Introduction THEME 1: OPERATIONS AS STRATEGY Operations-Based Strategy - Robert Hayes and David Upton Resource-based Competition and the New Operations Strategy - St[ac]ephane Gagnon Stakeholder Capitalism and the Value Chain - Edward Freeman and Jeanne Liedtka Managing the Transition from Products to Services - Rogelio Oliva and Robert Kallenburg In Defense of Strategy as Design - Jeanne Liedtka THEME 2: APPROACHES AND TECHNIQUES Leveraging Management Improvement Techniques - Kenneth Euske and Steven Player A Critical Examination of the Business Process Re-Engineering Phenomenon - Stefano Biazzo Best Practice in Business Excellence - John Oakland, Steve Tanner and Ken Gadd The Fallacy of Universal Best Practices - H J Harrington THEME 3: THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY Technology, the Technology Complex and the Paradox of Technology Determinism - James Fleck and John Howells IT-Enabled Business Transformation - N Venkatraman From Automation to Business Scope Redefinition Executive Forum - Robert M Price Technology and Strategic Advantage Technology Infusion in Service Encounters - Mary Jo Bitner, Stephen Brown and Matthew Meuter Integrating Environmental Issues into the Mainstream - Linda Angell and Robert Klassen An Agenda for Research in Operations Management THEME 4: HUMAN ISSUES Seven Practices of Successful Organizations - Jeffrey Pfeffer A Framework for Linking Culture and Improvement Initiatives in Organizations - James Detert, Roger Schroeder and John Mauriel Empowering Service Employees - David Bowen and E Lawler Client Co-Production in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services - Lance Bettencourt et al
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