Paul James is Director of the Globalism Institute at RMIT in Australia, an editor of Arena Journal, and on the Council of the Institute of Postcolonial Studies. He has received a number of awards including the Japan-Australia Foundation Fellowship, an Australian Research Council Fellowship, and the Crisp Medal by the Australasian Political Studies Association for the best book in the field of political studies. He is author/editor of many books including, Nation Formation: Towards a Theory of Abstract Community (Sage Publications, 1996). His latest books are Global Matrix: Nationalism, Globalism and State-Terrorism (Pluto, 2005), and Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In (Sage Publications, 2006). His interests are threefold: first, globalism, nationalism and localism, including the changing nature of the nation-state and the effects of an emergent level of global integration; second, social theory with a concentration on theories of culture, community and social formation; and third, contemporary politics and society with an emphasis on debates over technology and social change. With John Tulloch is Professor of Sociology at Brunel University, UK. His research and publications have ranged from film and television studies and theatre through literary theory to history and sociology. His work in film and television theory has shifted from historical analysis to more current production/audience analyses of popular television, such as Australian soap opera and British TV science fiction. Notable influences on his work have been Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall and more recently Ulrick Beck. Peter Mandaville is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public and International Affairs and Co-Director of Mason's Center for Global Studies. He has authored numerous book chapters and journal articles, contributed to publications such as the International Herald Tribune and The New Republic, and consulted extensively for media, government and non-profit agencies. Much of his recent work has focused on the comparative study of religious authority and social movements in the Muslim world. His current research includes projects on Muslim leadership in the West and the relationship between globalization and development. Imre Szeman is Senator William McMaster Chair of Globalization and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. He is the founder of the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies and a founding member of the Cultural Studies Association (U.S.). His main areas of research are globalization, visual cultural studies, contemporary popular culture and social and cultural theory. He has published more than fifty articles and book chapters on a range of topics. Manfred B. Steger is Professor of Global Studies and Academic Director of the Globalism Institute at RMIT University. He is also Program Leader of 'Globalization and Culture', in the Global Cities Institute at RMIT University. He has delivered many lectures on globalization, ideology, and nonviolence in the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Australia. He serves on several editorial boards of academic journals as well as on the advisory boards of several globalization research centers around the world.

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Volume One - Edited by Paul James and Barry Gills Globalizing Markets and Capitalism PART ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: THE EMERGENCE OF A GLOBAL MARKET World System Cycles, Crises and Hegemonial Shifts, 1700BC to 1700AD - B K Gills and A G Frank The Shape of the World System in the 13th Century - Janet Abu-Lughod Trade Globalization since 1795 - Christopher Chase-Dunne, Yukio Kawano and Benjamin D Brewer Waves of Integration in the World System PART TWO: GLOBALIZATION AND THE MODERN CAPITALIST MARKET Restarting Globalization after World War Two - Shale Horowitz Structure, Coalitions and the Cold War The Global Economy in the Bush Era - Fred Block The Causes of Globalization - Geoffrey Garrett Globalization and Its Disconnects - Simon Teitel PART THREE: GLOBALIZATION AND THE COMING OF A 'BORDERLESS WORLD'? Where Borders Fall in a Borderless World - Kenichi Omae Capital, State and Space - Henry Wai-Chung Yeung Contesting the Borderless World Territory and Territoriality in the Global Economy - Saskia Sassen The Myth of a 'Global' Economy - J Zysman Enduring National Foundations and Emerging Regional Realities PART FOUR: DEBATING GLOBALIZATION, DEVELOPMENT AND INEQUALITY Industrial Convergence, Globalization and the Persistence of the North-South Divide - Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J Silver and Benjamin D Brewer World Inequality and Globalization - Bob Sutcliffe Does Globalization Hurt the Poor? - Pierre-Richard Ag[ac]enor The Diffusion of Prosperity and Peace by Globalization - Eric Weede PART FIVE: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS The Future of Globalization - Paul Hurst and Graeme Thompson Global Capitalism and the State - Jan Aart Scholte Globalization or the Age of Transition? A Long-Term View of the Trajectory of the World System - Immanuel Wallerstein Volume Two - Edited by Paul James and Heikki Patom[um]aki Globalizing Finance and the New Economy PART ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT: FROM THE GOLD STANDARD TO A NEW ERA OF GLOBAL FINANCE The International System - Karl Polanyi Globalization of Capital and the Theory of Imperialism - Prabhat Patnaik The Transnational Debt Architecture and Emerging Markets - Susanne Soederberg The Politics of Paradoxes and Punishment Globalization in Search of a Future - Pascal Petit and Luc Soete PART TWO: GLOBAL