Janice L. DeLucia-Waack is currently an Associate Professor and Program Director for School Counseling in the Department of Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. She is also currently the Executive Director for the Association for Specialists in Group Work. She is the former editor of the Journal for Specialists in Group Work, and is a fellow in the American Counseling Association; Association for Specialists in Group Work (a division of ACA; and Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy, a division of the American Psychological Association. She is author/editor of two books, Using Music in Children of Divorce Groups: A Session-By-Session Manual for Counselors and Multicultural Counseling and Training: Implications and Challenges for Practice, and co-editor/author of three other books: The Practice of Multicultural Group Work: Visions and Perspectives from the Field (with Jeremiah Donigian); Group Work Experts Share Their Favorite Activities: A Guide to Choosing, Planning, Conducting, and Processing (with Karen Bridbord and Jennifer Kleiner) , School Counselors Share Their Favorite Activities: A Guide to Choosing, Planning, Conducting, and Processing (with Louisa Foss, Judy Green, Kelli Wolfe-Stiltner), How to Design a Group Plan (with Amy Nitza) as part of Robert Conyne Group Work Practice Kit: Improving the Everyday Practice of Group Work. Her current project is the fifth in the ASGW Group Activity Book Series due out in Fall 2013: School Counselors Share Their Favorite Classroom Guidance Activities. (with Faith Colvin, Sarah Korta, Katherine Maertin, Eric Martin, & Lily Zawadski. She received a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Eisenhower College, a master's degree in Family Studies from the University of Maryland, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University.
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Table of Contents Ch 1: Introduction Goals of This Book How This Book is Organized What are Psychoeducational Groups and How are They Different From Other Types of Groups? How are Children and Adolescent Groups Different From Adult Groups? Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 2: Planning for a Psychoeducational Group for Children and Adolescents PreGroup Decision Making Outline and Content of Group Sessions Agency and School Support Recruitment Strategies Leader Preparation Supervision Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 3: PreGroup Interviews and Group Sessions Informed Consent for Parents and Children Screening Interviews Preparation Sessions Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 4: Group Leadership Skills for Psychoeducational Groups Specific Skills Therapeutic Factors Training Assessment Measures Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 5: Initial Sessions Goals and Tasks Skills Therapeutic Factors Possible Pitfalls Examples of Activities Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 6: Middle Sessions Goals and Tasks Skills Therapeutic Factors Possible Pitfalls Examples of Activities Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 7: Termination Sessions Goals and Tasks Skills Therapeutic Factors Possible Pitfalls Examples of Activities Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 8: Using Activities Effectively in Group Sessions Common Mistakes in Using Activities Uses of Activities Related to Group Tasks Creative Arts Activities Effective Processing of Activities Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 9: Follow-up After Group Ends Assessment of Progress Assessment of Need for Further Treatment Interview Sessions Referral for Further Treatment Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 10: Assessment of Group Effectiveness Guidelines Assessment of Group Climate Assessment of Group Therapeutic Factors Assessment of In-Session Group Behavior Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 11: Considerations Multicultural Issues Developmental Issues Summary Suggested Training Activities Ch 12: Conclusions APPENDICES Appendix A: ASGW Professional Standards for Training of Group Workers Appendix B: ASGW Best Practice Guidelines Appendix C: ASGW Principles for Diversity-Competent Group Workers Appendix D: Group Planning Sheets Appendix E: Group Processing Sheets Appendix F: Examples of Group Planning and Processing Session Notes for a Psychoeducational Children of Divorce Group Appendix G: Resource Guide for Group Interventions by Topic Including Books, Games, and Videos Appendix H: Example of Group Interest Survey Form Appendix I: Example of an Informational Sheet for Parents About Psychoeducational Groups Appendix J: Example of a Group Screening Interview Outline Appendix K: Example of a Group Preparation Session Outline Appendix L: Example of a Parent and Group Member Consent Form for Psychoeducational Groups Appendix M: Group Related Measures References About the Author