Mathematics Curriculum Topic Study

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781412926447

Bridging the Gap Between Standards and Practice

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Edited by Page D. Keeley, Cheryl Rose Tobey
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Page is a prolific author of over twenty national best-selling and award-winning books, including twelve books in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, four books in the first edition Curriculum Topic Study series, and four books in the Science and Mathematics Formative Assessment- Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning series. Several of her books have received prestigious awards in educational publishing. She has authored numerous journal articles and contributed to several book chapters. She is a frequent invited speaker at regional, national, and international conferences on the topic of formative assessment in science, understanding students' (and teachers') thinking, and teaching for conceptual understanding. Prior to leaving the classroom to work at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance in 1996, Page taught middle and high school science for 15 years. At that time she was an active teacher leader at the state and national level, serving two terms as President of the Maine Science Teachers Association and NSTA District II Director 1995-1998 and NSTA Executive Board member (prior to the Board and Council restructuring in 1997). She received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching in 1992 and the Milken National Distinguished Educator Award in 1993. Since leaving the classroom in 1996, her work in leadership and professional development has been nationally recognized. In 2008 she was elected the 63rd President of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the world's largest organization of K-12, university, and informal science educators. In 2009 she received the National Staff Development Council's (now Learning Forward) . In 2013 she received the Outstanding Leadership in Science Education award from the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA) and in 2018, The Distinguished Service to Science Education Award from NSTA. She has served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Maine, was a Cohort 1 Fellow in the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership, was a science literacy leader for the AAAS/Project 2061 Professional Development Program, and served on several national advisory boards. She has a strong interest in global science education and has led science/STEM education delegations to South Africa (2009), China (2010), India (2012), Cuba (2014), Iceland (2017), Panama (2018), and Costa Rica (2019). Prior to entering the teaching profession, Page was a research assistant for immunogeneticist, Dr. Leonard Shultz, at the Jackson Laboratory of Mammalian Genetics in Bar Harbor, Maine. She received her B.S. in Life Sciences/pre-veterinary studies from the University of New Hampshire and her Masters degree in Science Education from the University of Maine. In her spare time she enjoys travel, reading, photography, fiber art, and dabbles in modernist cooking and culinary art. A Maine resident for almost 40 years, Page and her husband currently reside in Fort Myers, FL and Wickford, RI. Page can be contacted at or through her web site at Cheryl Rose Tobey is a senior mathematics associate at Education Development Center (EDC) in Massachusetts. She is the project director for Formative Assessment in the Mathematics Classroom: Engaging Teachers and Students (FACETS) and a mathematics specialist for Differentiated Professional Development: Building Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching Struggling Students (DPD); both projects are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). She also serves as a director of development for an Institute for Educational Science (IES) project, Eliciting Mathematics Misconceptions (EM2). Her work is primarily in the areas of formative assessment and professional development. Prior to joining EDC, Tobey was the senior program director for mathematics at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA), where she served as the co-principal investigator of the mathematics section of the NSF-funded Curriculum Topic Study, and principal investigator and project director of two Title IIa state Mathematics and Science Partnership projects. Prior to working on these projects, Tobey was the co-principal investigator and project director for MMSA's NSF-funded Local Systemic Change Initiative, Broadening Educational Access to Mathematics in Maine (BEAMM), and she was a fellow in Cohort 4 of the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership. She is the coauthor of six published Corwin books, including seven books in the Uncovering Student Thinking series (2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014), two Mathematics Curriculum Topic Study resources (2006, 2012), and Mathematics Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction and Learning (2011). Before joining MMSA in 2001 to begin working with teachers, Tobey was a high school and middle school mathematics educator for ten years. She received her BS in secondary mathematics education from the University of Maine at Farmington and her MEd from City University in Seattle. She currently lives in Maine with her husband and blended family of five children.

List of Curriculum Topic Study Guides Foreword, by Joan Ferrini-Mundy Preface About the Authors 1. Introduction to Curriculum Topic Study What Is Curriculum Topic Study? Why Study a Curriculum Topic? Why Focus on Topics? The Underlying Knowledge and Research Base The Origin of Curriculum Topic Study: From Science to Mathematics Research on Readers' Interaction With Text Mathematics Teachers and Teaching The Teacher Professional Continuum 2. Examining the Components of a Curriculum Topic Study The CTS Guide Common Resources for Study and Reflection 3. Engaging in Curriculum Topic Study Getting Started The CTS Learning Cycle: Inquiry, Study, and Reflection Using CTS Alone or With a Group 4. Contexts for Using Curriculum Topic Study CTS and Mathematics Content Knowledge CTS and Curriculum CTS and Instruction CTS and Assessment CTS and Preservice and Novice Teacher Support CTS and Leadership Development CTS and Professional Development 5. Images From Practice: Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) Vignettes Vignette 1: A Team of Primary Teachers Uses CTS to Clarify Disctric Curriculum Goals for Addition and Subtraction Concepts Vignette 2: A High School Teacher Uses CTS to Guide Implementation of a Unit on Functions Vignette 3: A Department Chair Uses CTS to Help Guide a Discussion on Quadratic Factoring Vignette 4: A Multi-Grade Elementary Team Uses CTS to Examine Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Vignette 5: A Middle School Teacher Uses CTS to Understand Concepts of Surface Area and Volume Viggette 6: A Team of Middle and High School Teachers Uses CTS to Identify Goals for Learning About Decimals, Fractions, and Percents Vignette 7: An Intermediate Teacher Uses CTS to Prepare for a Unit on Probability Vignette 8: Teachers Use CTS to Analyze Student Thinking on Area Measurement Vignette 9: A Teacher Leader Uses CTS to Prepare for a Professional Development Session on Proportionality 6.Curriculum Topic Study Guides Organization of CTS Guides Description of CTS Categories Reasource A: Additional Resources to Support Curriculum Topic Study Reaource B: Worksheets for Curriculum Topic Study References Index

"This book addresses the needs of teachers at every level in their teaching careers, as well as those who support and work with teachers. The processes can be used individually to guide professional learning and teaching, or within almost any professional development structure for facilitating group learning. The CTS process is collegial and scholarly, and truly does bridge the gap between what we know and what we do as educators." -- Katherine E. Stiles, Senior Program Associate "Mathematics Curriculum Topic Study supports continual professional growth of both content and pedagogical knowledge. The CTS Guides will help teachers focus on the appropriate research. What a time saver this is!" -- Rhonda Naylor, National Board Certified Mathematics Teacher "Keeley and Rose provide a tool for educators to bring research to bear in practice in a way that supports teacher development of content knowledge, which, in turn, will increase student achievement." -- Cathy Carroll, Senior Project Director "The book accomplishes the dual purposes of providing thoughtful and careful interpretation and expansion of standards as well as providing a concrete knowledge, interact with local standards, examine coherence, consider learning issues, and improve pedagogy and assessment seems ideal for the contemporary educational environment." -- From the Foreword by Joan Ferrini-Mundy "Provides a framework where educators are encouraged to 'help themselves' by engaging in a cycle of 'inquiry, study, and reflection' to inform their decision making where 'practice' decisions are concerned. For those charged with designing curriculum, there is much of value to consider." -- Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, March 2007 "This book is based on the premise that the mathematics educator is a professional who actively pursues his or her own learning in mathematics and mathematics education. An excellent resource for self-study and the professional development of teachers." -- Mathematics Teacher, August 2007

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