Introduction - Tim Ray PART ONE: KEY CONCEPTS SECI, Ba and Leadership - I Nonaka, R Toyama and N Konno A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation Building Epistemologies - S D N Cook and J S Brown The Generative Dance between Organizational Knowledge and Organizational Knowing What Is Organizational Knowledge? - Haridimos Tsoukas and Efi Vladimirou Do We Really Understand Tacit Knowledge? - Haridimos Tsoukas An Overview - J C Spender What's New and Important about Knowledge Management? Building New Bridges between Managers and Academics PART TWO: KNOWING IN PRACTISE Deep Smarts - Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap Organizational and Occupational Commitment - Tam Yeuk-Mui May, Marek Korczynski and Stephen Frenkel Knowledge Workers in Large Corporations Human Resouce Policies for Knowledge Work - John Storey Knowledge Management Initiatives - John Storey and Elizabeth Barnett Learning from Failure IC Valuation and Measurement - Daniel Andriessen Managing Knowledge and Innovation across Boundaries - Paul Quintas The Human Resource Architecture - David P Lepak and Scott A Snell Toward a Theory of Human Capital Allocation and Development HR's Role in Building Relationship Networks - Mark L Lengnick-Hall and Cynthia A Lengnick-Hall PART THREE: REVISING THE AGENDA - Tim Ray and Stewart Clegg Tacit Knowing, Communication and Power Lessons from Japan