Fundamentals of HRM


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Edited by Neil Anderson
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Neil Anderson is Professor of Human Resource Management and Director of Research of the HRM-OB research centre (WORC) at Brunel University. Having obtained his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Aston University in 1989, Professor Anderson has previously held chairs at the University of London (Goldsmiths College) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has published in several areas spanning HRM and organizational psychology over a number of years, and is now one of the top-five most cited Industrial-Organizational psychologists in Europe. Professor Anderson is Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, and Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and Division 14 of the APA (the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology)

Volume One HRM Defined and in Organizational Context PART ONE: THE HISTORY AND UTILITY OF HRM Gaining a Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Management Practices - R S Schuler and I C MacMillan Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations - D Guest Organizational Capability as Competitive Advantage - D Ulrich Human Resource Professionals as Strategic Partners The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity and Corporate Financial Performance - M A Huselid Understanding Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments - S E Jackson and R S Schuler PART TWO: PERSPECTIVES AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES The People Make the Place - B Schneider Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Human Resource Management - P M Wright and G C McMahan Human Resource Management and Performance - D Guest A Review and Research Review Article - T Keenoy HRMism and the Languages of Re-Presentation Institutional and Rational Determinants of Organizational Practice - P Gooderham, O Nordhaug and K Ringdal Human Resource Management in European Firms Understanding HRM-Firm Performance Linkages - D E Bowen and C Ostroff The Role of the 'Strength' of the HRM System A Critical Assessment of the High Performance Paradigm - J Godard European Human Resource Management - W Mayrhofer and C Brewster Researching Developments over Time PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL HRM Human Resource Management and the American Dream - D Guest Strategic Human Resource Management - R S Schuler Linking the People with the Strategic Needs of the Business An Integrative Framework of Strategic International Human Resource Management - R S Schuler, P J Dowling and H De Cieri Towards a New Model of Globalizing HRM - C Brewster, P Sparrow and H Harris A Quarter-Century Review of Human Resource Management in the US - R S Schuler and S E Jackson The Growth in Importance of the International Perspective Volume Two HRM Practices and Procedures I PART ONE: SELECTION AND SOCIALIZATION OF EMPLOYEES Constructs and Assessment Center Dimensions - P R Sackett and G F Dreher Some Troubling Empirical Findings The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance - M R Barrick and M K Mount A Meta-Analysis Organizational Socialization as a Learning Process - C Ostroff and S W J Kozlowski The Role of Information Acquisition The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology - F L Schmidt and J E Hunter Practical and Theoretical Implications of 85 Years of Research Findings PART TWO: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT The Relationship of Performance Appraisal System Characteristics to Verdicts in Selected Employment Discrimination Cases - H S Feild and W H Holley A Cognitive View of the Performance Appraisal Process - A S DeNisi, T P Cafferty and B M Meglino Model and Research Propositions Outcome Expectancies of People Who Conduct Performance Appraisals - N Napier and G P Latham Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance - W C Borman and S J Motowildo Performance Management - D N Den Hartog, J P Boselie and J Paauwe A Model and Research Agenda A New Model of Work Role Performance - M A Griffin, A Neal and S K Parker Positive Behavior in Uncertain and Interdependent Contexts PART THREE: COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT SYSTEMS Effects of Compensation Strategy on Job Pay Decisions - C L Weber and S L Rynes Generalizability Analysis of a Point Method Job Evaluation System - S L Fraser, S F Cronshaw and R A Alexander A Field Study Productivity and Extra-Role Behavior - P M Wright et al The Effects of Goals and Incentives on Spontaneous Helping PART FOUR: HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Evaluating Training Programs - D L Kirkpatrick Evidence versus Proof The Effects of Psychologically Based Intervention