Theories of International Relations


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Edited by Stephen Stephen Chan, Cerwyn Moore
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
3090 g

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Volume One: Approaches to International Relations: Realism The Science of International Politics - E H Carr The Beginnings of a Science in The Twenty Year Crisis: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations Alternative National Strategies in On Thermonuclear War - Herman Kahn The Goals of Foreign Policy in Discord and Collaboration - Arnold Wolfers Essays on International Politics The Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy - Hans Morgenthau The New Great Debate - Morton Kaplan Traditionalism versus Science in International Relations The Theory of Games and the Balance of Power - R Harrison Wagner The Decline of the State System? in The Anarchical Society: The Study of Order in World Politics - Hedley Bull Analysis with an Amended Prisoner's Dilemma Model Hedley Bull and His Contribution to Interational Relations - Stanley Hoffman The Realism of Realism - Alan James The State and Study of International Relations Hedley Bull's Pluralism of Intellect and Solidarism of Will - Nicholas J Wheeler and Timothy Dunne Realism in the Study of World Politics - Robert Jervis Realist Thought and Neo-Realist Theory - Kenneth Waltz The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory - Helen Milner A Critique The False Promise of International Institutions - John J Mearsheimer From International System to an International Society - Barry Buzan Structural Realism and Regime Theory Meet the English School The Realist Paradigm and Degenerative versus Progressive Research Programs - John Vasquez An Appraisal of Neo-Traditional Research on Waltz's Balancing Proposition Neo-Realism and the English School - Richard Little A Methodological, Ontological and Theoretical Reassessment Volume Two: Approaches to International Relations: Pluralism Functional Approach to World Organization - David Mitrany Peace Research and International Relations - John Burton Organization and Conflict - Kenneth Boulding Twenty-Five Years of Peace Research - Ten Challenges and Some Responses - Johan Galtung Pluralism, the Science of Politics and the World System - William T Fox The Evolution of International Relations in Conflict in World Society - Michael Banks A New Perspective on International Relations Human Rights and the Theory of International Relations in Human Rights and International Relations - R J Vincent Paradigms in Conflict - A J R Groom The Strategist, the Conflict Researcher and the Peace Researcher Kant and the Kantian Paradigm in International Relations - Andrew Hurrell The Kantian Peace - Bruce Russett and John Oneal Assessing the Pacific Benefits of Democracy, Independence and International Organizations, 1885-1992 Liberalism and World Politics - Michael W Doyle Reciprocity in International Relations - Robert O Keohane Power and Interdependence Revisited - Robert O Keohane and Joseph S Nye Jr International Regimes - Oran Young Toward a New Theory of Institutions States, Firms and Diplomacy - Susan Strange The End of History? - Francis Fukuyama The Clash of Civilizations? - Samuel P Huntington International Liberalism and Distributive Justice - Charles Beitz A Survey of Recent Thought The Moral Basis of Humanitarian Intervention - Terry Nardin Tragedy, Ethics and International Relations - Mervyn Frost Volume Three: Approaches to International Relations: Structuralism The Postwar Boom - Andre Gunder Frank From Sociology to Historical Social Science - Immanuel Wallerstein Prospects and Obstacles On Thinking about Future World Order - Robert Cox Historical Materialism and International Relations Theory - B K Gills Marxism and International Relations - John Maclean A Strange Case of Mutual Neglect The Silence of the Academics - Hazel Smith International Social Theory, Historical Materialism and Political Value Open Marxism and Vulgar International Political Economy - Peter Burnham Realism, Marxism and Critical International Theory - Andrew Linklater The Epistemology of Poverty and the Poverty of Epistemology in IPE - Roger Tooze and Craig Murphy Mystery, Blindness and Invisibility Coxian Historicism as an Alternative Perspective in International Studies - James Mittelman The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony - Susan Strange International Institutions, Decolonization and Development - Craig Murphy and Enrico Augelli Global Monitor - Rorden Wilkinson The World Trade Organization The State of Globalization - Martin Shaw Towards a Theory of State Transformation Engaging Gramsci - R Germain and Michael Kenny International Relations Theory and the New Gramscians The Historical Sociology of the State and the State of Historical Sociology in International Relations - John M Hobson The Political Economy of Proximity - Chris May Intellectual Property and the Global Division of Information Labour Theorizing the International System - Steve Hobden Perspectives from Historical Sociology Civil Society at the Turn of the Millennium - Robert Cox Prospects for an Alternative World Order Commentary - Noam Chomsky Moral Truisms, Empirical Evidence and Foreign Policy Volume Four: Contemporary Reflexive Approaches in International Relations The Geopolitics of Geopolitical Space - Richard K Ashley Toward a Critical Social Theory of International Politics On the Possibilities of World Order Discourse - R B J Walker The Events of Discourse and the Ethics of Global Hospitality - Michael J Shapiro 'Conclusion: The Future of International Relations' in Rethinking International Relations - Fred Halliday History Ends, Worlds Collide - Chris Brown Gender Makes the World Go Round - Cynthia Enloe Good Girls, Little Girls and Bad Girls - Cynthia Weber Male Paranoia Feminist Theories and International Relations - Jean Bethke Elshstain Well, What Is the Feminist Perspective on Bosnia? - Marysia Zalewski The Private Is Global - Jill Steans Feminist Politics and Global Political Economy The Yawning Vacuum - Rajni Kothari A World without Alternatives Textualizing the Self - Vivianne Jabri Moral Agency in Intercultural Discourse Constructing International Politics - Alexander Wendt Virtuous War/Virtual Theory - James Der Derian International Engagements - David Campbell The Politics of North American International Relations Theory After Post-Positivism - Heikki Patom[um]aki and Colin Wight The Promise of Critical Realism Empathetic Co-Operation - Christine Sylvester A Feminist Method of IR The Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory - Roland Bleiker Agents, Structures, Narratives - Hidemi Suganami A New Triptych for International Relations in the 21st Century - Stephen Chan Beyond Waltz and beyond Lacan's Antigone

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