FUTURES AND DERIVATIVES Derivatives - Jakob Arnoldi Virutal Values and Real Risks Global Microstructures - Karin Knorr Cetina and Urs Bruegger The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets The Schumpeterian Role of Financial Innovations in the New Economy's Business Cycle - Charles G Leathers and J Patrick Raines PART THREE: GLOBAL FINANCE AS A DOMINANT ECONOMY? Accounting for Globalization - Cameron Graham and Dean Neu Globalization and Electronic Commerce - Steve Globerman, Thomas W Roehl and Stephen Standifird Inferences from Retail Brokering Are Offshore Financial Centres the Product of Global Markets? A Sociological Response - Matthew Donaghy and Michael Clarke Passing Judgement - Timothy Sinclair Credit Rating Process as Regulatory Mechanisms of Governance in the Emerging World Order PART FOUR: DEBATING THE REGULATION AND TAXATION OF GLOBAL CAPITAL The Globalization of Taxation? Electronic Commerce and the Transformation of the State - Roland Paris Globalization and Justice - Jon Mandle The Tobin Tax - Heikki Patom[um]aki A New Phase in the Politics of Globalization? Capital Mobility, Capital Controls and Globalization in the 21st Century - Sebastian Edwards PART FIVE: (OTHER) CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Global Crisis - John Hinkson Political Economy and beyond Solving Sovereign Debt Overhang by Internationalizing Chapter 9 Procedures - Kunibert Raffer Beyond the Tobin Tax - Myron Frankman Global Democracy and a Global Currency Regulating Economic Globalization - Ash Amin Volume Three - Edited by Paul James and Ronen Palan Globalizing Economic Regimes and Institutions PART ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: THE RISE OF GLOBAL AGREEMENTS AND CORPORATE BODIES Reconstituting the Global Public Domain - John Gerard Ruggie Issues, Actors and Practices New Constitutionalism, Democratization and Global Political Economy - Stephen Gill The Global Diffusion of Regulatory Capitalism - Daniel Levi-Faur PART TWO: CORPORATIONS, MARKETS AND GLOBALIZATION Alliances and Networks - R Gulati Flexible Specialization versus Post-Fordism - P Hirst and J Zeitlin Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications Corporate Governance and Globalization - Mary O'Sullivan PART THREE: STATE, LAW AND GLOBAL ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE Governing Globalization - John W Cioffi The State, Law and Structural Change in Corporate Governance Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare State? Preliminary Remarks on Post-Fordist Political Economy - Bob Jessop Tax Havens and the Commercialization of State Sovereignty - Ronen Palan Breaking Frames - Gunther Teubner Economic Globalization and the Emergence of Lex Mercatoria Globalization, Tax Competition and the Fiscal Crisis of the Welfare State - R S Avi-Yonah PART FOUR: DEBATING GLOBAL ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE Economic Globalization and Institutions of Global Governance - Keith Griffin Why Economic Globalization Is Not Enough - Graham Harrison Globalization and Global Economic Governance - Martin Wolf PART FIVE: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS: TRANSNATIONAL ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS AND GLOBALIZATION The Institutional Requirements of the WTO in an Era of Globalization - Jens Ladegfoged Mortensen Imperfections in the Global Economic Polity Capital-Market Liberalization, Globalization and the IMF - Joseph E Stigliz How Powerful Are Transnational Elite Clubs? The Social Myth of the World Economic Forum - Jean-Christophe Graz From the Top-Down - Jacqueline Best The New Financial Architecture and the Re-Embedding of Global Finance Volume Four - Edited by Paul James and Robert O'Brien Globalizing Labour PART ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: THE RISE OF A GLOBAL DIVISION OF LABOUR Wealth of Nations (Chapters 1-3) - Adam Smith World Scale Patterns of Labour-Capital Conflict - Beverly Silver Labor Unrest, Long Waves and Cycles of Hegemony Globalization, Labor Markets and Policy Backlash in the Past - Jeffrey G Williamson Rethinking the International Division of Labour in the Context of Globalization - James H Mittelman PART TWO: GLOBAL LABOUR DIVIDES: CLASS, GENDER AND RACE The Transnational Capitalist Class and Global Politics - Leslie Sklair Recasting Our Understanding of Gender and Work during Global Restructuring - Jean L Pyle and Kathryn B Ward Racial Assumptions in Global Labor Recruitment and Supply - Randolph B Persaud Rethinking Globalization - Philip McMichael The Agrarian Question Revisited PART THREE: GLOBALIZATION AND LABOUR MOBILITY Neo-Liberalism and the Regulation of Global Labor Mobility - Henk Overbeek Labor versus Globalization - George Ross Labour Migration - David Ellerman A Developmental Path or Low Level Trap? Labor Internationalism and the Contradictions of Globalization - Andrew Herod Or, Why the Local Is Sometimes Still Important in a Global Economy PART FOUR: DEBATING GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND LABOUR Workers and World Order - Robert O'Brien The Tentative Transformation of the International Union Movement Adventures of Emancipatory Labour Strategy as the New Global Movement Challenges International Unionism - Peter Waterman Decent Work - Leah F Vosko The Shifting Role of the ILO and the Struggle for Global Social Justice PART FIVE CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Power Repetoires and Globalization - Frances Fox Piven and Richard A Cloward Responsibility and Global Labor Justice - Iris Marion Young Southern Unionism and the New Labour Internationalism - Rob Lambert and Eddie Webster Globalization, Labor and the Polanyi Problem - Ronaldo Munck