David M. Boje is an amateur blacksmith artist, & Professor of Storytelling, Distinguished University Professor, and Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow in Management Department at New Mexico State University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2011 for his contributions to quantum storytelling. He does keynote conference presentations and university seminars around the world. He is founder and president of Standing Conference for Management and Organizational Inquiry| founder and past editor, Tamara Journal and Chair of the NMSU Sustainability Council. He is former Bank of America Endowed Professorship of Management (awarded September 2006-2010), and past Arthur Owens Professorship in Business Administration (June 2003-June 2006) in the Management Department at New Mexico State University.
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Story Escaping Narrative Prison PART I: SYSTEMICITY Systemicity Complexity Levels Dialogisms Collective Memory PART II: STRATEGIES Polyphonic Strategy Stylistic Strategy Chronotopic Strategy Architectonic Strategy Polypi Strategy PART III: RESTORYING Developing Transorganization Development PART IV: STORY METHOD Living Story Method Socratic Symposium
'Boje's work is a theoretical interpretation of how a writer would have to rethink a million times before he organises his script or story by weaving in all the characters, By doing this, the theories showcased in the book become essential reading for professionals in the film, journalism and advertising industry....Boje does well by reminding us of the basics. And it is here that he allows us to find who we really are as writers, and as organisations' Vishal Krishna Business World