Christa Metzger is currently Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at California State University, Northridge. She has taught graduate courses in educational administration in the master's and administrative credential programs at CSUN since 1995. She was recently awarded the Professor Emeritus status. Christa has a doctorate (PhD) in educational administration from Arizona State University, a master's degree from the University of Florida, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida Southern College. Christa has been a teacher and school administrator for over 25 years in Germany, Arizona, and California. She was a school district Superintendent for 10 years before coming to California State University, Northridge as a university professor. Christa has been actively involved on many state and regional boards and has held leadership positions in community and professional organizations, including a term on the Phi Delta Kappan editorial board. In 1990, she was awarded the "All Arizona Superintendent" award by the Arizona School Administrator's Association. Christa has published numerous articles and conducted research in areas related to educational administration, in particular on how school leaders keep a balance between their personal and professional lives. She has made many presentations and conducted workshops for school administrators, university faculty and others. She has led meditation in her church for over ten years. Recently she formed a group of artists, musicians, and writers who conduct workshops on Creative Paths to Spirituality: Exploring Your Journey from the Head to the Heart. Christa lives with her architect husband, Hank, on their 42 foot sailboat in Marina del Rey, California. They have a home in North Carolina where they plan to retire in a few years.
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Foreword by Paul D. Houston Preface Acknowledgments About the Author 1. Taking Care of Yourself as Well as You Do Others 2. Defining Personal Growth 3. Finding Time for Yourself While Working on Behalf of Others 4. Strategies for Personal Growth: Becoming a More Balanced Person 5. Physical Activities: Taking Care of Your Body 6. Reflective Reading: Nourishing Your Spirit and Soul 7. Music, Art, Writing, and Other Creative Work: Engaging Transformative Powers 8. Time for and With Yourself: Silence, Solitude and Meditation 9. Dreamwork: Knowing Your Whole Self 10. Spending Time With Those Who Care About You: Another Way to Balance 11. Fulfilling Your Purpose as a Leader and Finding Meaning as a Person Resources for Further Learning References Index
"There are thousands of books that address leadership and management. Dr. Metzger's, however, book starts with the person and focuses on the inner strength needed to be the visionary leader other books describe." -- Angel Barrett, Principal "Overdue, insightful, to the point, yet compassionate and personal. I would recommend this book to all administrators for immediate reading. Includes some great suggestions for individual improvement and peace of mind." -- John Kenneth Amato, Principal "Dr. Metzger has hit the nail on the head with her firsthand knowledge of the hectic and highly demanding education profession. Educational leadership begins with a healthy body and mind. My advice to those in the trenches of administration and the classroom is this: read Metzger's book and follow her sage advise to the letter! You owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and most importantly, to your students." -- Alfredo Gamez, School Board Member "Christa Metzger has done a great service to those called to the profession of school administration. At a time when the pressures of that profession have never been greater, she shows us the very practical pathways to personal growth, inner development, and authenticity that are the basis of great leadership in any human endeavor. Dr. Metzger writes from a place of sound research and not 'one in a row' anecdotes. But the real power in this book comes from her personal passion and depth of experience. It will be an important-perhaps even essential-resource for those who share her commitment to school leadership." -- C. Michael Thompson, Leadership Development Consultant "Balancing Leadership and Personal Growth provides both insights and answers. It looks into the lives of leaders and illuminates the challenges and stresses placed on those who have volunteered to step forward. At the same time, it not only provides answers but provokes thought and reflection." -- Richard Castallo, Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies "I was so pleased to have discovered this book. It is a gift to all of us who are passionately struggling to discover our balanced lives." -- Anne K. Garceau, Principal "I truly appreciate the author's practical approach to leading a balanced life. This book teaches us how to decompress so that we may respond appropriately to the stresses in school leadership. It's important to acknowledge and address this need, especially as part of the training for new school administrators." -- Marisa Sarian, Assistant Principal "As someone who has worked with educational leaders in Arizona and nationally for 39 years, Metzger's examples are very real and her suggestions hit the mark! Administrators will benefit from this unique and helpful guide for achieving the kind of balance that will make them more effective as leaders and as human beings." -- Harold Porter, Executive Director "Christa Metzger has provided a heartfelt syllabus for maintaining the all-important connections between mind and body, between physical and psychological experience. Know yourself, she counsels, and then she provides a multitude of tips both large and small to light the way. If a difficult journey begins with a single step, heeding the invaluable counsel of this book is the right first step to take." -- Robert W. Cole, Former Editor-in-Chief, Phi Delta Kappan "Offers strategies for achieving a healthy work and life balance, finding meaning as a leader, nourishing one's spirit, cultivating relationships, and finding time for solitude and meditation." -- District Administration, May 2006 "Administrators need safe places to feel vulnerable-the pages in this book reveal ways to find these safe places to make meaning of who we are at our core. Ultimately, the beneficiaries of personal growth in school leaders are school communities." -- Florida Journal of Educational Administration & Policy, Fall 2007