Daved Barry is Professor of Creative Organization Studies in the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at the Copenhagen Business School, and Adjunct Professor at Nova SBE (Universidade Nova de Lisboa School of Business and Economics). Earlier he studied painting, chemistry, music, and cooking, eventually going on to complete a BA (hons) in Psychology and a PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Psychology at the University of Maryland. In 1986 he moved to Syracuse University, NY, where he taught strategic management, and then to New Zealand where he held the Victoria University Chair in Creative Organization Studies. From there he assumed the Banco BPI Chair in Creative Organization Studies in Lisbon, and eventually moved to CBS in 2010. His work focuses on how design and the arts can improve organizing, problem solving, innovation, managing, and leadership. Some of his accomplishments include the co-founding of AACORN (Arts, Aesthetics, Creativity, and Organization Research Network), and LAICS (www.laics.net), a graduate program in innovation and leadership. In 2007 he was awarded the Career Achievement Award for Innovative Scholarship, from the Imagination Lab Foundation and the European Academy of Management, and in 2008 published The Sage Handbook of New Approaches to Management and Organization, a compendium of contemporary management thinking.
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Introduction - Daved Barry and Hans Hansen PART ONE: LOOKING AT ORGANIZATIONS The Future of Critical Management Studies - Mats Alvesson Theorizing about the Future of Critical Organizational Studies - Dennis K Mumby Getting Critical about Sensemaking - Albert J Mills The Art of... - Daved Barry How We Know What We Know - Ian W King The Potentialty of Art and Aesthetics Alterity/Identity in Image Construction - Barbara Czaniawska Organizational Identity as an Emerging Perennial Domain - Dennis A Gioia Is Identity in and of Organiztions Just a Passing Fad? - Michael G Pratt Exploring Plato's Cave - Mike Reed Critical Realism in the Study of Organization and Management Philosophy as Core Competence - Martin Kilduff and Ajay Mehra For Informed Pluralism, Broad Relevance and Critical Reflexivity - Hugh Willmott Revisualizing Images in Leadership and Organization Studies - Eric Guthey and Brad Jackson Can a Leader Be 'True to Self' and Socially Skilled? - William L Gardner and Claudia C Cogliser The Art of Global Leadership - Nancy J Adler Analyzing Artifacts - Beth A Bechky Material Methods for Understanding Identity, Status and Knowledge in Organizational Life Risk and Organisations - Robert P Gephart Jr et al Toward a Culture-Symbolic Perspective On the Practise of Practice - Elena P Antonacopoulu In-Tensions and Ex-Tensions in the Ongoing Reconfiguration of Practices The Nature of Research Practice - Jean M Bartunek Statistico-Organization Theory - Lex Donaldson Creating Organizational Management Theory Updating Organization Theory - Gerry Davis Organizational Studies Is (and Should Be) Different From Economies - Jeffrey Pfeffer A 'Neo-Carnegie' Perspective on Organizations - William Ocasio The Frustrating Search for Interaction Effects - Herman Aguinis and Charles A Pierce From 20th Century Knowledge Management to 21st Century Challenges - Deborah Dougherty Indigenous Perspectives on Restorying and Restoring Organizational Life - Laura Brearley et al Social Worlds Theory and the Power of Tension - Bente Elkjaer and Marleen Huysman Strategy - Stephen Cummings Past, Present, Future Towards the Ecological Ideal - Haridimos Tsoukas Notes for a Complex Understanding of Complex Organizations New Problems for Strategy - Anita McGahan PART TWO: LIVING IN ORGANIZATIONS Spin - David M Boje Schools for Organizing - Martin Parker Empty Organizations - George Ritzer and Craig Lair Organizational Defences - Chris Argyris Denials and Denial of the Denial Making Research/Intervention in Our Field - William R Torbet A Modest Proposal for ASQ and AMJ Technique and Practices From the Arts - Stephen S