Data Analysis


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Edited by Sotirios Sarantakos
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Volume One PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Epistemology and Sociohistorical Inquiry - John R Hall PART TWO: QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS Methods of Data Collection and Analysis Participant Observation and the Collection and Interpretation of Data - Arthur J Vidich Using and Analyzing Focus Groups - Janet Smithson Limitations and Possibilities Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis - Hsiu-Fang Hsieh and Sarah E Shannon Analyzing Interview Data - Cynthia Weston et al The Development and Evolution of a Coding System Approaches to Data Analysis Grounded Theory Research - Juliet Corbin and Anselm Straus Procedures, Canons and Evaluative Criteria Conversation Analysis - Charles Goodwin and John Heritage Discourse Analysis - Teun A van Dijk Its Development and Application to the Structure of News Discourse and Text - Norman Fairclough Linguistic and Intertextual Analysis within Discourse Analysis Narrative Analysis - or Why (and How) Sociologists Should Be Interested in Narrative - Roberto Franzosi The Contest over Meaning - Anshuman Prasad Hermeneutics as an Interpretive Methodology for Understanding Texts Hermeneutic Interpretation in Qualitative Research - Manfred Lueger and J[um]urgen H P Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik Between Arts and Rules Semiotics and the Study of Occupational and Organizational Cultures - Stephan R Barley Doing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis - Jonathan A Smith, Maria Jarman and Mike Osborn Tracking Discourse and Document Analysis - David L Altheide Strategies of Data Analysis The Logical Structure of Analytic Induction - W S Robinson A Purposeful Approach to Constant Comparative Method in the Analysis of Qualitative Interviews - Hennie Boeije Political Talk - Michael H Agar Thematic Analysis of a Policy Argument Conversational Code-Switching in a Chinese Community in Britain - Li Wei and Lesley Milroy A Sequential Analysis Volume Two Strategies of Data Analysis Analyzing Silences, Images and Films Reading between the Lines - Blake Poland and Ann Pederson Interpreting Silences in Qualitative Research Photographs as Data - George W Dowdall and Janet Golden An Analysis of Images from a Mental Hospital Reading Tender Mercies - Norman K Denzin Two Interpretations PART THREE: MIXED METHODS AND BEYOND Mixing, Integrating, Bridging and Beyond Some Observations on Formal Methods of Qualitative Research - Larry Griffin and Charles C Ragin Boolean Comparative Analysis of Qualitative Data - A Georges and L Romme A Methodological Note Measuring Meaning Structures - John W Mohr Bridging the Positivist and Interpretivist Approaches to Qualitative Methods - Ann Chih Lin Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques in Network Analysis - Nicole E Coviello Mixed-Method Analytical Techniques Structured, Qualitative Comparisons - Karl Henrik Sivesind Between Singularity and Single-Dimensionality Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis - Charles C Ragin Modeling Event Structures - David Heise Sequence Analysis - Andrew Abbott New Methods for Old Ideas Contextual Content Analysis - Donald G McTavish and Ellen B Pirro A Frame Analysis of Favour-Seeking in the Renaissance - Paul D McLean Agency, Networks and Political Culture Componential Analysis and the Study of Meaning - Ward H Goodenough Computer Software and Qualitative Analysis - Raymond M Lee and Lea Esterhuizen Trends, Issues and Resources Integrating Research Findings Synthesis through Meta-Ethnography - Lynn H Doyle Paradoxes, Enhancements and Possibilities 'Meta Interpretation' - Mike Weed A Method for the Interpretive Synthesis of Qualitative Research PART FOUR: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Analyzing Survey Data Analysis of Survey Data - D A Dargatz and G W Hill The Analysis of Factorial Surveys - Joop J Fox, Ita G G Kreft and Piet L J Hermkens The Exploratory Analysis of Survey Data Usin Log-Linear Models - Graham J G Upton Volume Three Quantitative Analysis Analyzing Text A Conceptual Framework for Quantitative Text Analysis - Carl W Roberts On Joining Probabilities and Substantive Inferences about Texts The Analysis of Literary Style - D I Holmes A Review Analyzing Structures and Sequences Social Network Analyses - Caroline Haythornthwaite An Approach and Technique for the Study of Information Exchange The Statistical Evaluation of Social Network Dynamics - Tom A B Snijders Sequential Analyses in Coercive Mother-Child Interaction - M Angeles Cerezo and Ana D'Ocon The Predictability Hypothesis in Abusive versus Nonabusive Dyads Methods for Temporal Analysis - Michael T Hannan and Nancy Brandon Tuma The Geometric Interpretation of Correspondence Analysis - Michael Greenacre and Trevor Hastie Dealing with Missing Data The Analysis of Social Science Data with Missing Values - Roderick J A Little and Donald B Rubin Describing Distributions Comparing the Mean and the Median as Measures of Centrality - Gordon R Stavig and Jean D Gibbons Methods of Estimating from Samples the Population Standard Deviation - O L Davies and E S Pearson Testing Association and Prediction Criteria for Measures of Association - Herbert L Costner Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule - John Aldrich Simple Models for the Analysis of Association in Cross-Classifications Having Ordered Categories - Leo A Goodman Regression Analysis Using Survey Data - D Holt and A J Scott Testing Significance On the Logic and Purpose of Significance Testing - Jose M Cortina and William P Dunlap The Assumptions Underlying the Analysis of Variance - Churchill Eisenhart Chi-Squared Tests with Survey Data - D Holt, A J Scott and P D Ewings Multivariate Analysis Multilevel Models - Thomas A DiPrete and Jerry D Forristal Methods and Substance Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) - H Smith, R Gnanadesikan and J B Hughes Covariance Analysis in Sociological Research - Karl Schuessler Some Questions about Factor Analysis - A S C Ehrenberg Factor Analysis as a Statistical Method - D N Lawley and A E Maxwell Volume Four Quantitative Analysis Multivariate Analysis Multiple and Logistic Regression Computation and Interpretation of Multiple Regressions - Barnet Woolf Path Analysis - Otis Dudley Duncan Sociological Examples Logistic Regression - S Philip Morgan and Jan D Teachman Descriptions, Examples and Comparisons Dealing with Multiple Sets of Data/Objects The Analysis of Repeated Measures - B S Everitt A Practical Review with Examples A Review of Hierarchical Classification - A D Gordon Hierarchical Clustering Schemes - Stephen C Johnson Three Applications of Methods of Cluster-Analysis - Byron J T Morgan Review of the Development of Multidimensional Scaling Methods - A Mead Principal Component Analysis of Designed Experiment - J N R Jeffers Integrating Research Findings A Comparison of Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis - Sarah E Brockwell and Ian R Gordon PART FIVE: QUALITY OF RESEARCH OUTCOMES Research and Theory Theory and Evidence in Qualitative Research - Martyn Hammersley Explanation and Causation - Jeffrey W Lucas Social Scientific Explanations? On Quine's Legacy and Contextual Fallacies - Jan Faber and Willem J Scheper Narrative Explanation - Peter Abel An Alternative to Variable-Centred Explanation? Causation in Sociology Today - David M Klein A Revised View An Introduction to Causal Inference - Michael E Sobel Quality Control Quality Control in Qualitative Research - William B Stiles On the Use and Utility of the Reliability Coefficient in Social and Behavioural Research - Tenko Raykov Assessing the Reliability of Statistical Software, Part Two - B D McCullough Theory-Testing, Generalization and the Problem of External Validity

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