Programs on Worker Productivity - R A Guzzo, R D Jette and R A Katzell A Meta-Analysis Individual Differences in Skill Learning - P L Ackerman An Integration of Psychometric and Information Processing Perspectives That's Not My Job - S K Parker, T D Wall and P R Jackson Developing Flexible Employee Work Orientations Volume Three HRM Practices and Procedures II PART ONE: TEAMWORKING AND WORK GROUPS The Dynamics of Interdependence in Organizations - D Tijosvold Time and Transition in Work Teams - C J G Gersick Toward a New Model of Group Development Work Groups and Teams in Organizations - S W J Kozlowski and B S Bell Work Group Diversity and Group Performance - D van Knippenberg, C K W De Dreu and A C Homan An Integrative Model and Research Agenda PART TWO: LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION Does the Transactional-Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend Organizational and National Boundaries? - B M Bass Culture-Specific and Cross-Culturally Generalizable Implicit Leadership Theories - D N Den Hartog et al Are Attributes of Charismatic/Transformational Leadership Universally Endorsed? A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Personality Traits and Leadership Perceptions - R G Lord, C L De Vader and G M Allinger An Application of Validity Generalization Procedures PART THREE: INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY The Social Psychology of Creativity - T M Amabile A Componential Conceptualization Personal Initiative at Work - M Frese et al Differences between East and West Germany Measuring Climate for Work Group Innovation - N R Anderson and M A West Development and Validation of the Team Climate Inventory PART FOUR: ORGANIZATION CULTURE, CLIMATE AND PERFORMANCE A Work-Values Approach to Corporate Culture - B M Meglino, E C Ravlin and C L Adkins A Field Test of the Value Congruence Process and Its Relationship to Individual Outcomes Violating the Psychological Contract - S L Robinson and D M Rousseau Not the Exception but the Nor Images of a Culture in Transition - J Langan-Fox and P Tan Personal Constructs of Organizational Stability and Change Climate Strength - B Schneider, A N Salvaggio and M Subirats A New Direction for Climate Research PART FIVE: STRESS, BURNOUT AND ORGANIZATION HEALTH Job Demands, Job Decision Latitude and Mental Strain - R Karasek The Measurement of Experienced Burnout - C Maslach and S E Jackson The Relationship between Coping and Emotion - S Folkman and R S Lazarus Implications for Theory and Research The Person-Environment Fit Approach to Stress - J R Edwards and C L Cooper Feeling Good-Doing Good - J M George and A P Brief A Conceptual Analysis of Mood at Work-Organizational Spontaneity Relationship Predicting Employee Life Satisfaction - P M Hart A Coherent Model of Personality, Work and Non-Work Experiences and Domain Satisfactions Volume Four Key Debates and the Future of HRM Globally PART ONE: THE UTILITY OF HRM REVISITED: ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVES Whither Industrial and Organizational Psychology in a Changing World of Work? - W F Cascio The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance - B Becker and B Gerhart Progress and Prospects Best Practice and Best Fit - J Purcell Chimera or Cul-de-Sac The Link between the Management of Employees and Patient Mortality in Acute Hospitals - M A West et al The Romance of Human Resource Management and Business Performance, and the Case for Big Science - T D Wall and S J Wood PART TWO: HRM AND ORGANIZATION STRATEGY Linking Competitive Strategies with Human Resource Management Practices - R S Schuler and S E Jackson Social Identity Theory and the Organization - B E Ashforth and F Mael Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management - J Delery and H Doty Tests of Universalistic, Contingency and Configurational Performance Predictions Issues of Fit in Strategic Human Resource Management - J E Delery Implications for Research Human Resources and the Resource-Based View of the Firm - P M Wright, B B Dunford and S A Snell Strategists and Strategy-Making - T J Watson Strategic Exchange and the Shaping of Individual Lives and Organizational Futures PART THREE: THE DEMISE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND THE FUTURE OF HRM From Control to Commitment in the Workplace - R E Walton 'Best Practice' Human Resource Management - M Marchington and I Grugulis Perfect Opportunity or Dangerous Illusion? The Changing Role of the Corporate HR Function in Global Organizations of the Twenty-First Century - M M Novicevic and M Harvey Human Resource Practices, Organizational Climate and Customer Satisfaction - K L Rogg et al New HR Metrics - R W Beatty, M A Huselid and C E Schneier Scoring on the Business Scorecard

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