Melanie Smith (PhD) is a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Tourism and Catering at the Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences in Budapest where she specialises in cultural tourism and health tourism. Nikki Macleod has more than 15 years' experience of teaching tourism at University of Greenwich and the University of North London (now London Metropolitan University) and is a registered practitioner of the Higher Education Academy. During this period she has taught extensively, contributed to the development of new programmes and undertaken research. She is an External Examiner for Oxford Brookes University and the University of East London. Margaret Hart Robinson is currently teaching Tourism Studies at the University of Las Palmas, Spain.
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Introduction Anthropology of Tourism Arts Tourism Authenticity Backpacking Business Tourism Crisis Management Cultural Tourism Dark Tourism Destination Management Economics of Tourism Ecotourism Ethical Tourism E-Tourism Festivals and Events Tourism Film and TV Tourism Gastronomic Tourism Gay Tourism Geography of Tourism Health and Wellness Tourism Heritage Tourism Identity Indigenous Tourism Literary Tourism Mature Tourism Mobility Neo-Colonialism Planning Tourism Post-Tourism Regeneration Religious and Spiritual Tourism Rural Tourism Self and Other Sex Tourism Sociology of Tourism Special Interest Tourism Sports and Adventure Tourism Sustainable Tourism Tourist Gaze Urban Tourism
The current tourism textbook market is saturated with books that conform to an outdated mode... this book presents a fresh look at tourism topics exploring emerging markets, new niches, and alternative development models from using a local-to-global framework. As such the book will more accurately portray the content and context of global tourism. The project has great potential to be considered the first 21st century tourism textbook Rich Harril International Tourism Research Institute, University of South Carolina For the growing number of students and researchers engaging with tourism, this book provides an excellent entry point to the major concepts which help frame our understanding of this global and multi-layered phenomenon. This compact book provides a valuable service in introducing the diversity of concepts we need in tourism studies Mike Robinson Director, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University