Best Practices for Teacher Leadership

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412915809

What Award-Winning Teachers Do for Their Professional Learning Communities

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By Randi B. Sofman, Prudence H. Cuper
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Randi Stone is the author of nine Corwin Press books: Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Writing: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, and Best Practices for Teaching Science: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do. She is a graduate of Clark University, Boston University, and Salem State College. She completed her doctorate in education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Preface About the Authors About the Contributors 1. Leading Through Collaboration With Colleagues Excellence in Education Operation (Help Me!) Collaboration: Or How I Survived My First Years of Teaching Professional Collaboration Within An Inclusive Classroom Setting: How to Make It Work Using Staff Development to Implement a Schoolwide Reading Goal Statewide Teacher Training Networks Structured Freedom: Successful Schools Through Collaborative Learning Communities Lifelong Teaching and Learning Scopes Trial and Error: A Lesson in Integrated Teaching Staff Development Initiatives Within Faculty Groups 2. Involving Community and Families Pioneer Days at Bowers Elementary School Using School/Community Partnerships to Teach History, Heroism, and Heritage Finding Your Lost Dutchman Mine The Three "Cs" in Education: A Classroom, a Community, and Collaboration Parent Involvement Let's Take It Outside: Creating a Community Learning Environment Effective Parent Involvement in the Classroom Billy: Every Family Is a Special Family 3. Encouraging Hands-On Learning in Science and Technology Students and Research: Using Students to Create a Science Research Program CELLLSS (Creating Experiences in Life, Learning, and Laboratory Science Skills) for Girls: Turning Middle and High School Girls On to Science Voyaging Through Curriculum Teaming Up for Success Growing Community Ties Through Gardening Online Collaboration Benefits Students and Teachers: Classrooms Across the World Education Technology: Issues, Trends, and Leadership Promoting Student Interest in Life Science and Technology by Making Students Active Learners 4. Mentoring and Sharing Professional Development Give Me an "H": Homework Strategies Team Teaching From Two Perspectives Enriching and Extending Teaching Through Professional Conferences Leading and Modeling Staff Development Initiatives Within Faculty Groups and Within the School Developing Interest in Reading Strategies Inside the Teaching Community Teaching Is Not a Solitary Profession Professional Development: A Life-Changing Event 5. Teaching With Passion Leading Through Excitement Peeking Through My Door The Music Underlying the Words: Classroom Climate Thank You, Mrs. Woodford They Believe Perception, Focus, and Attitude: Teachers Leading the Way Accepting the Challenge 6. Empowering Students as Leaders Each One, Teach One To Russia With Love Using Children's Books in the High School Setting Index

"Three cheers for this wonderful book of stories from award winning teachers who are making a difference everyday in their classrooms around the country! These remarkable teacher leaders have much to share. Involving parents, building and implementing incredible learning projects, collaborating with colleagues, nurturing the gifts that each students brings, and above all, seeing the world through the eyes of a child, will have you wishing the stories that illustrate their 'how-to' great adventures would never end. This important book recognizes and celebrates regular classroom teachers who are performing everyday miracles. We need to spread the word about our successes! What gifted teachers! What a great read! -- Candy Beal, Associate Professor, Middle Grades Education "Knowledgeable advice in an engaging format. Personal essays shed light on topics important to all educators desiring to positively impact their professional communities." -- Curriculum Connections, Fall 2006

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