Encyclopedia of Political Communication


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Edited by Lynda Lee died April 13 Kaid 2011, Christina Holtz-Bacha
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279 x 215 mm
3430 g

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Lynda Lee Kaid (Ph.D., M.S., B.A., Southern Illinois University) is Professor of Telecommunications and Senior Associate Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. She previously served as the Director of the Political Communication Center and supervised the Political Commercial Archive at the University of Oklahoma. Her research specialties include political advertising and news coverage of political events. A Fulbright Scholar, she has also done work on political television in several Western European countries. She is the author/editor of 14 books, including the Handbook of Political Communication Research, Videostyle in Presidential Campaigns, The Electronic Election, New Perspectives on Political Advertising, Mediated Politics in Two Cultures, Political Advertising in Western Democracies (SAGE, 1995), and Political Campaign Communication: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature. She has received over $1 million in external grant funds for her research efforts, including support from the U. S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Science Foundation. She is a former chair of the Political Communication Divisions of ICA and NCA and has also served in leadership roles the American Political Science Association and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Christina Holtz-Bacha (Ph.D.) is the current chair of ICA's Political Communication Division. In addition to her position at the University of Mainz (where she has taught since 1995), she has held positions at the University of Munich, the University of Bochum, the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, and was a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center/John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1999. She is co-editor of the German journal Publizistik and sits on the editorial boards of Journal of Communication, Journal of Political Marketing; and European Journal of Communication.She is co-editor with Lynda Lee Kaid of Political Advertising in Western Democracies (SAGE, 1995).

Lippman, Walter; Political Advertising; European Parliamentary Election; Political Disaffection; Political marketing; Muckrakers, Muckraking; Infotainment; Framing; War coverage; Council of Europe, media policy; Public service broadcasting; Posters, political; ticket-splitting; Green(s) Party; Agenda-Setting; Methodology; Polls; Interpersonal Communication; First Amendment; Libel; Meta-communication; Debates; Kid's Voting; Political socialization; Meta-coverage; Priming; State of the Union Address; Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics; Women Candidates, Advertising; Blair, Tony; Labour Party, Britain; Propaganda; World Wide Web, Political Uses; Apologia; Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth; Spiral of Silence; Schulz, Winfried; Hans-Joachim Lauth Democracy theories; Halford Ryan Checkers Speech; Anne Johnston Videostyle; Federico Subervi Latinos and Politics, Media; Dieter Nohlen Electoral systems; Dieter Nohlen Proportional representation; Gianpletro Mazzoleni Media Logic; Gianpletro Mazzoleni Mediatization; Frank Marcinkowski Systems Theory; Thomas Knieper Cartoons, Political; Reimar Zeh News Selection Process; Kurt Imhof Media Events; Kurt Imhof Revolution, political; Ralph Negrine Conservative Party, Britain; Gianpietro Mazzoleni Berlusconi, Silvio; Robert V. Friedenberg Consultants, Political; Kim Fridkin Women Candidates, News Coverage; John C. Tedesco Ad watch; John C. Tedesco Advocacy Advertising; Ashll Quesinberry Stokes Issue Management; Jose Carlos Lozano Fox, Vicente; Kurt Ritter Speechwriting and Speechwriters; Rachel L. Holloway Conventions, Political; Monica Postelnicu Eurobarometer; Monica Postelnicu Information Society; Monica Postelnicu Lasswell, Harold; Monica Postelnicu Lazarsfeld, Paul F.; Monica Postelnicu Medium Is the Message, The; Monica Postelnicu New York Times; Monica Postelnicu Pseudo-Event; Monica Postelnicu Trippi, Joe; Monica Postelnicu.

"Expanding the scope of their previous works, The SAGE Handbook of Political Advertising (2006) and Political Advertising in Western Democracies (1994), Kaid (telecommunications, Univ. of Florida) and Holtz-Bacha (chair, political communication division, International Communication Assn.) have assembled contributions from dozens of academics from around the globe for this timely two-volume text exploring, in nearly 600 entries, the intersection of politics and media. Although it is international in scope, the encyclopedia's primary focus is the United States and, to a lesser extent, Europe. Each volume opens with an A-to-Z list of entries, followed by a listing of entries arranged by subject, closely mirroring the relevant listings found in the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Lucid and unbiased, the entries offer biographies of notable leaders (e.g., Zhelyu Zhelev of Bulgaria) and scholars and examine numerous theories, groups and organizations, key events, media outlets (e.g., the blogosphere), legal instruments, government institutions, and influential books and films critical to understanding of this complex, interdisciplinary field. While a comprehensive examination of every relevant topic in this discipline would be impossible in just two volumes, the editors come close to delivering just that. BOTTOM LINE This work is considerably more comprehensive (by about 700 pages) than CQ Press's single-volume Encyclopedia of Media and Politics. Such a wide-ranging exploration comes at double the cost of its competitor, however. Recommended for academic libraries." -Library Journal -- Daniel Sifton * Library Journal *

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