Roberto Franzosi (PhD at Johns Hopkins, 1981) works at the intersection of sociology, history, linguistics, rhetoric, and computer science. He is working on two major projects: the rise of Italian fascism (1919-1922) and Georgia lynchings (1875-1935). To carry out these projects, based on thousands of newspaper articles, he has developed a computer-assisted approach to text (Quantitative Narrative Analysis, QNA), a software (PC-ACE), and has now moved to fully automated, computational linguistic approaches to text. He has published several books: Tropes and Figures (Routledge, 2017); Quantitative Narrative Analysis (SAGE, 2010); Content Analysis (4 vols; SAGE, 2008); From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science (CUP, 2004); The Puzzle of Strikes (CUP, 1995). Among recent articles are "Content Analysis" in Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics, edited by Wodak and Forchtner (Routledge, 2017) and "A Third Road to the Past? Historical Scholarship in the Age of Big Data" in Historical Methods (2018).
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Volume One What Is Content Analysis? Defining the Methodological Playing Field PART ONE: INTRODUCTION: CONTENT ANALYSIS - A QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE Why Be Quantitative? - Harold D Lasswell PART TWO: THE PRECURSORS The Content of Radio Programs, 1925-1935 - W Albig Methods for Analyzing the Content of Motion Pictures - E Dale How America Became Belligerent - H S Foster A Quantitative Study of War News PART THREE: THE TAKE-OFF PERIOD: SETTING THE METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS A Co-Efficient of Imbalance for Content Analysis - Irving L Janis and Raymond H Fadner The Reliability of Content Analysis Categories - Abraham Kaplan and Joseph M Goldsen Content Analysis and the Theory of Signs - Abraham Kaplan The Technique of Symbol Analysis (Content Analysis) - Harold D Lasswell Analyzing the Content of Mass Communication - Harold D Lasswell A Brief Introduction On Content Analysis - Nathan Leites and Ithiel de Sola Pool The Feasibility of the Use of Samples in Content Analysis - Alexander Mintz PART FOUR: FURTHER METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES Traditional, Interpretive and Reception-Based Content Analysis - A Ahuvia Improving the Ability of Content Analysis to Address Issues of Pragmatic and Theoretical Concern Ethnographic Content Analysis - David Altheide Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Content Analysis - Alexander L George Reliability in Coding Open-Ended Data - D J Hruschka et al Lessons Learned from HIV-Behavioral Research Reliability in Content Analysis - K Krippendorf Some Common Misconceptions and Recommendations Reliability in Cross-National Content Analysis - J Peter and E Lauf Measurement Models for Content Analysis - R P Weber Volume Two Refining the Playing Field: Methodological Advances PART FIVE: AUTOMATED AND STATISTICAL APPROACHES TO TEXT Becoming a Nazi - Peter S Bearman and Katherine Stovel Models for Narrative Networks Integrated Data for Events Analysis (IDEA) - D Bond et al An Event Typology for Automated Events Data Development Textual Statistics - France Guerin-Pace An Exploratory Tool for the Social Sciences Computerized Measurement of the Content Analysis of Natural Language for Use in Biomedical and Neuropsychiatric Research - Louis A Gottsclnalk and Robert Bechtel Estimating Policy Positions from Political Texts - Michael Laver and John Garry Marks of Distinction - J Z Namenwirth An Analysis of British Mass and Prestige Newspaper Editorials The Construction of Categories for Content Analysis Dictionaries - Philip J Stone et al PART SIX: LINGUISTIC-BASED APPROACHES Narrative Explanation - Peter Abell An Alternative to Variable-Centred Explanation? Coding Choices for Textual Analysis - Kathleen Carley A Comparison of Content Analysis and Map Analysis From Words to Numbers - Roberto Franzosi A Generalized and Linguistics-Based Coding Procedure for Collectiing Event-Data from Newspapers Linguistics Foundations for a Theory of Content Analysis - David G Hays Modeling Event Structures - David R Heise Toward the Integration of Content Analysis and General Methodology - John Markoff, Gilbert Shapiro and Sasha Weitman Other Than Counting Words - Carl W Roberts A Linguistic Approach to Content Analysis Linguistics and Content Analysis - Sol Saporta and Thomas A Sebeok Volume Three Applications: A Focus on Mass Media A Content Analysis of Content Analyses - D Riffe and A Freitag Twenty-Five Years of Journalism Quarterly PART SEVEN: THE PRESS, THE MEDIA AND THE NEWS Class, Gender and Race Poverty as We Know It - R A Clawson and R Trice Media Portrayals of the Poor Education, Employers and Class Mobility - M Jackson, J H Goldthorpe and C Mills Black Invisibility, the Press and the Los Angeles Riot - P B Johnson, D O Sears and J B McConahay Cultural Standards of Attractiveness - C Law and M P Labre A 30-Year Look at Changes in Male Images in Magazines A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Sexual Violence in the Bestselling Erotic Magazines - N M Malamuth and B Spinner War and Social Protest Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear War - William A Gamson and Andre Modigliani Photographic Coverage during the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in Three U S Newspapers - C King and P M Lester International Press Coverage of East German Protest Events, 1989 - Carol Mueller Framing the NATO Air Strikes on Kosovo across Countries - J Yang Comparison of Chinese and U S Newspaper Coverage Health Health-Related Content in Prime-Time Television Programming - C Byrd-Bredbenner, M Finckenor and D Grasso A Content Analysis of Alcohol Portrayal and Drinking in British Television Soap Operas - A Furnham et al Religion How Religious Is Religious Television Programming? - R Abelman and K Neuendorf Newspaper Coverage of Fundamentalist Christians, 1980-2000 - P A Kerr and P Moy Science Long-Term Trends in the Representations of Science across the Iron Curtain - M W Bauer et al Britain and Bulgaria, 1946-95 Content Analysis of New York Times Coverage of Space Issues for the Year 2000 - F Clark and D L Illman PART EIGHT: THE WEB AND THE INTERNET Global Activism in 'Virtual Space' - Tetyana Pudrovska and Myra Marx Ferree The European Women's Lobby in the Network of Transnational Women's NGOs on the Web Hyperlinking as Gatekeeping - D Dimitrova Online Newspaper Coverage of the Execution of an American Terrorist Who Do You Think You Are? Personal Home Pages and Self-Presentation on the World Wide Web - J R Dominick The Microscope and the Moving Target - S J McMillan The Challenge of Applying Content Analysis to the World Wide Web Interactive Disaster Communication on the Internet - M J Paul A Content Analysis of 64 Disaster Relief Home Pages Remembering Our Shared Past - C B Schwalbe Visually Framing the Iraq War on U S News Websites Volume Four From Advertising to Protest and Violence: Extending the Range of Applications PART NINE: ADVERTISING In the Pages of Ms - J H Ferguson, P J Kreshel and S F Tinkham Sex Role Portrayals of Women in Advertising Sex-Role Stereotyping in Television Commercials - A Furnham and T Mak A Review and Comparison of 14 Studies Done on Five Continents over 25 Years Sex Roles in Advertising - M C Gilly A Comparison of Television Advertisements in Australia, Mexico and the United States The Portrayal of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements - R Humphrey and H Schuman Images on Women in General Interest and Fashion Magazine Advertisements from 1955 to 2002 - K Lindner Intertwining of Campaign News and Advertising - Y Min The Content and Electoral Effects of Newspaper Ad Watches Content Analysis as a Predictive Methodology - J L Naccarato and K Neuendorf Recall, Readership and Evaluations of Business-to-Business Print Advertising The Informational Content of Cigarette Advertising - D J Ringold and J Calfee 1926-1986 A Cross-Cultural Study of Political Advertising in the United States and Korea - J Tak, L Lee Kaid and S Lee PART TEN: CULTURE Race and Gender in Music Videos - J D Brown and K Campbell The Same Beat but a Different Drummer American Character and the American Novel - W Griswold An Expansion of Reflection Theory in the Sociology of Literature Petitions and Prayers - E Katz et al A Content Analysis of Persuasive Appeals Culture and Conflict - B Pescosolido, E Grauerholz and Melissa Milkie The Portrayals of Blacks in U S Children's Picture Books through the Mid and Late 20th Century PART ELEVEN: POLITICAL DISCOURSE Old Right or New Right? The Ideological Positioning of Parties of the Far Right - A Cole Putting Parties in Their Place - Matthew J Gabel and John D Huber Inferring Party Left-Right Ideological Positions from Party Manifestos Data Verbal Shifts in the American Presidency - J W Prothro A Content Analysis Framing European Politics - H A Semetko and P M Valkenburg A Content Analysis of Press and Television News PART TWELVE: PROTEST AND VIOLENCE: APPLICATIONS OF LINGUISTICS-BASED TECHNIQUES Peasants Protest - J Markoff The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de Doleances of 1789 The Return of the Actor - Roberto Franzosi Interaction Networks among Social Actors during Periods of High Mobilization (Italy, 1919-1922)