Mixed Methods


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Edited by Alan Bryman
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Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.

VOLUME ONE: EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND ONTOLOGICAL ISSUES PART ONE: THE PARADIGM WARS The Paradigm Wars - M Hammersley Reports from the Front Paradigm Wars - A Oakley Some Thoughts on a Personal and Public Trajectory Paradigm Wars - L Datta A Basis for Peaceful Co-Existence and Beyond PART TWO: RESISTANCE TO COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Closing Down the Conversation - J K Smith and L Heshusius The End of the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate Among Educational Enquirers Epistemological and Methodological Bases of Naturalistic Inquiry - E G Guba and Y S Lincoln An Uneasy Alliance - D R Buchanan Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Revisiting the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate - J E M Sale, L H Lohfeld and K Brazil Implications for Mixed-Methods Research PART THREE: ACCOMMODATION On the Relations Among Educational Research Paradigms - R C Rist From Disdain to Detente An Opportunity Lost? - J K Smith Against the Quantitative-Qualitative Incompatibility Thesis or Dogmas Die Hard - K R Howe Accommodation - W A Firestone Toward a Paradigm-Praxis Dialectic Beyond Qualitative Versus Quantitative Methods - C S Reichardt and T D Cook PART FOUR: FEMINISM AND THE QUANTITATIVE-QUALITATIVE DEBATE Gender, Methodology and People's Ways of Knowing - A Oakley Some Problems with Feminism and the Paradigm Debate in Social Science Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences - T E Jayaratne and A J Stewart Current Feminist Issues and Practical Strategies Methods, Practice and Epistemology - M Maynard The Debate About Feminism and Research The Relationship Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research - C Griffin and A Phoenix Lessons From Feminist Psychology PART FIVE: MIXED-METHODS RESEARCH AS A DISTINCTIVE APPROACH Researching Public Health - F Baum Behind the Qualitative-Quantitative Methodological Debate Mixed Methods Research - R B Johnson and A J Onwuegbuzie A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come Issues and Dilemmas in Teaching Research Methods Courses in Social and Behavioural Sciences - A Tashakkori and C Teddlie U S Perspective Mixed Methodology - A Tashakkori and C Teddlie Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches VOLUME TWO: MIXING METHODS AND TRIANGULATION PART ONE: CLASSIC STATEMENT ON TRIANGULATION Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - L J Cronbach and P E Meehl Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - D T Campbell and D W Fiske Unobtrusive Measures - E J Webb et al Nonreactive Research in the Social Sciences The Research Act in Sociology - N K Denzin Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods - T D Jick Triangulation in Action PART TWO: TRIANGULATION IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS Mixing Qualitative Methods - R S Barbour Quality Assurance or Qualitative Quagmire Triangulation of Qualitative Methods - H S Wilson and S A Hutchinson Heideggerian Hermeneutics and Grounded Theory Triangulation in Qualitative Research - K A Knafl and B J Breitmeyer Issues of Conceptual Clarity and Purpose PART THREE: CRITICISMS OF THE CONCEPT OF TRIANGULATION A Critique of the Use of Triangulation in Social Research - N Blaikie Linking Data - N Fielding and J Fielding PART FOUR: EXTENSIONS OF THE CONCEPT OF TRIANGULATION Approaches to Qualitative-Quantitative Methodological Triangulation - J Morse Metatriangulation - M W Lewis and A J Grimes Building Theory from Multiple Paradigms Triangulation Revisited - U Flick Strategy of Validation or Alternative The Value of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Nursing Research by Means of Method Triangulation - C Foss and B Ellefson Methodological Triangulation in Nursing Research - M Risjord, M Moloney and S Dunbar Triangulation in Organizational Research - J W Cox and J Hassard A Representation PART FIVE: RECONCILING FINDINGS Reconciling Conflicting Results Derived from Experimental and Survey Studies of Attitude Change - C I Hovland Collision or Collusion? A Discussion of the Unplanned Triangulation of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods - D Deacon, A Bryman and N Fenton Methodological Triangulation in Researching Families - A Perlesz and J Lindsay Making Sense of Dissonant Data PART SIX: RESEARCH ON TRIANGULATION AND OTHER APPROACHES TO MIXING METHODS Toward a Conceptual Framework for Mixed-Method Evaluation Designs - J C Greene, V J Caracelli and W F Graham Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research - A Bryman How Is It Done? VOLUME THREE: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART ONE: GENERAL OVERVIEWS OF WAYS OF COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH The Integration of Fieldwork and Survey Methods - S D Sieber Quality and Quantity in Social Research - A Bryman Practical Strategies for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods - D L Morgan Applications for Health Research Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches - J Brannen An Overview Deconstructing the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide - M Hammersley PART TWO: COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: THE VIEW FROM EVALUATION RESEARCH The Whole Is Greater - M L Smith Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Evaluation Studies Numbers and Words Revisited - G B Rossman and B L Wilson Being Shamelessly Eclectic PART THREE: MIXED-METHODS RESEARCH IN VARIOUS CONTEXTS Ethnography and Experiment in Social Psychological Theory-Building - G A Fine and K D Elsbach Tactics for Integrating Qualitative Field Data with Quantitative Lab Data An Exploration of the Epistemological Intricacies of Using Qualitative Data to Develop a Quantitative Measure of User Views of Health Care - J Coyle and B Williams Communication and Cognition in Appraisal - D P Gioia, A Donnellon and H P Sims A Tale of Two Paradigms Mixed Methods, Mixed Methodology Health Services Research in Practice - P L Johnstone Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling, Data Collection and Analysis Techniques in Mixed-Method Studies - M Sandelowski Designing a Mixed Methods Study in Primary Care - J W Creswell, M D Fetters and N V Ivankova Advantages Gained by Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Data in a Longitudinal Study - C G Wenger Salvaging Quantitative Research with Qualitative Data - D Weinholtz, B Kacer and T Rocklin PART FOUR: SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS AND QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE EVIDENCE Storylines of Research in Diffusion of Innovation - T Greenhalgh et al A Metanarrative Approach to Systematic Review Synthesizing Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence - M Dixon-Woods et al A Review of Possible Methods PART FIVE: APPRAISING MIXED-METHODS RESEARCH A Strategy to Identify Critical Appraisal Criteria for Primary Mixed-Methods Studies - J E M Sale and K Brazil VOLUME FOUR: EXAMPLES OF COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART ONE: EARLY CASE STUDIES OF COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Research Methods for the Study of Conflict and Co-Operation - W F Whyte On the Reconciliation of Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses - M G Trend A Case Study Living Arrangements of Older Residents - I Connidis Assessing Quantitative Results with Qualitative Data Participant Observation in a Multiple-Methods Study of a Retirement Community - V W Marshall A Research Narrative PART TWO: EVALUATION CASE STUDIES Mixed Method Evaluation - M Waysman and R Savaya A Case Study Utilizing Mixed-Method Research Design in Planning - J Gaber and S L Gaber The Case of 14th Street, New York City PART THREE: COMBINING SURVEYS WITH QUALITATIVE INTERVIEWS Triangulation in Action - S Herman and C P Egri Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Research Environmental Leadership Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Data in the Longitudinal Study of Household Allocations - H Laurie and O Sullivan Young People, Alcohol and Designer Drinks - K Hughes et al A Quantitative and Qualitative Study Lone Motherhood and Socio-Economic Disadvantage - K Rowlingson and S McKay Insights from Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence PART FOUR: SAMPLING AND MEASUREMENT ISSUES Qualitative Sampling in a Multi-Method Survey - B Nickel et al Using Focus Groups to Develop Health Surveys - K O'Brien An Example from Research on Social Relationships and AIDS-Preventive Behavior PART FIVE: DIVERSE APPROACHES TO COMBINING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Labor Management in the Southern Textile Industry - J E Coverdill, W Finlay and J K Martin Comparing Qualitative, Quantitative and Qualitative Comparative Analysis Valuing the `Value of Life' - S Chilton et al A Case of Constructed Preferences? Methodology Versus Scholarship? Overcoming the Divide in Analyzing Identity Narratives of People with Cancer - C Seale Combining Classificatory and Discursive Methods - M I Tulloch Consistency and Variability in Responses to the Threat of Crime Untangling the Relationship Between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales - R I Sutton and A Rafeali The Case of Convenience Stores Complementary Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Cultural Assessment Models - C A Yauch A Multi-Method Approach to the Study of School Class Size Differences - P Blatchford Speaking With Forked Tongue? Two Styles of Observation in the ORACLE Project - M Galton and S Delamont

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