Globalization and Violence


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Edited by Paul W James
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Paul James is Director of the Globalism Institute at RMIT in Australia, an editor of Arena Journal, and on the Council of the Institute of Postcolonial Studies. He has received a number of awards including the Japan-Australia Foundation Fellowship, an Australian Research Council Fellowship, and the Crisp Medal by the Australasian Political Studies Association for the best book in the field of political studies. He is author/editor of many books including, Nation Formation: Towards a Theory of Abstract Community (Sage Publications, 1996). His latest books are Global Matrix: Nationalism, Globalism and State-Terrorism (Pluto, 2005), and Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In (Sage Publications, 2006). His interests are threefold: first, globalism, nationalism and localism, including the changing nature of the nation-state and the effects of an emergent level of global integration; second, social theory with a concentration on theories of culture, community and social formation; and third, contemporary politics and society with an emphasis on debates over technology and social change. With John Tulloch is Professor of Sociology at Brunel University, UK. His research and publications have ranged from film and television studies and theatre through literary theory to history and sociology. His work in film and television theory has shifted from historical analysis to more current production/audience analyses of popular television, such as Australian soap opera and British TV science fiction. Notable influences on his work have been Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall and more recently Ulrick Beck. Peter Mandaville is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public and International Affairs and Co-Director of Mason's Center for Global Studies. He has authored numerous book chapters and journal articles, contributed to publications such as the International Herald Tribune and The New Republic, and consulted extensively for media, government and non-profit agencies. Much of his recent work has focused on the comparative study of religious authority and social movements in the Muslim world. His current research includes projects on Muslim leadership in the West and the relationship between globalization and development. Imre Szeman is Senator William McMaster Chair of Globalization and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. He is the founder of the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies and a founding member of the Cultural Studies Association (U.S.). His main areas of research are globalization, visual cultural studies, contemporary popular culture and social and cultural theory. He has published more than fifty articles and book chapters on a range of topics. Manfred B. Steger is Professor of Global Studies and Academic Director of the Globalism Institute at RMIT University. He is also Program Leader of 'Globalization and Culture', in the Global Cities Institute at RMIT University. He has delivered many lectures on globalization, ideology, and nonviolence in the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Australia. He serves on several editorial boards of academic journals as well as on the advisory boards of several globalization research centers around the world.

