Business and Management Research Methodologies


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Edited by Phil Johnson, Murray Clark
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In recent years Phil has participated in the generation and management of over GBP420, 000 of research funding, over GBP330,000 of which was provided by EPSRC and ESRC. Involved in much of this research have been local public and private sector organizations as sponsors of research and as research sites for both data collection and for change-management interventions. This research has concerned a range of issues including: management control; corporate governance; contractor-client relations; evolving management roles. Recently Phil has engaged in ESRC sponsored research into "Benchmarking Good Practice in Qualitative Management Research" which is part of the ESRC Research Methodology Programme. Currently Phil is a referee for a number of academic journals and reviews book proposals for several major academic publishers. He has also been a guest editor for the journal Management Decision and has recently been appointed as Associate Editor for a new international journal, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Phil's education includes: BA (Hons) Sociology (Sheffield); MSc Organization Development (CNAA); MSc Advance Educational and Social Research Methods (Open University); PhD Management and Organization (CNAA).

VOLUME ONE: RECENT METHODOLOGICAL DEBATES AND DISPUTES IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Mapping the Terrain - P Johnson and M Clark An Overview of Business and Management Research Methodologies Intellectual, Ideological and Political Obstacles to the Advancement of Organizational Science - R Hogan and R Sinclair The Scientific Status of Management Research as a Practically Oriented Social Science - R Whitely Barriers to the Advancement of Organization Science - J Pfeffer Paradigm Development as a Dependent Variable Style as Theory - J Van Maanen The Case for the Natural Science Model for Research in Organizational Behaviour and Organization Theory - O Behling The Case for Qualitative Research - G Morgan and L Smircich The Nature of a Paradigm - M Masterman Multiple Paradigms and Organizational Analysis - J Hassard A Case Study In Defence of Paradigm Incommensurability - N Jackson and P Carter Breaking the Paradigm Mentality - H Willmott Multi-Paradigm Perspectives on Theory-Building - D A Gioia and E Pitre Empirical Research in Accounting - R Laughlin Alternative Approaches and a Case for 'Middle-Range' Thinking Changing Spaces - D Knights The Disruptive Impact of a New Epistemological Location for the Study of Management Re-Cognizing the Other - H Willmott Reflections of a New Sensibility in Social and Organization Studies Relativity without Relativism - C Hardy and S Clegg Reflexivity in Post-Paradigm Organization Studies Reflexivity in Management Research - P Johnson and J Duberley A Critique of Postmodernism in Organization Studies - L Donaldson Postmodernism and Management - Pros, Cons and the Alternative VOLUME TWO: POSITIVSIM: DEDUCTIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES PART ONE: THE TRUE OR CLASSICAL EXPERIMENTAL BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Influence Tactics, Affect and Exchange Quality in Supervisor-Subordinate Interactions - S J Wayne and G R Ferris A Laboratory Experiment and Field Study The Hawthorne Effect - J G Adair A Reconsideration of the Methodological Artifact PART TWO: QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH The Effects of Job Enrichment on Employee Satisfaction, Motivation, Involvement and Performance - C Orpen A Field Experiment The Outcomes of Autonomous Workgroups - T D Wall et al A Long-Term Field Experiment PART THREE: DEDUCTIVE FORMS OF ACTION RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Action Research and Minority Problems - K Lewin Action Research - A Warmington Its Methods and Its Implications Action Research and Scientific Method - H Arguinis Presumed Discrepancies and Actual Similarities PART FOUR: KEY ISSUES IN MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS Improving Construct Measurement in Management Research - C Schriesheim et al Comments and a Quantitative Approach for Assessing the Theoretical Content Adequacy of Paper and Pencil-Type Survey Instruments Attitude Measurement - A McKennell Use of Co-Efficient Alpha with Cluster or Factor Analysis A Primer on Internet Organizational Surveys - Z Simsek and J F Veiga PART FIVE: TYPES OF SURVEY RESEARCH Descriptive Surveys Employee Surveys - J Hartley Strategic Aid or Hand-Grenade for Organizational and Cultural Change? Analytical Surveys The Influence of Organization Structure on the Utility of an Entrepreneurial Top Management Style - J B Covin and D P Slevin Relationships of Perceptions of Organizational Climate to Organizational Structure, Context and Hierarchical Position - R L Payne and R Mansfield Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey - J R Hackman and G R Oldham Structured Observation - G D Jenkins, D A Nader, EE E Lawler and C Cammann Standardized Observations - G D Jenkins et al An Approach to Measuring the Nature of Jobs Structured Observations - M J Martinko and W L Gardner An Approach to Measuring the Nature of Jobs Longitudinal Surveys Survivor Reactions to Organizational Downsizing - T D Allen et al Does Time Ease the Pain? