Robert Prigo, professor and director of the Teacher Education Program at Middlebury College, has worked for twenty years with K-12 educators on inquiry-based science teaching and learning, supported through grants from the NSF and the Vermont Department of Education. His work with teachers and schools goes beyond professional development workshops and institutes to include phone-call-help to local teachers, science assemblies at local schools, lending equipment and resources, and visiting school classrooms to work directly with teachers and students. Prigo was recognized in 1991 as "Vermont Professor of the Year" by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.
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Preface 1. Motion and Force Inertia and Newton's First Law of Motion Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Fundamental Forces and Newton's Third Law of Motion Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Net Force, Acceleration and Newton's Second Law of Motion Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Motion Circus Sample Investigation Questions 2. Fluids and Buoyancy Gases and Liquids as Fluids Pressure in a Gas and Atmospheric Pressure Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Liquid Pressure Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Archimedes' Principle: Sinking and Floating Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Fluids in Motion: Bernoulli's Principle Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Fluids and Buoyancy Circus A Bernoulli Circus Sample Investigable Questions 3. Waves and Sound Waves and Waves Motion Concepts Types of Waves and Waves Speed Periodic Waves: Wavelength, Frequency, and Amplitude Wave Reflection and Transmission Superposition Principle Activities Everyday Examples Sound Waves Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Waves and Sound Circus Sample Investigable Questions 4. Light and Electromagnetic Waves Waves and/or Particles Sources of Light Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Light and Matter Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Light Travels in a Straight Line Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Reflection Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Refractions Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Total Internal Reflection Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Dispersion and Color Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Diffraction and Interference Concepts Activities Everyday Eaxamples Light Circus Sample Investigative Questions 5. Electricity and Magnetism Electric Charge and the Electric Force and Field Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Electric Current and the Magnetic Force and Field Concepts Activities Magnets Interacting with Magnets and Magnetic Materials Magnets Interacting with Current Carrying Wires Current Carrying Wires Interacting with Current Carrying Wires Everyday Examples Magnets Interacting with Magnets and Magnetic Materials Magnets Interacting with Current Carrying Wires Electromagnetic Induction Concepts Activities Everyday Examples Electric and Magnetic Circus Sample Investigative Questions References and Resources
"The activities and examples include many that have withstood the test of time for successful science instruction and that enable teachers to link science to the lives of students." -- Elizabeth Hammerman, Science Educator and Consultant "A substantial contribution to the field of science education and an easy way for busy teachers to make science more meaningful, exciting, and connected for students. An important mix of both content and activities that teachers can use to meet their individual needs." -- Kerry Williams, Professor "The information is fantastic and the activities are intriguing. Using this book to teach physical science will have children cheering whenever the teacher announces that it's time for science." -- Peggy Rogers, First-Grade Teacher "The straightforward explanations, along with real-life examples, appeal to teachers who are using the information to supplement a required curriculum. This book would be a very convenient resource for preparing lesson plans from district-required text." -- Theresa Knaebel, Middle School Science Teacher "Provides a fine gathering of exercises in physics for kids in Grades K-8. From experiments demonstrating waves and sound to fluids, forces, and light, these are fun examples to build and test." -- California Bookwatch, June 2008