VOLUME ONE: GLOBALIZING EMPIRES: OLD AND NEW SECTION ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: TRADITIONAL EMPIRES, EAST AND WEST The Global Animus - Roland Robertson and David Inglis In the Tracks of World Consciousness Unsettling Geographical Horizons - Rhys Jones and Richard Phillips Exploring Premodern and Non-European Imperialism Revolt of Islam, 1700-1993 - Nikki R Keddie Comparative Considerations and Relations to Imperialism SECTION TWO: MODERN GLOBALIZING EMPIRES: FROM NINETEENTH CENTURY TO THE PRESENT The Imperialism of Free Trade - J Gallagher and R Robinson The Imperial Peace - Tarak Barkawi and Mark Laffey Democracy, Force and Globalization Dreams of Global Hegemony and the Technology of War - Jerry Harris Culture, US Imperialism and Globalization - John Carlos Rowe SECTION THREE: GLOBALIZATION AND EMPIRE AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 The Post-September 11 Debate over Empire, Globalization and Fragmentation - Walter LaFeber "A Parallel Globalization of Terror" - Mikkel Vedby Rassmussen 9-11, Security and Globalization Globalization and the Unchosen - Tom Nairn Leaving America behind Imperial Headaches - Michael C Hudson Managing Unruly Regions in an Age of Globalization SECTION FOUR: DEBATING 'EMPIRE' Empire - Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri World Order Globalization, the Pudding and the Question of Power - Sebastian Olma Virgilian Visions - Gopal Balakrishnan A Review of Empire An American Empire - Tim Watson Make for the Boondocks - Tom Nairn SECTION FIVE: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Neo-Liberal Empire - Jan Nederveen Pieterse 'Network Power and Globalization', Ethics and International Affairs, vol. 17, no. 2, 2003, pp. 89-98. Carnegie Council. - David Singh Grewal Post-Dependency - Paul James The Third World in an Era of Globalism and Late Capitalism VOLUME TWO: COLONIAL AND POST-COLONIAL GLOBALIZATIONS SECTION ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: COLONIZATION AND AFTER The Future Results of British Rule in India - Karl Marx Global Africa - Ali A Mazrui From Abolitionists to Reparationists What Is the Concept of Globalization Good For? An African Historian's Perspective - Frederick Cooper SECTION TWO: NARRATIVES OF COLONIALISM: EXPRESSIONS OF PAIN 'Draupi'(including her translation of the story by Mahasweta Devi) - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak The Song of Ourselves - Chinua Achebe Race, Empire and the Historians - Christopher Fyfe Bringing Them Home - Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission National Enquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families SECTION THREE: NARRATIVES OF POST-COLONIALISM: ANALYSES OF VIOLENCE Dead Certainty - Arjun Appadurai Ethnic Violence in the Era of Globalization At the Edge of the World - Achille Mbembe Boundaries, Territoriality and Sovereignty in Africa Terror as Usual - Michael Taussig Walter Benjamin's Theory of History as a State of Seige In Defense of the Fragment - Gyanendra Pandey Writing about Hindu-Muslim Riots in India Today Globalization, Culture and War - Tarak Barkawi On the Popular Mediation of 'Small Wars' SECTION FOUR: DEBATING THE CLASH OF TRADITIONALISM AND MODERNISM Globalization and the Power of Indeterminate Meaning - Peter Geschiere Witchcraft and Spirit Cults in Africa and East Asia Being in the World - Jonathan Friedman Globalization and Localization Histories Forgotten Doubles - Ashis Nandy Ethnography on an Awkward Scale - Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff Post-Colonial Anthropology and the Violence of Abstraction SECTION FIVE: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Post-Colonialism and Globalization - Simon During Towards a Historicization of Their Inter-Relation Post-Colonial Questions for Global Times - David Slater Globalization and the Claims of Post-Coloniality - Simon Gikandi The Criticism of Culture and the Culture of Criticism - Revanthi Krishnaswamy At the Intersection of Post-Colonialism and Globalization Theory VOLUME THREE: GLOBALIZING WAR AND INTERVENTION SECTION ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS: FROM INTERSTATE TO GLOBALIZING WARS Understanding Global War - George Modelski and Patrick M Morgan Connection and Constitution - Tarak Barkawi Locating War and Culture in Globalization Studies Wars of the Globalization Era - Zygmunt Bauman Globalization and the Study of International Security - Victor D Cha SECTION TWO: THE WAR ON TERROR AS A GLOBAL CONFLICT On Global Terror - John Hinkson September 11 One Year on Globalicities - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Terror and Its Consequences The Silence of Words - Ulrich Beck On Terror and War Perpetual War within the State of Exception - Simon Cooper Behind the Curve - Audrey Kurth Cronin Globalization and International Terrorism SECTION THREE: DEBATING HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION Global Security and Military Intervention - Gwyn Prins Peacekeeping and the Constraints of Global Culture - Roland Paris The Globalization of Responses to Conflict and the Peace-Building Consensus - Oliver P Richmond The Transformation of United Nations Peace-Keeping in the 1990s - Peter Viggo Jakobsen Adding Globalization to the Conventional 'End of the Cold War Explanation' War, Globalization and Reproduction - Silvia Federici Intervention and State Failure - Michael Ignatieff SECTION FOUR: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Violence and the Systematic Pattern of Declining Global Hegemony - Jonathan Friedman Globalization, Power and Society - Sean Kay Globalization, Democratization and the Prospects for Civil War in the New Millennium - T David Mason VOLUME FOUR: TRANSNATIONAL CONFLICT SECTION ONE: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS 'Archaic' and 'Modern' Globalization in the Eurasian and African Arena - C A Bayly Global Migration, 1846-1940 - Adam McKeon Transnational Relations and World Politics - Joseph S Nye and Robert O Keohane A Conclusion SECTION TWO: REFUGEES, SLAVES AND REGIMES OF GLOBAL DISPLACEMENT Expendable People - Kevin Bales Slavery in the Age of Globalization Bad Neighbours, Bad Neighbourhood - Myron Weiner An Enqury into the Causes of Refugee Flows Military Responses to Refugee Disaster - Barry R Posen Refugees and the Global Politics of Asylum - Jeff Crisp News from Nowhere - Liisa H. Malkki Mass Displacement and Globalized "Problems of Organization" Globalization and Migration - Stephen Castles Some Pressing Contradictions SECTION THREE: DIASPORAS AND TRANSNATIONAL VIOLENCE Diasporas - James Clifford Diaspora Politics - Charles King and Neil J Melvin Ethnonationalism and the Global 'Modernizing' Project - Asafa Jalata Virtual War - Rowena Robinson The Internet as the New Site for Global Religious Conflict SECTION FOUR: DEBATING THE SOURCES OF INSECURITY Nationalism and Globalization - Mary Kaldor International Terrorism and the World System - Albert J Bergenson and Omar Lizardo Trouble in Paradise - Jean-Germain Gros Crime and Collapsed States in the Age of Globalization PART FIVE: CRITICAL PROJECTIONS Transnationalism, Socio-Political Disorder and Ethnification as Expressions of Declining Global Hegemony - Jonathan Friedman Relationg Global Tensions - Paul James Modern Tribalism and Postmodern Nationalism Cosmopolitanism and Violence - Gerard Delanty The Limits of Global Civil Society

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