CHARLES R. BERGER (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include message production processes and the processing of threat-related messages by intuitive and rational systems. He is a former editor of Human Communication Research and co-editor (with Sandra Ball Rokeach) of Communication Research. He is currently a member of several editorial boards of communication journals. He is a Fellow and a Past President of the International Communication Association. Berger has published a three-digit integer's worth of articles and book chapters. Among the books he has published are Language and Social Knowledge: Uncertainty in Interpersonal Relations (with James J. Bradac); a volume which received both the NCA Golden Anniversary Book Award and the ICA Fellows Book Award. Social Cognition and Communication (with Michael E. Roloff) received a book award from NCA's Social Cognition Division. He also co-edited the first edition of the Handbook of Communication Science (with Steven H. Chaffee) and Communication and Social Influence Processes (with Michael Burgoon). His book Planning Strategic Interaction: Attaining Goals through Communicative Action received the NCA Interpersonal Communication Division's Gerald R. Miller Book Award. He is co-recipient (with Judee Burgoon) of NCA's Mark Knapp Award. He is currently an area editor for the International Encyclopedia of Communication. MICHAEL E. ROLOFF (Ph.D, Michigan State University) is professor of Communication Studies at Northwestern University. His research and teaching interests are in the general area of interpersonal influence. He has published articles and offers courses focused on persuasion, interpersonal compliance-gaining, conflict management, organizational change and bargaining and negotiation. His current research is focused on conflict avoidance and serial arguing in intimate relationships, the interpretation and construction of persuasive messages, and the effects of planning and alternatives on negotiation processes. He has co-edited four research volumes: (1) Persuasion: New Directions in Theory and Research, (2) Social Cognition and Communication, (3) Interpersonal Processes, and (4) Communication and Negotiation. He wrote Interpersonal Communication: The Social Exchange Approach. He completed a term as the editor of Communication Yearbook and is currently co-editor of Communication Research. He was co-recipient of the Woolbert Award for Outstanding Contribution to Communication Research from the Speech Communication Association and of a publication award from the Social Cognition and Communication Division of the National Communication Association. He has been the Chair of the Interpersonal Communication Division of the National Communication Association. He is currently Director of the National Communication Association Publications Board. Professor Roloff has received several teaching awards from groups at Northwestern including the Associated Student Government, the Mortar Board, and the Alumni Association. DAVID R. ROSKOS-EWOLDSEN (Ph.D. Indiana University) is a professor in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University. Prior to joining the faculty at OSU in January, 2009, he was a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alabama. Dr. Roskos-Ewoldsen's research interests focus on media psychology, attitudes, social influence and health communication. He co-founded the journal Media Psychology with Dr. Jennings Bryant in 1999 and founded the journal Communication Methods and Measures in 2007. He is the immediate past chair of the Information Systems Division and chair elect of the Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association and chair elect of the Communication and Social Cognition Division of the National Communication Association. He has published in a variety of journals ranging from Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Media Psychology, Communication Monographs, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Health Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, camping, backpacking, and canoeing.
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PART I. OVERVIEW 1. What is Communication Science? - Charles R. Berger, Michael E. Roloff, David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen 2. A Historical Overview of Research in Communication Studies - Jennings Bryant, Erika J. Pribanic-Smith 3. Alternative Approaches to Theorizing in Communication Science - Charles Pavitt PART II. COMMUNICATION CODES 4. Alternative Methodological Approaches to Communication Science - Franklin J. Boster, John L. Sherry 5. Language and Communication - Jordan Soliz, Howard Giles 6. Nonverbal Communication Theories of Interaction Adaptation - Judee K. Burgoon, Kory Floyd, Laura K. Guerrero PART III. FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES 7. Message Production Processes - Charles R. Berger 8. Message Processing - David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen, Beverly Roskos-Ewoldsen 9. The Nature of Interpersonal Communication - Brant R. Burleson 10. Theoretical Developments in Organizational Communication Research - Kathleen J. Krone, Michael W. Kramer, Patricia M. Sias 11. Levels of Analysis and Communication Science - Jack M. McLeod, Gerald M. Kosicki, Douglas M. McLeod PART IV. FUNCTIONS 12. Persuasion - James Price Dillard 13. Seeking and Resisting Compliance - Steven R. Wilson 14. Social Influence in Groups and Organizations - David R. Seibold, Renee A. Meyers, Mirit D. Shoham 15. Mass Media Effects - Robin L. Nabi, Mary Beth Oliver 16. Interpersonal Conflict - Alan L. Sillars 17. Intergroup Conflict - Donald G. Ellis 18. Bargaining and Negotiation - Michael E. Roloff, Shu Li 19. Establishing and Maintaining Relationships - Denise Haunani Solomon, Anita L. Vangelisti 20. Media Entertainment - Christoph Klimmt, Peter Vorderer 21. The Social Matrix of Emotion Expression and Regulation - Sally Planalp, Sandra Metts, Sarah J. Tracy 22. Group Decision-Making - Marshall Scott Poole, Melissa Dobosh PART V. COMMUNICATION CONTEXTS 23. Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Communication - Donald J. Cegala, Richard L. Street, Jr. 24. Communication Campaigns - Charles Atkin, Charles Salmon 25. Political Communication - William L. Benoit, R. Lance Holbert 26. Intercultural Communication - Young Yun Kim 27. The Scientific Investigation of Marital and Family Communication - Ascan F. Koerner 28. Computer-Mediated Communication - Joseph B. Walther 29. Human Computer Interaction - Eun-Ju Lee, S. Shyam Sundar