; the funding of higher education; and a cross-national comparison of the experiences of university students with parental responsibilities. Rachel also has a strong interest in research methods. She co-authored Researching Young People's Lives (Sage, 2009), and co-edited Negotiating Ethical Dilemmas in Youth Research (Routledge, 2013) with Kitty te Riele. Prof. Elizabeth Cleaver is Professor of Learning and Teaching at the University of the West of England, UK (UWE) where she has built and leads the University's Academic Practice Directorate: the central hub for the support, development and enhancement of academic programmes and practice. Over a career spanning 23 years she has taught, written and researched in sociology and education. Her early academic career was in the discipline of sociology where she specialised in the area of youth transitions to adulthood (early works are published in name Kenyon). It was during this period that her interest in disciplinary teaching approaches, and the importance of not just thinking and researching sociologically, but teaching sociologically, began to grow. Following a six-year spell outside the HE sector, undertaking local and government-funded policy research and evaluations at NFER, she returned to higher education in 2008. This most recent stage of Elizabeth's career has focused on providing strategic leadership for curricular and pedagogic development and change in a range of contrasting higher education institutions. Elizabeth is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Eleanor is a Research Director in the Children and Young People group at NatCen. She has worked at NatCen for four years and works on both qualitative and quantitative projects. Her research areas at NatCen include parental separation and child support, and anti-social behaviour. Prior to NatCen she worked at the National Foundation for Educational Research where she carried out qualitative and quantitative research with children, young people and adults in a range of policy areas.
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Researching Young People's Lives: An Introduction PART ONE: THE CONTEXT OF YOUTH RESEARCH Ethical Practice in Youth Research Researching Across Difference Involving Young People in Research PART TWO: METHODS FOR YOUTH RESEARCH Qualitative Interviewing Ethnographic Approaches Visual Methods Surveys Using Secondary Data Using the Internet for Youth Research Appendix: A Compendium of Web-based Resources for Youth Researchers
The book is accessible, showcases a good range of methods and engages with a number of contemporary methodological debates and developments British Journal of Sociology of Education The chapters included in the book are thoughtful and engaging, employing accessible language, useful (and not overbearing) suggestions for further reading, and well-selected examples from previously published works which are woven throughout the text to illustrate the discussion Children's Geographies [Researching Young People's Lives] has integrity and remains accessible to those without extensive experience of research in this field. It is a text that strikes a good balance between context and methods. As it is authored rather than edited, the book has a noticeable narrative spine which follows through each chapter. Few books of this kind, of high academic rigour and aimed at an academic audience, manage to integrate accounts of research in practice which give a personal and meaningful overview of methods. This book therefore makes a strong contribution to theb field; written in anaccessible and open style with much to offer to those with an interest in the study of young people's lives International Journal of SocialResearch Methodology