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Antecedents of Organizational Commitment - T S Bateman and S Strasser Content Analysis Content Analysis in Leadership Research - G Insch, J Moore and L Murphy Examples, Procedures and Suggestions for Future Research Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis - R Rosenthal and M R DiMatteo Recent Developments in Quantitative Methods for Literature Reviews Research Methodology in Organizational Studies - P M Podsakoff and D R Dalton VOLUME THREE: NEO-EMPRICISM: INDUCTIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES PART ONE: GENERAL ISSUES The Logic of Naturalistic Inquiry - N K Denzin The Ethnographic Paradigms - P R Sanday The Social Anthropology of Management - S Linstead What Is Wrong with Social Theory? - H Blumer PART TWO: APPROACHES TO COLLECTING QUALITATIVE DATA Roles in Sociological Fieldwork - R L Gold The Professional Apprentice - J Van Maanen and D Kolb Observations on Field Roles in Two Organizations Coming to Terms with the Field - M Rosen Understanding and Doing Organizational Ethnography Structured Observation as a Method to Study Managerial Work - H Mintzberg The Critical Incident Technique - J C Flanagan Using Repertory Grids in Management Research - M Easterby-Smith, R Thorpe and D Holman Doing Life Histories - A Faraday and K Plummer Charisma and Rhetoric - D N Den Hartog and R M Verburg Communicative Techniques of International Business Leaders PART THREE: ANALYZING QUALITATIVE DATA The Criminal Violation of Financial Trust - D Cressey On the Analysis of Observational Data - M Bloor A Discussion of the Worth and Uses of Inductive Techniques and Respondent Validation Why Companies Go Green - P Bansal and K Roth A Model of Ecological Responsiveness Some Practical Aspects of Qualitative Data Analysis - B Turner One Way of Organizing the Cognitive Processes Associated with Grounded Theory Grounded Theory and Organizational Research - P Y Martin and B Turner Rewriting the Discovery of Grounded Theory after 25 Years? - K Locke Enhancing Adaptability - K Parry Leadership Strategies to Accommodate Change in Local Government Settings Automating the Ineffable - N G Fielding Qualitative Software and the Meaning of Qualitative Research VOLUME FOUR: COMBINING EMPRICIST METHODS: MULTI-METHOD RESEARCH AND CASE STUDIES The Integration of Fieldwork and Survey Methods - S D Sieber On the Reconciliation of Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses - M G Trend A Case Study Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods - T D Jick Triangulation in Action Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies to Study Group Processes - S C Currall et al Untangling the Relationship between Displayed Emotion and Organizational Sales - R I Sutton and A Rafaeli The Case of Convenience Stores Flexible Employment Contracts and Their Implications for Product and Process Innovation - J Storey et al Moving toward Participation and Involvement - S Zamanou and S R Glaser Commitment and Social Organization - R M Kanter A Study of Utopian Communities Revisiting the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate - J E M Sale, L H Lohfeld and K Brazil Implications for Mixed Methods Research Case and Situational Analysis - J C Mitchell The Case Study Crisis - R Yin Some Answers Building Theories from Case Study Research - K M Eisenhardt Case Studies as Natural Experiments - A S Lee Case Study Research in Management Accounting and Control - D T Otley and A J Berry Complexities and Controversies in Linking HRM with Organizational Outcomes - C Truss Expressions of Methodological Pluralism - G McLennan VOLUME FIVE: SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONIST RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES Grounded Theory - K Charmaz Objectivist and Constructivist Methods An Assessment of the Scientific Merits of Action Research - G I Susman and R D Evered Critical Theory Ethnography versus Critical Theory - L Putnam et al Critical Theory and Organizational Analysis - J Forrester Educating Accountants - M K Power Towards a Critical Ethnography The Contest over Meaning - A Prasad Hermeneutics as an Interpretive Methodology for Understanding Texts Integrating Action and Reflection through Co-Operative Inquiry - P Reason Feminist Methodology Towards a Methodology for Feminist Research - M Mies On Feminist Methodology - M Hammersley Diversity and Agreement in Feminist Methodology - A Williams Critical Realism Critical Realism as the Underpinning Philosophy for OR/MS and Systems - J Mingers Critical Realist Ethnography - S Porter The Case of Racism and Professionalism in a Medical Setting Postmodernism Deconstructing Organizations - M Kilduff Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership - M B Calas and L Smircich From Postmodern Anthropology to Deconstructive Ethnography - S Linstead Corporate Strategy, Organizations and Subjectivity - D Knights and G Morgan A Critique Strategy Retold - D Barry and M Elmes Toward a Narrative View of Strategic Discourse Power, Control and Computer-Based Performance Monitoring - K Ball and D C Wilson Repertoires, Resistance and Subjectivities The Turn to Action and the Linguistic Turn - L Treleaven Towards an Integrated Methodology VOLUME SIX: EVALUATING RESEARCH AND THE QUESTION OF CRITERIOLOGY Criteria against Ourselves - A P Bochner An Evaluation of the Validity of Correlation Research Conducted in Organizations - T R Mitchell Research Methodology in Management - T A Scandura and E A Williams Current Practices, Trends and Implications for Future Research Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - L J Cronbach and P E Meehl Construct Validity in Organizational Behaviour - D P Schwab Factors Relevant to the Validity of Experiments in Social Settings - D T Campbell The External Validity of Experiments - G H Bracht and G U Glass Interviews Surveys and the Problem of Ecological Validity - A V Cicourel Problems of Relability and Validity in Ethnographic Research - M Lecompte and J Goetz Quality in Qualitative Research - C Seale Competing Paradigms in Qualitative Research - E Guba and Y S Lincoln Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research - J L Kinchloe and P L McLaren The Validity of Idiographic Research Explanations - H Tsoukas Postmodern Evaluation - or Not? - L Mabry Farewell to Criteriology - T A Schwandt Constructing Opportunities for Contribution - K Locke and K Golden-Biddle Structuring Intertextual Coherence and 'Problematizing' in Organization Studies Peer Review and the Social Construction of Knowledge in the Management Discipline - A G Bedeian

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