Managing Innovation and Change 3/e


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Edited by David Mayle
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Introduction - David Mayle PART ONE: ENVIRONMENTS Gaining Competitive Advantage in a Carbon-constrained World - Karl Schultz and Peter Williamson Corporate Social Responsibility - Simon Knox and Stan Maklan Outsourcing Innovation - Pete Engardio and Bruce Einhorn From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action - Ian Wilson PART TWO: APPROACHES Quality Is Dead in Europe - B G Dale et al An Overview of Continuous Improvement - Nadia Bhuiyan and Amit Baghel Learning To Evolve - Peter Hines, Matthias Holweg and Nick Rich The Barriers to Customer Responsive Supply Chain Management - John Storey, Caroline Emberson and David Reade PART THREE: INNOVATION Ackoff on Innovation - Robert J Allio How You Can Benefit by Predicting Change - Scott D Anthony and Clayton M Christensen The Era of Open Innovation - Henry W Chesbrough The Innovator's Prescription - Costas Markides and Paul Geroski The Art of Scale PART FOUR: CHANGE The Empowerment of Service Workers - David E Bowen and Edward E Lawler III Ambidextrous Organizations - Michael L Tushman and Charles A O'Reilly III Technical Entrepreneurship in High Technology Small Firms - R P Oakey Targeting Innovation and Implications for Capability Development - Dave Francis and John Bessant PART FIVE: LEADERSHIP The Role of Leadership in the Modernization and Improvement of Public Services - Jean Hartley and Maria Allison Level 5 Leadership - Jim Collins The Failure-tolerant Leader - Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes Paradox of Coordination and Control - Jody Hoffer Gittell

'I must say that I give this book, "two thumbs up". The real genius, however, is the editorial choices that David Mayle has made. This is not meant to denigrate the work of the authors but to emphasize the essential role played by the editor of a compilation. These are the right articles, from the right sources, at the right time, and in the right sequence. This compilation is top-rate, and my expectation is that this will become another strong link in the chain of change management literature' James T. Walz Dean, Rinker School of Business, Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

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