Roberto Franzosi (PhD at Johns Hopkins, 1981) works at the intersection of sociology, history, linguistics, rhetoric, and computer science. He is working on two major projects: the rise of Italian fascism (1919-1922) and Georgia lynchings (1875-1935). To carry out these projects, based on thousands of newspaper articles, he has developed a computer-assisted approach to text (Quantitative Narrative Analysis, QNA), a software (PC-ACE), and has now moved to fully automated, computational linguistic approaches to text. He has published several books: Tropes and Figures (Routledge, 2017); Quantitative Narrative Analysis (SAGE, 2010); Content Analysis (4 vols; SAGE, 2008); From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science (CUP, 2004); The Puzzle of Strikes (CUP, 1995). Among recent articles are "Content Analysis" in Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics, edited by Wodak and Forchtner (Routledge, 2017) and "A Third Road to the Past? Historical Scholarship in the Age of Big Data" in Historical Methods (2018).
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About the Author Series Editor's Introduction Preface 1. Orientation 2. Text Genres, Narrative, and Story Grammars 3. Computer Storage and Retrieval of Narrative Information 4. Things to Do With Words 5. Coda References Author Index Subject Index
"This is a thought-provoking, timely book because of the increasing interest in narrative techniques and approaches to scholarly management, entrepreneurship and leadership circles. It is a must-read item for serious entrepreneurship, family business and leadership researchers, whether of a quantitative or qualitative volition." -- Robert Smith