Taylor and Inga Carboni Aesthetics in the Study of Organizational Life - Antonio Strati Whither Emotion - Stephen Fineman The Social Life of Values - Slawomir Magala Cross-Cultural Construction of Realities Humanist Organization Studies - Hugo Letiche An Intersubjective Research Agenda for Open (-plan) Fieldwork Feeding Marshmallows to Alligators - Robert Chia The Inherent Fragility of Human Organization The Rise of Cartesian Dualism and Marketization in Academia - Mustafa F Ozbilgin and Myrtle P Bell Symbolic Value Creation - Davide Ravasi and Violina P. Rindova Critically Constructing Constructionism - Diane Marie Hosking Narrative Fiction and Semi-Fiction in Organizational Studies - Gail Whiteman and Nelson Phillips Towards a Critical Engagement with Metaphor in Organization Studies - Cliff Oswick Routine Dynamics - Marha S Feldman and Brian T Pentland 'Enriching Research on Exploration and Exploitation' - Lori Rosenkopf Instead of a Manifesto Implications of Aristotle's Phronesis for Organizational Inquiry - George Cairns and Martyna [ac]Sliwa Philosophy of Management - Ole Fogh Kirkeby Wisdom - David A Cowan and Lotte Darso A Backdrop for Organizational Studies Maternal Orgnanization - Heather H[um]opfl Feminist Theorizing - Marta B Calas and Linda Smircich Why Difference Matters in Organizations - Martin N Davidson Strategy-As-Practice - Paula Jarzabkowski A New Focal Point - Jeffrey D Ford and Laurie W Ford Interactions, Deliverables and Delivery Entrepreneurship and Competition at the Intersection - Shaker A Zahra and R Isil Yavuz Maintaining Strategic Resilience Strategic Supply Chain Management - David J Ketchen, Jr and G Thomas M Hult Improvization In Organizations - Joao Cunha and Miguel Pina E Cunha Researching the Private-Collective Innovation Model - Georg von Krogh PART THREE: ACTING ON ORGANIZATIONS Performing the Organization - Timothy Clark Organizational Theatre and Imaginative Life as Physical Presence Artful Interventions and Identity Dynamics - Stefan Meisiek and Mary Jo Hatch Aesthetic Play as an Organizing Principle - Pierre Guillet de Monthoux and Matt Statler If People Are Strange, Does Organizing Make Us Normal? - Stewart Clegg Identity Hijack - Majken Schultz The Tyranny of Theory - Olav Sorenson That's Important! Making a Difference with Organizational Research - Adam M Grant, Jane E Dutton, and Brent D Rosso Some Thoughts about Trade-offs - Angelo S DeNisi Abduction - Hans Hansen The Dialectics of Propositional and Tacit Knowledge - Daniel G Spencer 700 Sage Words - Tom Keenoy Corporeal Leaders - Arja Ropo and Erika Sauer The Future is Now - James G (Jerry) Hunt Why Leaders Fail - Robert J Sternberg How Can We Make Organizations More Ethical? - Edwin A Locke The Craft and Art of Narrative Inquiry in Organizations - Frances Hancock and David Epston The Pragmatics of Resilience - Kathleen M Sutcliffe and Timothy J Vogus A Note on 'The Future of Positive Organizational Scholarship' - Gretchen Spreitzer Building Community - Natalia Nikolova and Timothy Devinney Shifting Sands in Communities of Scholars - Greg Northcraft Situated Knowledge and Situated Action - Silvia Gherardi W(h)ither Knowledge Management - Ulrike Schultze Indigenous Organizing - Stevan J Finlay Enacting and Updating Idigenous Knowledge 'Organizational' Behaviour Is Largely Tribal Behaviour - Blake E Ashforth Un-Gendering Organization - Stephen Linstead and Alison Pullen Gender Inequity and the Need to Study Change - Joanne Martin and Debra Meyerson Creating Better Understanding while Bulding Better Organizations - Roger L M Dunbar, A Georges L Romme and William H Starbuck The Shape of Things to Come - Raymond E Miles and Charles C Snow New Organization Forms: The Career of a Concept - Ian Palmer and Richard Dunford Suppose We Took Organizational Performance Seriously - C Chet Miller Managers Who Can Transform Institutions - Robert Chapman Wood and Liisa Valikangas Activism and the Practices That Stick Is Change on the Outside Like Change on the Inside - George Roth Where Are You Going? - Hans Hansen and Daved Barry