Technology Studies


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Edited by Rayvon David Fouche
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Introduction - Rayvon Fouche Volume One Conceptualizing Technology The Question Concerning Technology - Martin Heidegger Technology - Leo Marx The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept From Innovation to Use - David Edgerton Ten Eclectic Theses on the History of Technology Reflexivity in Technology Studies - Christopher Hamlin Toward a Technology of Technology (and Science)? How Machines Make History, and How Historians (and Others) Help Them to Do So - Thomas J Misa Technik Comes to America - Eric Shatzberg Changing Meanings of Technology before 1930 The Technological Order - Jacques Ellul Technology and Science as Ideology - J[um]urgen Habermas Marx and the Machine - Donald MacKenzie Karl Marx and the Three Faces of Technological Determinism - Bruce Bimber On the Notion of Technology as Ideology - Robert B Pippin Prospects Do Machines Make History? - Robert Heilbroner Technological Momentum - Thomas Parke Hughes Hydrogenation in Germany, 1900-1933 Determinism and Indeterminancy in the History of Technology - Philip Scranton The Machine in the Garden - Leo Marx Volume Two Theorizing Technological Change The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts - Trevor J Pinch and Wiebe E Bijker Or, How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Empty - Langdon Winner Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Technology Users as Agents of Technological Change - Ronald Kline and Trevor J Pinch The Social Construction of the Automobile in the Rural United States The Social Construction of Technology - Hans K Klien and Daniel Lee Kleinmann Structural Considerations The Seamless Web - Thomas P Hughes Technology, Science, Etcetera, Etcetera Technology and Heterogeneous Engineering - John Law The Case of the Portuguese Expansion Technology Is Society Made Durable - Bruno Latour Mixing Humans and Non-Humans Together - Jim Johnson The Sociology of a Door-Closer Society in the Making - Michel Callon The Study of Technology as a Tool for Sociological Analysis The Turn to Technology in Social Studies of Science - Steve Woolgar From Fordism to Flexible Accumulations - David Harvey Impure Reason - Andrew Feenberg Technological Dramas - Bryan Pfaffenberger Machinic Heterogenesis - Felix Guattari Studying Obduracy in the City - Anique Hommels Toward a Productive Fusion between Technology Studies and Urban Studies Bourdieu, Technique and Technology - Jonathan Sterne Volume Three Politics of Technology Do Artifacts Have Politics? - Langdon Winner Do Politics Have Artifacts? - Bernward Joerges Do Artefacts Have Ambivalence? - Steve Woolgar and Geoff Cooper Scams Cannot Be Busted - Bernward Joerges Reply to Woolgar and Cooper From the Molar to the Molecular - Pierre L[ac]evy The Technology of Collective Intelligence Why the Future Doesn't Need Us - Bill Joy Cybernetics, Management Science and Technology Policy - Ronald R Kline The Emergence of 'Information Technology' as a Keyword, 1948-1985 The Immortal Mind - David F Noble Artificial Intelligence Welcome to Cyberia - Arturo Escobar Notes on the Anthropology of Cyberculture Four Puzzles from Cyberspace - Lawrence Lessig Emerging Sources of Labor on the Internet - Hector Postigo The Case of America Online Volunteers Bodies of Evidence - Sharon Traweek Law and Order, Sexy Machines and the Erotics of Fieldwork among Physicists Cybertyping and the Work of Race in the Age of Digital Reproduction - Lisa Nakamura Our Narcotic Modernity - Avital Ronell Technological Fetishism and the Techno-Cultural Unconscious - R L Rutsky Locating the Technological Real - Mark Hansen Volume Four Technology and Culture Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud - Rayvon Fouch[ac]e African Americans, American Artifactual Culture and Black Vernacular Technological Creativity Bleaching the Ethiopian - Carolyn Thomas de la Pena Desegregating Race and Technology through Early E-Ray Experiments African American Modernism and the Techno-Dialogic - Joel Dinerstein From John Henry to Duke Ellington The 'Industrial Revolution' in the Home - Ruth Schwartz Cowan Household Technology and Social Change in the 20th Century A Cyborg Manifesto - Donna Haraway Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the Late 20th Century Reading Cyborgs, Writing Feminism - Anne Balsamo Reading the Body in Contemporary Culture Unsettled Discourses - Ruth Oldenziel What Makes Washday Less Blue? Gender, Nation and Technology Choice in Post-War Canada - Joy Parr The Job Nobody Wanted - Rachel P Maines Astronauts in the Sperm World - Nelly Oudshoorn The Renegotiation of Masculine Identities in Discourses on Male Contraceptives Potency in All the Right Places - Laura Mamo and Jennifer R Fishman Viagra as a Technology of the Gendered Body Fertile Ground - Charis Thompson Feminist Theorize Reproductive Technologies Reflections on Gender and Technology Studies - Judy Wajcman In What State Is the Art? Sound Studies - Trevor J Pinch and Karin Bijsterveld New Technologies and Music Fragility and Noise - Albert Borgmann

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