Qualitative Research 2


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Edited by Alan Bryman
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Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.

Volume One: Collecting Data for Qualitative Research Introduction - A Bryman PART ONE: INTERVIEWING Learning to Interview in the Social Sciences - K Roulston et al Comparing Telephone and Face-to-Face Qualitative Interviewing - Judith E Sturges and Kathleen J Hanrahan A Research Note Dominance through Interviews and Dialogues - S Kvale PART TWO: ETHNOGRAPHY Observations and Reflections of a Perpetual Fieldworker - R C Fox Time for Ethnography - Bob Jeffrey and Geoff Troman Can There Be a Feminist Ethnography? - L Abu-Lughod New Connections, Familiar Settings - H Mackay Issues in the Ethnographic Study of New Media Use at Home Being There... and There and There! - U Hannerz PART THREE: LIFE HISTORY Collecting Life Histories - J du Boulay and R Williams Conducting Life History Research with Adolescents - Kristin Haglund Computer-Assisted Life Stories - G Harlow et al PART FOUR: INTERNET-BASED METHODS The Field behind the Screen - R V Kozinets Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities Online Inquiry of Public Selves - Kendal L Broad and Kristin E Joos Methodological Considerations Online Focus Groups - D J Reid and F J M Reid An In-Depth Comparison of Computer-Mediated and Conventional Focus Group Discussions Ethics and the Internet - D E DeLorme, G M Zinkhan and W French Issues Associated with Qualitative Research PART FIVE: VISUAL RESEARCH METHODS Meaning and Work - D Harper A Study in Photo Elicitation Visual Data in Applied Qualitative Research - Paul Mason Lessons from Experience Autodriving - D D Heisley and S J Levy A Photoelicitation Technique Photography and Voice in Critical Qualitative Management - Samantha Warren Contrasting Images, Complementary Trajectories - J Wagner Sociology, Visual Sociology and Visual Research Volume Two: Quality Issues in Qualitative Research PART ONE: CRITERIA FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Problems of Reliability and Validity in Ethnographic Research - M D LeCompte and J P Goetz Farewell to Criteriology - T Schwandt Evolving Guidelines for Publications of Qualitative Research Studies in Psychology and Related Fields - R Elliott, C T Fischer and D L Rennie Dilemmas in Qualitative Health Research - L Yardley Myth 94 - A Sparkes Qualitative Health Researchers Will Agree about Validity Checklists for Improving Rigour in Qualitative Research - R S Barbour A Case of the Tail Wagging the Dog? Premises, Principles and Practices in Qualitative Research - Kathy Charmaz Revisiting the Foundations PART TWO: APPRAISING RESEARCH PROPOSALS A Review Committee's Guide for Evaluating Qualitative Proposals - J M Morse Writing the Proposal for a Qualitative Research Methodology Project - M Sandelowski and J Barroso PART THREE: AUDITING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Use of an Audit in Violence Prevention Research - Elizabeth Hite Erwin, Aleta Meyer and Natalie McClain Expert Qualitative Researchers and the Use of Audit Trails - J R Cutcliffe and H P McKenna PART FOUR: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND QUALITY CRITERIA Rationale and Standards for Systematic Review of Qualitative Literature in Health Services Research - J Popay et al The Problem of Appraising Qualitative Research - M Dixon-Woods et al Critically Appraising Qualitative Research for Systematic Reviews - Pamela Attree and Beth Milton Defusing the Methodological Cluster Bombs Synthesis through Meta-Ethnography - Lynn H Doyle Paradoxes, Enhancements and Possibilities Qualitative Metasynthesis - Sally Thorne et al Reflections on Methodological Orientation and Ideological Agenda A Meta-Analysis of Workplace Ethnographies - Randy Hodson Race, Gender and Employee Attitudes and Behavior Systematically Reviewing Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence to Inform Management and Policy Making in the Health Field - N Mays, C Pope and J Popay PART FIVE: THEORY AND GENERALIZATION AS OUTCOMES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH