The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Religion


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Edited by James A. Beckford, N Jay Demerath
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PART ONE: THEORIES AND CONCEPTS The Classical Tradition in Sociology of Religion - Randall Collins Assessing Modernities - Kevin J. Christiano From 'Pre-' to 'Post-' to 'Ultra-' Secularisation and Sacralisation Deconstructed and Reconstructed - N. J. Demerath III Rational Choice and Religious Economies - Frank J. Lechner Globalization and Localization - Peter Beyer PART TWO: METHODS OF STUDYING RELIGION Micro Qualitative Approaches to the Sociology of Religion - James V. Spickard Phenomenologies, Interviews, Narratives, and Ethnographies Surveys of Behaviour, Beliefs and Affiliation - David Voas Micro-quantitative History, Methodologies and the Study of Religion - John R. Hall PART THREE: SOCIAL FORMS AND EXPERIENCES OF RELIGION Congregations Resurgent - N. J. Demerath III & Arthur E Farnsley II Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism - Paul Freston The Politics of Global Popular Protestantism From 'Cults' to New Religious Movements - Thomas Robbins & Phillip Charles Lucas Coherence, Definition and Conceptual Framing in the Study of New Religious Movements New Age Religion and Irreligion - William Sims Bainbridge Civil Religion in America and in Global Context - Marcela Cristi & Lorne L. Dawson PART FOUR: ISSUES OF POWER AND CONTROL IN RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Keepers of the Tradition - Paula Nesbitt Religious Professionals and their Careers Orders and Schisms on the Sacred Periphery - Patricia Wittberg Faith-based Initiatives - Arthur E. Farnsley II Religion on the Internet - Douglas E. Cowan PART FIVE: RELIGION AND POLITICS Religion and the State - N. J. Demerath III Violence and Human Rights Religion and Regulation - J A Beckford & J T Richardson Religion in Rebellion, Resistance and Social Movements - S E Nepstad and R H Williams Religious Affiliations, Political Preferences, and Ideological Alignments - Laura R. Olson PART SIX: INDIVIDUAL RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOUR IN SOCIAL CONTEXT Cross-national Comparisons of Individual Religiosity - Pierre Brechon Rethinking the Relationship Between Ethnicity and Religion - Peter Kivisto Religious Socialization among American Youth - John P. Bartkowski How Faith Shapes Parents, Children, and Adolescents Age, Generation and Cohort in American Religion and Spirituality - Michele Dillon PART SEVEN: RELIGION, SELF-IDENTITY AND THE LIFE-COURSE Religion and Identity - Arthur L. Greil & Lynn Davidman Gender Differences in Religious Practice and Significance - Linda Woodhead Embodiment, Emotion and Religious Experience - Phillip A. Mellor Religion, Culture and the Charismatic Body Religion as a Factor in Life and Death Through the Life-course - Stephen J. Hunt PART EIGHT: CASE STUDIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Oligopoly Dynamics - Fenggang Yang Official Religions in China The Religious Landscape of Central and Eastern Europe After Communism - Irena Borowik Judaism in Israel - Stephen Sharot Public Religion, Neo-traditionalism, Messianism and Ethno-Religious Conflict State Shinto and Religion in Post-war Japan - Susumu Shimazono Mexico - Roberto J. Blancarte A Mirror For the Sociology of Religion

"The handbook achieves an admirable synthesis of important efforts and will be particularly helpful as a means to orient beginning students in the sociology of religion." -- CHOICE

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