"Setting out to make the prevailing theories of power accessible as they're discussed in disciplines like political science, business, and psychology, leading social sciences publisher SAGE is compiling what is likely to be a sought-after starting point int he research of power and its brokers."-Library Journal -- Library Journal "This set offers a distinctive interdisciplinary analysis of the concept of power and will prove a valuable addition for academic collections." -- Samantha Schmehl Hines * Library Journal * "As it stands now, it is a fine work and one I personally would love to own for desk-based research. The biographical entries (on active figures such as Dahl and Morriss and indeed Dowding himself) are objective and historiographically informative, the technical material (e.g. on game theory) is non-patronizing and authoritatively presented, the debates really are of current interest, the mix of soft with hard (or qualitative and quantitative) good, and the overall reach and level of analysis of the entries intellectually and professionally sound." -- Stuart Hannabuss * Social Sciences *