What Counts as Theory in Qualitative Management and Accounting Research? Introducing Five Levels of Theorizing - S Llewellyn Interpretivism and Generalization - M Williams Volume Three: Issues of Representation, Realism and Reflexivity PART ONE: REPRESENTATION Issues of Representation within Qualitative Inquiry - Stefanos Mantzoukas After Methods, the Story - Arthur W Frank From Incongruity to Truth in Qualitative Research Revisits - M Burawoy An Outline of a Reflexive Theory of Ethnography PART TWO: REFLEXIVE ACCOUNTS Reflexive Accounts and Accounts of Reflexivity in Qualitative Data Analysis - Natasha S Mauthner and Andrea Doucet Athlete and Researcher - Ann Macphail Undertaking and Pursuing an Ethnographic Study in a Sports Club Working-Class Identities in the 1960s - M Savage Revisiting the Affluent Worker Study Ten Tips for Reflexive Bracketing - Kathryn J Ahern The Ambivalent Practices of Reflexivity - Bronwyn Davies et al Ethics, Reflexivity and 'Ethically Important Moments' in Research - Marilys Guillemin and Lynn Gillam PART THREE: AUTOETHNOGRAPHIC REFLECTIONS Blurred Genres and Blended Voices - C B Brettell Life History, Biography, Autobiography and the Auto/Ethnography of Women's Lives Finding the Limits - Geoffrey Walford Autoethnography and Being an Oxford University Proctor PART FOUR: REFLEXIVE VIEWPOINTS ON THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCHER INTERVIEW The Reflexive Interview and a Performative Social Science Qualitative Research - Norman K Denzin From the Interviewer's Perspective - R Feld Interviewing Women as Conscientious Objectors Creating the Interviewer - C M Cassell Identity Work in the Management Research Process Beyond Neopositivists, Romantics and Localists - M Alvesson A Reflexive Approach to Interviews in Organizational Research After the Interview - C A B Warren et al PART FIVE: ISSUES AROUND THE QUANTITATIVE-QUALITATIVE DIVIDE Strategies for Bridging the Quantitative and Qualitative Divide - J H Laub and R J Sampson Studying Crime over the Life Course Paradigm Peace and the Implications for Quality - A Bryman Mixing Methods in a Qualitatively Driven Way - J Mason Mixed Methods Research - L Giddings Positivism Dressed in Drag? Volume Four: Qualitative Data Analysis PART ONE: GENERAL ISSUES IN ANALYSIS Qualitative Data as an Attractive Nuisance - M B Miles The Virtues of Closet Qualitative Research - R I Sutton Constructing Qualitatively Derived Theory - Janice M Morse Concept Construction and Concept Typologies Grounded Theory - D Walker and F Myrick An Exploration of Process and Procedure Maximizing Transparency in a Doctoral Thesis 1 - Joy D Bringer, Lynne H Johnston and Celia H Brackenridge The Complexities of Writing about the Use of QSR?NVivo within a Grounded Theory Study PART TWO: IDENTIFYING CONTENT THEMES Techniques to Identify Themes - G W Ryan and H R Bernard Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis - H-F Hsieh and S E Shannon Thematic Networks - Jennifer Attride-Stirling An Analytic Tool for Qualitative Research PART THREE: ANALYZING FOCUS GROUP DATA 'It Was Fun... But We Don't Usually Talk about These Things' - Deborah J Warr Analyzing Sociable Interaction in Focus Groups Getting the Focus and the Group - Pamela S Kidd and Mark B Parshall Enhancing Analytical Rigor in Focus Group Research PART FOUR: NARRATIVE AND NARRATIVE ANALYSIS Models of Narrative Analysis - E G Mishler A Typology Chronicles from the Classroom - Ann I Rogan and Dorothea M de Kock Making Sense of the Methodology and Methods of Narrative Analysis Narrative Survey - A Shkedi A Methodology for Studying Multiple Populations Narrative, Organizations and Research - C Rhodes and A D Brown PART FIVE: DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology - J Potter Varieties of Discourse - M Alvesson and D Karreman On the Study of Organizations through Discourse Analysis Using Narrative and Discourse Analysis in Researching Co-Principalships - M Court Whose Text? Whose Context? - E A Schegloff Whose Terms? Whose Ordinariness? Rhetoric and Ideology in Conversation Analysis - M Billig

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