Public Governance


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Edited by Mark Bevir
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Professor Mark Bevir is a member of the Department of Political Science at University of California, Berkeley. He was born in London and educated at the University of Exeter, U.K., where he got a BA (1st Class), and the University of Oxford, UK where he was awarded a DPhil. Before moving to Berkeley, he worked at the University of Madras, India, and University of Newcastle, UK. He has held visiting positions in Australia, Finland, France, U.K., and the U.S. Currently he is co-convener of the Interpretive Political Science specialist group of the Political Studies Association and President of the Society for the Philosophy of History.

VOLUME ONE: THEORIES OF GOVERNANCE GENERAL The New Governance - R A W Rhodes Governing without Government Globalization and Public Administration - A Farazmand RATIONAL CHOICE The Tragedy of the Commons - Garrett Hardin Transaction-Cost Economics - O Williamson The Governance of Contractural Relations Understanding Urban Governance - K Dowding, P Dunleavy, D King, H Margetts and Y Rydin The Contribution of Rational Choice INSTITUTIONALISM The New Institutionalism - J March and J Olson Organisational Factors in Political Life Co-Ordination in Hierarchies and Networks - F Scharpf Understanding NHS Reform - I Greener The Policy-Transfer, Social Learning and Path-Dependency Perspectives THE REGULATION APPROACH The Regulation Approach - B Jessop Implications for Political Theory Governance and Meta-Governance - B Jessop On Reflexivity, Requisite Variety and Requisite Irony Neoliberalizing Space - J Peck and J Tickell SYSTEMS THEORY The Autopoiesis of Administrative Systems - M Brans and S Rossbach Niklas Luhmann on Public Administration and Public Policy Self-Governance as a Mode of Societal Governance - J Kooiman and M van Vliet Societal Governance - J Kooiman Levels, Modes and Orders of Political Interaction INTERPRETIVE THEORIES Governance and Interpretation - Mark Bevir What are the Implications of Postfoundationalism? A Decentered Theory of Governance - Mark Bevir Governing 'Advanced' Liberal Democracies - Nikolas Rose VOLUME TWO: PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM GENERAL Overload - A King Problems of Governing in the 1980s Reshaping the State - V Wright The Implications for Public Administration The Myth of the Bureaucratic Paradigm - L E Lynn What Traditional Public Administration Really Stood For NEOLIBERALISM: NPM A Public Management for all Seasons - Christopher Hood The Paradoxes of Administrative Reform - Vincent Wright Going Privately - D Grimshaw, S Vincent and H Willmott Partnership and Outsourcing in UK Public Services Administrative Leadership, Neo-Managerialism and the Public Management Movement - Larry D Terry The Global Revolution in Public Management - D Kettl Driving Themes, Missing Links NETWORKS The Networked Polity - Chris Ansell Regional Development in Western Europe Treating Networks Seriously - L O'Toole Practical and Research-Based Agendas in Public Administration The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships - Vivien Lowndes and Chris Skelcher An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance Public-Private Partnerships - T Bovaird From Contested Concepts to Prevalent Practice The Open-Method as a New Mode of Governance - D Hodson and I Maher The Case of Soft Economic Policy Co-Ordination Governance at Ground Level - Mark Considine and J M Lewis The Frontline Bureaucrat in the Age of Markets and Networks DEVELOPMENT Governance, Democracy and Development in the Third World - A Leftwich Decentralization, Local Governance and 'Recentralization' in Africa - J S Wunsch Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance - S Knack Cross-Country Empirical Tests VOLUME THREE: PUBLIC POLICY GENERAL The Science of Muddling Through - C Lindblom STEERING AND SERVING Community-Owned Government - D Osborne and T Gaebler Empowering Rather Than Serving Politicians and Bureaucrats in the Process of Governing - B G Peters The Challenge of Collaborative Governance - Chris Huxham The New Public Service - R B Denhardt and J V Denhardt Serving Rather Than Steering NETWORK MANAGEMENT Managing in Network Settings - R Agranoff and M McGuire Managing Public-Private Partnerships - E-H Klijn and G Teisman From Marketization to Diplomacy - R Rhodes It's the Mix that Matters AUDIT AND REGULATION From the Positive to the Regulatory State - G Majone Causes and Consequences of Changes on the Mode of Governance Regulation of Government - C Hood, O James and C Scott Has it Increased, Is it Increasing, Should it Be Diminished? Neoliberalizing Nature? - K Bakker Market Environmentalism in Water Supply in England and Wales Policy Learning Evaluation, Policy Learning and Evidence-Based Policy Making - I Sanderson Social Benchmarking, Policy Making and the New Governance in the EU - C de la Porte, P Poched and G Room Persistence of National Policy Styles - F van Waarden A Study of Their Institutional Foundations DIALOGUE AND DELIBERATION Policy Analysis and Planning - J Dryzek From Science to Argument Beyond Dialogue to Transformative Learning - J Forester How Deliberative Rituals Encourage Political Judgement in Community Planning Processes The Everyday Maker - H Bang and E Sorensen A New Challenge to Democratic Governance VOLUME FOUR: DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE GENERAL Governance in a Partially Globalized World - R Keohane GOOD GOVERNANCE 'Good Governance' - M Doornbos The Rise and Decline of a Policy Metaphor Governance, the World Bank and Liberal Theory - D Williams and T Young Good Enough Governance - M S Grindle Poverty Reduction and Reform in Developing Countries PUBLIC SERVICE The Political Theory of Reinvention - L deLeon and R Denhardt The Diminishing Publicness of Public Service under the Current Mode of Governance - M Haque From Responsiveness to Collaboration - E Vigoda Governance, Citizens and the Next Generation of Public Administration REPRESENTATION AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT Nonmajoritarian Institutions and the Limits of Democratic Governance - G Majone A Political Transaction-Cost Approach The End of the Line? - Mark Considine Accountable Governance in the Age of Networks, Partnerships and Joined-Up Services Public and Private Partnerships - M Minow Accounting for the New Religion Legitimizing the EU - C Lord and D Beetham Is There a 'Post-Parliamentary Basis for its Legitimation In Defence of the Democratic Deficit - Andrew Moravcsik Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union SOCIAL INCLUSION Bowling Alone - R Putnam America's Declining Social Capital Rediscovering Civil Society - K Armstrong The European Union and the White Paper on Governance Tackling Social Exclusion in the European Union? - M Geddes The Limits to the New Orthodoxy of Local Partnership RADICAL DEMOCRACY Deepening Democracy - A Fung and E O Wright Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance Democratic Governance - Mark Bevir Systems and Radical Perspectives Other Domains of Democratic Theory - D Slater Space, Power and the Politics of Democratization

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