Stardom and Celebrity


A Reader

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Edited by Su Holmes, Sean Redmond
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PART ONE: STAR AND CELEBRITY CULTURE: THEORETICAL ANTECEDENTS The Nature of Charismatic Domination - Max Weber The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Walter Benjamin The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception - Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer Myth Today - Roland Barthes "THAT-HAS-BEEN"; The Pose; The Luminous Rays,Colour; Amazement; Authentification - Roland Barthes The Ecstasy of Communication - Jean Baudrillard PART TWO THE ANALYSIS OF FAME: UNDERSTANDING STARDOM The Powerless Elite - Franceso Alberoni Theory and Sociological Research on the Phenomenon of the Stars Stars - Richard Dyer Heavenly Bodies - Richard Dyer Stars as a Cinematic Phenomenon - John Ellis Re-examining Stardom - Christine Geraghty Questions of Texts, Bodies and Performance From Beyond Control to In Control - Rebecca Williams Investigating Barrymore's Feminist Agency/Authorship PART THREE: FAME - REMEMBER MY NAME?: HISTORIES OF STARDOM AND CELEBRITY The Emergence of the Star System in America - Richard deCordova The Assembly Line of Greatness - Joshua Gamson Celebrity in Twentith-Century America 'Torture, Treacle, Tears and Trickery' - Su Holmes Celebrities,'Ordinary' People, and This is Your Life Celebrity and Religion - Chris Rojek The Dream of Acceptability - Leo Braudy PART FOUR: PRODUCING FAME: 'BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT' The Economy of Celebrity - Graeme Turner Sharon Stone in a Gap Turtleneck - Rebecca L. Epstein Who Owns Celebrity? Privacy, Publicity and the Legal Regulation of Celebrity Images - Philip Drake Celebrity CEOS and the cultural economy of tabloid intimacy - Jo Littler From the Alter to the Market-Place and Back Again - Wenche Ommundsen Understanding Literary Celebrity PART FIVE: MADE IN CULTURE: STAR AND CELEBRITY REPRESENTATIONS The Face of Garbo - Roland Barthes The Whiteness of Stars - Sean Redmond Looking at Kate Winslet's Unruly White Body The Hollywood Latina Body as a Site of Social Struggle - Mary C. Beltran Media Constructions of Stardom and Jennifer Lopez's "Cross-over Butt" 'Ozzy Worked for those Bleeping Doors with the Crosses on them' - Lisa Holderman The Osbournes as Social Class Narrative Mobile Identities, Digital Stars, and Post-Cinematic Selves - Mary Flanagan PART SIX: CONSUMING FAME/BECOMING FAMOUS: CELEBRITY AND ITS AUDIENCE With Stars in their Eyes - Jackie Stacey Female Spectators and the Paradoxes of Consumption A Star is Dead: A Legend is Born - Yiman Wang Practicing Leslie Cheung's Posthumous Fandom Doing it For Themselves? Teenage Girls, Sexuality and Fame - Catherine Lumby Media Power - Nick Couldry Some Hidden Dimensions

' often engaging and often insightful book... Among the best pieces in the 29 chapter collection are those by Australian academics Graeme Turner, whose clear and concise chapter "The Economy of Celebrity" illustrates the industrial imperatives of stardom, and Catherine Lumby, who brings the experience of contemporary teen girl fandom to life in "Doing It For Themselves? Teenage Girls, Sexuality and Fame". And Richard de Cordova's chapter on the emergence of the American star system delivers a fascinating analysis of the construction of the celebrity system in movies' - Media International Australia "This welcome addition to the literature on fame goes beyond goes beyond stardom--though Redmond and Holmes cover that topic well--to discuss stardom and celebrity in general." -- A.L. Knight * CHOICE *

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